Full Immersion Virtual Classroom - 72150 Puebla

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Full Immersion Virtual Classroom

Address :

De La C. Guadalajara 38-Planta Alta, Independencia, 72150 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8898
Website : https://eric-tesol.com/
Categories :
City : Pue.

De La C. Guadalajara 38-Planta Alta, Independencia, 72150 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Osvaldo Cerezo on Google

Yo no entendía ni una palabra en inglés, ahora llevo 1 año y 4 meses y puedo entender y mantener una conversación en inglés, muy buena escuela, gracias profesor.
I did not understand a word in English, now I have been 1 year and 4 months and I can understand and carry on a conversation in English, very good school, thank you teacher.
Mariana Cid on Google

Excelente! El maestro muy profesional y dedicado y te ayuda a alcanzar las metas profesionales que te propones.
Excellent! The very professional and dedicated teacher helps you achieve the professional goals that you set for yourself.
Mario Calixto on Google

Gran maestro, escuela y método de enseñanza. Las clases en línea, muy buenas, dinámicas y accesibles. A mi parecer, la mejor escuela de inglés, por mucho.
Great teacher, school and teaching method. Online classes, very good, dynamic and accessible. In my opinion, the best English school, by far.
Alexis Cerezo on Google

Llevo casi dos años tomando clases con el maestro y he mejorado muchísimo mi inglés, creo que es un método diferente a los demás. Es un gran proceso de enseñanza y muy efectivo.?
I have been taking classes with the teacher for almost two years and I have improved my English a lot, I think it is a different method from the others. It's a great teaching process and very effective.
Jesús R. Vega Macip on Google

Full Immersion Virtual Classroom es toda una experiencia educativa que supera a métodos tradicionales. Permite corregir errores de enseñanzas pasadas que complican el aprendizaje y se enfoca en puntos medulares de la lengua, permitiendo de manera interactiva y muy comprensiva hablar el idioma de manera correcta y crear las bases para una comunicación asertiva en distintas lenguas como son español, inglés y mandarín
Full Immersion Virtual Classroom is an educational experience that surpasses traditional methods. It allows correcting mistakes from past teachings that complicate learning and focuses on core points of the language, allowing interactive and very comprehensive way to speak the language correctly and create the basis for assertive communication in different languages ​​such as Spanish, English and Mandarin
Sandra Aguilar on Google

Excelente enseñanza del idioma Inglés con un maestro hablante nativo, quien no solo domina el idioma por ser nativo sino que conoce ampliamente como funciona el idioma y la metodologia para que aprendas ingles. Ademas de que te brinda la oportunidad de corregir muchos vicios y errores del idioma que se han enseñado y transmitido por mucho tiempo.
Excellent teaching of the English language with a native speaking teacher, who not only dominates the language by being native but also knows how the language and methodology works so that you learn English. Besides that it gives you the opportunity to correct many vices and errors of the language that have been taught and transmitted for a long time.
Leonardo Martinez on Google

Melhor professor de inglês que já tive, me mostrou o quão distante de um bom inglês estava e praticamente demoliu tudo o que aprendi errado. Me ajudou a reconstruir gradualmente o meu conhecimento, atuando em todas as deficiências que tive e me ajudando cada vez mais no meu desenvolvimento de uma segunda língua.
Best English teacher I ever had, showed me how far from good English I was and practically demolished everything I learned wrong. It helped me to gradually rebuild my knowledge, acting on all the deficiencies I had and helping me more and more in my development of a second language.
Pedro P L Canelas on Google

Excelente curso de inglês; recomendo fortemente, por diversos motivos. O professor é nativo, formado em ensino da língua inglesa e possui muitos anos de experiência na área. Além disso, o método de ensino funciona muito bem e foi muito útil para que eu pudesse corrigir erros de pronúncia e até melhorar bastante meu sotaque. Também contratei o curso preparatório para a prova do TOEFL e, com o preparo oferecido pelo Full Immersion Virtual Classroom, consegui alcançar uma nota altíssima de 117 (de um total de 120) nessa prova. Recomendo fortemente o curso e o professor Eric que além de ser um excelente profissional é também uma ótima pessoa!
Excellent English course; I strongly recommend it for several reasons. The teacher is native, trained in teaching the English language and has many years of experience in the area. In addition, the teaching method works very well and was very useful so I could correct pronunciation errors and even greatly improve my accent. I also hired the TOEFL test preparation course and, with the preparation offered by the Full Immersion Virtual Classroom, was able to reach a very high 117 (out of 120). I highly recommend the course and Professor Eric who besides being a great professional is also a great person!

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