Gas Modelo S.A de C.V - 62210 Cuernavaca

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Gas Modelo -

Gas Modelo tiene una capacidad de almacenar y suministrar 759,000 litros distribuidos en 3 tanques fijos.

Gas Modelo -

Horarios de Atención Telefónica

Lunes a Sabado de 7:00 am a 19:00 pmDomingo de 7:00 am a 15:00 pm

Contact Gas Modelo S.A de C.V

Address :

Carretera Cuernavaca Km 1., Tepoztlan 5, Chamilpa, 62210 Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
Website :
Categories :
City : Mor.

Carretera Cuernavaca Km 1., Tepoztlan 5, Chamilpa, 62210 Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
G Aguilar on Google

La persona que toma los pedidos tiene CERO actitud de servicio al cliente. Hablé hace dos horas para pedir mi servicio, hace 40 munutos llame para ver si ya venian, me dijeron que si que no me preocupara. Vuelvo a marcar para preguntar si va a tardar porque tengo que salir y de forma muy altanera me dicen que lo acabo de pedir hace 30 minutos!, casi casi que deje de estar molestando!!, le explico que llevo DOS HORAS en espera y me niega la informacion y ME CUELGA... Me considero una persona educada y paciente, asi que no me imagino como se comportan con alguien que se pone a su altura...He leido más comentarios y no soy la unica que la han atendido mal por la señorita que toma los pedidos, ya deberian hacer algo no creen??
The person taking the orders has ZERO customer service attitude. I spoke two hours ago to ask for my service, 40 minutes ago I called to see if they were coming, they told me that I should not worry. I dial again to ask if it will take time because I have to leave and in a very haughty way they tell me that I just asked for it 30 minutes ago! I almost stopped being bothering !!, I explain that I have been waiting for TWO HOURS and I She denies the information and HANGS ME UP ... I consider myself a polite and patient person, so I can't imagine how they behave with someone who is at their level ... I've read more comments and I'm not the only one who has treated her badly For the lady who takes the orders, they should already do something, don't you think?

Muy buen servicio llegan rapido
Very good service arrive quickly
Yobam Peña on Google

No dan buen servicio se atienen aque no tienen competencia no despachan lo que uno les pide si lleva poco gas no te despachan
They do not give good service, they adhere to those who have no competition, they do not dispatch what one asks of them, if they have little gas, they do not dispatch you
Yair Hdez on Google

Tengan cuidado, yo deje de comprales ya que un tanque de gas de 30 kilos me duro 20 dias, (cabe destacar que nunca estoy en casa y compro comida fuera de casa), me entere que de 1 tanque de gas, ellos rellenan dos, son unos rateros y prepotentes.
Be careful, I stopped buying them since a 30-kilo gas tank lasted me 20 days, (it should be noted that I am never at home and buy food away from home), I found out that from 1 gas tank, they fill two, They are thieves and arrogant.
Daniela Quiñonez on Google

¡Pésimo servicio! Los repartidores no usan cubrebocas, son unos irresponsables. Descomponen los reguladores y no se hacen responsables. La señora que atiende el teléfono es una inepta que no sabe nada de atención a clientes.
Terrible service! The delivery men do not wear face masks, they are irresponsible. They break down the regulators and are not held accountable. The lady who answers the phone is an inept person who knows nothing about customer service.
leticia sevilla on Google

Aguas con sus tanques porque los venden casi vacíos y cuando decides quejarte directamente a corporativo se lavan las manos, ni el operador (apaga su celular para que ya no lo llames) ni la empresa te da solución hacen pensar que son cómplices en el robo de gas. No es justo no son conscientes de la necesidad por la pandemia, los costos son muy elevados y encima de todo roban
Waters with their tanks because they sell them almost empty and when you decide to complain directly to corporate they wash their hands, neither the operator (he turns off his cell phone so that you no longer call him) nor the company gives you a solution, they make you think that they are accomplices in the theft of gas. It is not fair they are not aware of the need for the pandemic, the costs are very high and above all they steal
elda rodriguez on Google

Venden menos cantidad de gas, un tanque de 30 kilos me dura dos meses, es para dos personas y con ellos dura un mes 3 días, se justifican que hay fuga de gas, cuando no la hay.
They sell less amount of gas, a 30-kilo tank lasts two months, it is for two people and with them lasts for a month 3 days, they justify that there is a gas leak, when there is none.


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