Funeraria Cristo Rey - 44280 Guadalajara

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Funeraria Cristo Rey

Address :

C. Belén 531, Centro Barranquitas, 44280 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Belén 531, Centro Barranquitas, 44280 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Chely Medina on Google

Muy buen servicio
Very good service
ceciann payso on Google

Quedé muy satisfecha con el traslado hasta Texas, exelente servicio de calidad ., muchas gracias .
I was very satisfied with the transfer to Texas, excellent quality service. Thank you very much.
Diego Reyes Solano on Google

Muy mal servicio del dueño, prepotente grosero con falta de respeto, ataúd sucio y viejo, solo se aprovechan para poder sacar dinero
Very poor service from the owner, arrogant rude with disrespect, dirty and old coffin, they only take advantage to get money
Edgar García Reynoso on Google

Pesimo servicio muy inconscientes siempre a la defensiva y contesta de malas a las preguntas que se le hacen
Terrible service, very unconscious, always on the defensive and answers badly to the questions that are asked
Mariela Luna on Google

Muy mal servicio, el que nos atendió muy grosero sólo se aprovechan de la situación y del dolor ajeno les sugiero buscar cualquier otra opción.
Very bad service, the one who attended us very rude only take advantage of the situation and the pain of others I suggest you look for any other option.
Elizabeth Luna on Google

Pésimo servicio. No pierdan el tiempo, está no es una buena opción a elegir. Funeraria con personal altamente capacitado para hacerte perder tiempo y dinero, a costa de lucrar con el dolor ajeno.
Terrible service. Don't waste your time, this is not a good option to choose. Funeral home with highly trained staff to make you lose time and money, at the cost of profiting from the pain of others.
The Equalizer on Google

Terrible servicio, robo y abuso del dolor ajeno. Ni por donde empezar, esta clase de personas estan al acecho afuera de los hospitales, donde desde el interior ya los medicos y personal estan de acuerdo (seguramente bajo comisión) para en cuanto tu paciente fallece enseguida le dan el pitazo a uno de estos vividores para que te aborden, te marean en que es barato, que ellos hacen todos los tramites,etc. Tu estas enmedio de tu dolor y les dices que si con tal de que todo sea lo menos doloroso posible....ohh gran error. Tuve la desgracia de que un familia mio falleciera en un hospital (negligencia medica por cierto), afuera ya nos estaba esperando uno de estos tipos (que por cierto andan con radio y camioneta pretendiendo ser judiciales), verbeandote que ellos te van a hacer todos los tramites,etc, te quieren cobrar por todo, ademas MUY MUY caro. En mi caso nos cobraron 18,000 pesos por un servicio PESIMO que a lo sumo valdria 8 mil pesos, no nos apoyaron con los tramites, nos mintieron en que ellos harian ciertas gestiones, nuestro familiar nos lo retuvieron 3 dias (siendo que ellos aseguraban que no seria asi, por eso nos fuimos con ellos en primer lugar). La carroza nefasta, horrible, vieja, chocada, todo le sonaba, cayendose a pedazos. La capilla de velacion (frente al panteon civil) es de lo peor, es basicamente el patio de una casa convertida en capilla, parece cueva de dracula, horrible, de lo mas asquerosa que puedan imaginar, los baños ni agua tenian. Te dan cafe frio y una caja de galletas (UNA caja de 8 paquetes, de esas de 20 pesos). Sillones rotos. Es un asco. Y si esto fuera poco, te quieren exprimir por cada cosa, por ejemplo el tipo que dizque nos estaba "apoyando" con los tramites nos dijo que el servicio NO incluia caja para las cenizas y que solo se nos entregaria nuestro familiar en una bolsa transparente de plastico, ¿pueden creerlo?, por lo que pedia 600 pesos mas, ah pero oh sorpresa, al ir a pedir la factua a la que parece que si es la dueña, ella nos dijo que si incluia la caja de las cenizas, cuando el chofer nefasto nos dijo que no, tan solo por sacarnos el dinero. Y justo cuando creyeron que no podia ser peor, si lo fue, pues resulta que el dia que nos debieron de entregar las cenizas nos llama el "asesor" y nos dice que no iba a tener tiempo de ir por ellas para entregarlas, asi que tuvimos que ir nosotros al crematorio por ellas. En resumen: Eviten este lugar a toda costa y todos los que estan alrededor de los hospitales, tengan mejor otro servicio con alguien que ya conozcan, pues estas personas son estafadoras, literalmente buitres que se alimentan de los muertos. Mejor vayan al IJAS si no tienen recursos, por 5,000 pesos superan en calidad, limpieza y servicio a esta nefasta, carroñera y bodria seudo funeraria.
Terrible service, theft and abuse of the pain of others. Nor where to start, this kind of people are lurking outside the hospitals, where from the inside and the doctors and staff agree (surely under commission) for as soon as your patient dies they immediately give the whistle to one of these livelihoods so that they approach you, they make you dizzy that it is cheap, that they do all the paperwork, etc. You are in the middle of your pain and you tell them that if everything is as painless as possible ... ohh big mistake. I had the misfortune that a family of mine died in a hospital (medical negligence by the way), outside one of these guys was already waiting for us (who by the way are with a radio and a truck pretending to be judicial), saying they are going to do you all the paperwork, etc, they want to charge you for everything, also VERY VERY expensive. In my case they charged us 18,000 pesos for a HORRIBLE service that would be worth at most 8,000 pesos, they did not support us with the paperwork, they lied to us that they would do certain steps, our family member they held us for 3 days (being that they assured that they would not It would be like that, that's why we went with them in the first place). The nefarious, horrible, old, crashed float, everything sounded to him, falling apart. The vigil chapel (in front of the civil pantheon) is the worst, it is basically the patio of a house converted into a chapel, it looks like a dracula's cave, horrible, the most disgusting you can imagine, the bathrooms did not have water. They give you cold coffee and a box of cookies (ONE box of 8 packages, of those 20 pesos). Broken armchairs. It sucks. And if this were not enough, they want to squeeze you for everything, for example the guy who said he was "supporting" us with the paperwork told us that the service did NOT include a box for the ashes and that only our family member would be delivered to us in a transparent bag made of plastic, can you believe it ?, so she asked for 600 pesos more, ah but oh surprise, when she went to ask for the invoice to which it seems that if she is the owner, she told us that she did include the ash box, when the ill-fated driver told us no, just to get our money. And just when they believed that it could not be worse, if it was, because it turns out that the day they should have given us the ashes, the "advisor" called us and told us that he would not have time to go for them to deliver them, so we had to go to the crematorium for them. In summary: Avoid this place at all costs and all those who are around the hospitals, better have another service with someone you already know, because these people are scammers, literally vultures that feed on the dead. Better go to the IJAS if you don't have resources, for 5,000 pesos they surpass this nefarious, scavenger and pseudo-funeral home in quality, cleanliness and service.
Maria Morales ortega on Google

Pésimo servicio y muy caro el servicio para lo que ofrecen. Mi hermano falleció en cruz roja de toluquilla y los agentes fueron unos corruptos precionaron para que contrataramos los servicios a esta funeraria en ese momento no teníamos el dinero nos citó a las 9:00 am el que primero se identificó como médico forense después resultó que era Lic de la funeraria Al llegar a su oficina le mensionamos que no llevaba todo el dinero y dijo eso hubieran dicho desde ayer para no hacer ningún trámite y dijo aquí se detiene todo hasta que traigan todo completo y me dijo que me podía acusar de fraude por no tener todo el dinero y le suplicamos que nos dieran unas horas después de estar suplicando asecto después de ahí fue estar llame y llama y amenazando que si no depositamos atrasaría la carroza antes de contratar ahí busquen otra opción que no les pase por estar con su dolor caigan en esta funeraria
Terrible service and very expensive service for what they offer. My brother died in the red cross of Toluquilla and the agents were corrupt, they pressed for us to hire the services to this funeral home at that time we did not have the money, he summoned us at 9:00 am the one who first identified himself as a forensic doctor later it turned out that it was Lic from the funeral home When we got to his office we mentioned that he did not have all the money and he said that they would have said since yesterday to not do any paperwork and he said here everything stops until they bring everything complete and he told me that he could accuse me of fraud for not have all the money and we begged them to give us a few hours after begging, so after there it was to call and call and threaten that if we did not deposit the float would be delayed before hiring there they look for another option that does not happen to be with their pain fall in this funeral home

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