G500 Gas Station - Carr. Picacho-Ajusco

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact G500 Gas Station

Address :

Entronque, Carr. Picacho-Ajusco, Héroes de Padierna, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Héroes de Padierna

Entronque, Carr. Picacho-Ajusco, Héroes de Padierna, Mexico
Iveth Altayr Gonzalez on Google

Esta gasolinera es de la que considero que roba menos que las otras, yo siempre cargo de 20 o 40 litros y es la del rumbo la que más me rinde solo que como cambian al personal a veces te tocan amables y a veces no.
This gas station is the one that I consider to steal less than the others, I always carry 20 or 40 liters and it is the one on the course that pays the most for me, only as they change the staff sometimes they touch you nice and sometimes not.
Margarita Santillana on Google

Solo he pasado por ahi
I've only been there
Eduardo López on Google

Anteriormente le había otorgado una buena calificación; pero en días pasados, al ir a cargar gasolina, me percate que la bomba empezó a marcar, ¡pero el despachador no había introducido aún, la manguera en el deposito de la gasolina! Es decir que, cuando te dicen: "la bomba en ceros" y empieza a marcar, no inmediatamente sale combustible. Échale una checada; yo por lo pronto, no vuelvo a cargar ahí. Ccp. PROFECO
He had previously given it a good grade; But in the past days, when I went to refuel, I noticed that the pump began to dial, but the dispenser had not yet inserted the hose into the fuel tank! In other words, when they tell you: "the pump at zero" and it starts dialing, fuel does not immediately come out. Take a look; For now, I will not load there again. Ccp. PROPHEC
Raul Garcia on Google

Compra en pemex es mas barata la gasolina y consumamos lo mex3
Buy in pemex gasoline is cheaper and we consume the mex3
Miros R. on Google

No cargan nada de gasolina, no sube nada el tanque le puse $200 y no subio nada, te echan puro aire, no carguen en esta gas, son bien rateros!
They don't load any gasoline, the tank doesn't go up, I put $200 on it and nothing went up, they give you pure air, don't load up on this gas, they're thieves!
Adrian Vazquez on Google

Se debe tener mucho cuidado con esta Gas, en 25/12 llene tanque, tenía 1/4 y a $20.89 paque más que mi gasolinera regular en la que estaba a $21.55 en reserva. Son de esos rateritos.
You must be very careful with this Gas, on 12/25 fill the tank, it had 1/4 and $ 20.89 more than my regular gas station where it was $ 21.55 in reserve. They are one of those pickpockets.
Jikuen on Google

Carlos Nieto Parra on Google


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