Funeraria "EVA" - 91110 Xalapa-Enríquez

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Funeraria "EVA"

Address :

Ismael Cristein 411, Rafael Lucio, 91110 Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Website :
Categories :
City : Ver.

Ismael Cristein 411, Rafael Lucio, 91110 Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver., Mexico
Montano Tv on Google

Excelente servicio
Excellent service
Gabino Cruz Rodriguez on Google

Muy caro
Very expensive
Mayra Cruz Santos on Google

Excelente servicio y muy buena asesoría.
Excellent service and very good advice.
Gustavo Sosa Balan (TiShop) on Google

Excelente servicio, hace más fáciles los momentos más difíciles
Excellent service, makes the most difficult moments easier
Ali García on Google

Muy bien servicio, te apoyan en todo precios para varios bolsillos, muy amables los recomiendo
Very good service, they support you in all prices for several pockets, very kind I recommend them
Erick O. on Google

Pésimo servicio, son unos buitres. No tienen formas ni empatía por la situación, lo único que quieren es sacarte dinero a toda costa. Incluso acabado de fallecer mi familiar estuvieron esperando afuera de la casa, tocando la puerta para que les firmáramos que ellos iban a dar el servicio, importándoles el negocio nada más y aprovechándose del momento sensible que estábamos pasando. Ni siquiera nos dejaban despedirnos, lo que querían era dinero los buitres estos. Con respecto a su pésimo servicio, su camioneta es vieja, ni siquiera le abre bien la puerta. Son unos mezquinos, después de que cobraron de más (comparando con otras funerarias de verdadero prestigio, algo que hicimos posteriormente por su mal servicio, nos dimos cuenta que nos querían ver la cara con los precios) por si fuera poco, ellos mismo nos ofrecen el servicio de cremación en veracruz, pero nos llevan por la libre para no gastarse 100 pesos de casetas, dándonos de vueltas y avanzando a 10 por hora por los múltiples trailers qué hay en el camino. Esto después de haber cremado a nuestro familiar! Es el colmo del descaro esta gente, aparte te sacan costos que aún cobrando de más no te los incluyen, costos mezquinos como de 100 o 200 pesos dentro del proceso que se lleva a cabo postmortem. Lo que quiere es sangrarte lo más que puedan! No recomiendo ni un poco esta gente. Te deprime mas ver su trato utilitario, interesado, frío y mezquino. No es un servicio empatico y mucho menos profesional, son unos hambreados. Aún debo añadir que nosotros elegimos tener a nuestro familiar en nuestra propia urna, pero importándoles un bledo, nos querían aún así cobrar la urna que ellos incluyen porque ya habíamos contratado su supuesto paquete en donde no hay un desglose de servicios, porque, pues claro, al sapo la pedrada. Mucho cuidado con esta gente, quieren dinero, no quieren ayudar. Buitres!! Quien lea esto se preguntara porque los contratamos a pesar de su actitud. La realidad es que estábamos destrozados, es gente que se aprovecha de la catástrofe, lucra con la catástrofe a todo descaro. Solo queríamos tener a nuestro familiar en casa sin pasar por más tormento, pero no fue así. Esta gente es la prueba de la codicia en todo su esplendor.
Terrible service, they are vultures. They have no forms or empathy for the situation, all they want is to get money out of you at all costs. Even after my family died, they were waiting outside the house, knocking on the door for us to sign that they were going to provide the service, just importing the business from them and taking advantage of the sensitive moment we were going through. They didn't even let us say goodbye, what they wanted was the vultures. Regarding his lousy service, his truck is old, he doesn't even open the door well for him. They are mean, after they overcharged (comparing with other funeral parlors of real prestige, something we did later because of their poor service, we realized that they wanted to see our faces with the prices) to make matters worse, they themselves offer us the cremation service in veracruz, but they take us by the free one so as not to spend 100 pesos of booths, turning us around and advancing at 10 per hour by the multiple trailers that are on the road. This after having cremated our relative! It is the height of impudence these people, apart from they take out costs that even if they overcharge, they do not include them, petty costs such as 100 or 200 pesos within the process that is carried out postmortem. What he wants is to bleed you as much as they can! I do not recommend these people one bit. It depresses you more to see his utilitarian, interested, cold and petty treatment. It is not an empathetic service and much less professional, they are hungry. I still have to add that we chose to have our family member in our own ballot box, but giving them a damn, they still wanted to charge us the ballot box that they include because we had already contracted their supposed package where there is no breakdown of services, because, of course , to the la pedrada. Be very careful with these people, they want money, they don't want to help. Vultures !! Whoever reads this will wonder why we hired them despite their attitude. The reality is that we were devastated, they are people who take advantage of the catastrophe, profit with the catastrophe with all cheek. We just wanted to have our family member home without going through more torment, but it didn't. These people are the test of greed in all its glory.
Rock Mora on Google

Muy buenos precios, excelente servicio y realmente se encargan de todo
Very good prices, excellent service and they really take care of everything
Thais Toral on Google

Pocos profesionales como ellos. Me hicieron todos los trámites en el peor momento para mi. No me tuve que preocupar de nada. 100% recomendable. Excelente servicio y precios muy accesibles. Mil gracias.
Few professionals like them. They did all the paperwork at the worst time for me. I didn't have to worry about anything. 100% recommendable. Excellent service and very affordable prices. Thank you.

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