Gayosso | Parque Funeral Colonias - 45010 Zapopan

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gayosso | Parque Funeral Colonias

Address :

Av. Ignacio L. Vallarta 6501, Granja, 45010 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Miguel Moreno on Google

Gayosso vende sus paquetes funerarios con la seguridad que cuando se vaya a ocupar los gastos serán mínimos. Y lamentablemente resulta todo lo contrario, ya son varias las veces que nos ocurre y tan cínicos como siempre.
Gayosso sells its funeral packages with the certainty that when it goes to occupy the expenses will be minimal. And unfortunately it turns out quite the opposite, it has happened to us several times and as cynical as ever.
Laura Elena Iñiguez on Google

Una verdadera lástima que hayan hecho mantenimiento en la Capilla minutos antes de la Misa, el olor a barniz o thiner era insoportable. Cómo yo padezco Époc, no pude ingresar y junto con otras personas que también tienen problemas de salud, mi sobrino que es asmático y mi hermana con problemas respiratorios y otras personas más, no pudimos participar y permanecimos afuera de la Capilla.
A real pity that they did maintenance on the Chapel minutes before Mass, the smell of varnish or thinner was unbearable. As I suffer from COPD, I could not enter and together with other people who also have health problems, my nephew who is asthmatic and my sister with respiratory problems and other people, we could not participate and we stayed outside the Chapel.
Enrique Gonzalez on Google

Luce bastante descuidado, me queda claro que los dueños de las propiedades son responsables de las mismas, pero pasillo con basura, tumbas sin tapas lo cual es muy peligroso, no se ve nada de mantenimiento
It looks quite neglected, it is clear to me that the owners of the properties are responsible for them, but a corridor with garbage, graves without covers which is very dangerous, you do not see any maintenance
Ramon Diaz on Google

El servicio deja mucho que desear , teniendo un Paquete Funeral con ellos , y la semana pasada que se tuvo la necesidad de utilizar tristemente dicho paquete, salieron con la garrafalada de que el COSTO DEL PAQUETE había quedado OBSOLETO y que teníamos que pagar otro servicio ............. se nota que la mencionadisima PANDEMIA , solo los hizo menos humanos y lo que hacen es solo COMERCIALIZAR con su negocio
The service leaves much to be desired, having a Funeral Package with them, and last week when they sadly needed to use said package, they came out with the blunder that the COST OF THE PACKAGE had become OBSOLETE and that we had to pay for another service. ............ it is noted that the aforementioned PANDEMIC, only made them less human and what they do is only COMMERCIALIZE with their business
Ana Gaby Perez on Google

Ahora que están remodelando, hay que tener más atención con el estacionamiento. Los que salíamos nos topamos con los que iban entrando y se convirtió en un nudo vial. Dos autos nos cerraron el paso y los demás quedaron atorados.
Now that they are remodeling, you have to pay more attention to the parking lot. Those of us who were leaving ran into those who were entering and it became a road junction. Two cars blocked our way and the others got stuck.
Todos Tocan Rodrigo MegaCreativo on Google

Pésimo lugar para tu pena de la muerte de tu ser querido... Cobran carisisismo y el servicio a los dolientes que es necesario un pequeño refrigerio... "SE LES ACABARON LOS REFRESCOS... Y la cocacola no habré hasta el lunes... Eso me dijeron.. Los panes viejos duetos y sin sabor.. Parece que compran de lo más corriente para sus clientes.. . Y la cajita para las cenizas horrible... Se tubo que comprar otra diferente... Contraten en otra agencia funeraria... Ya no es lo que era antes... Ya no tienen humanidad... Solo se les ve... El. PURO NEGOCIO... Vayan a otro lugar
Terrible place for your sorrow for the death of your loved one... They charge charisisismo and the service to the mourners that a small snack is necessary... "THEY ARE OUT OF SOFT DRINKS... And the coke will not be available until Monday. ... That's what they told me... The old breads duets and without flavor... It seems that they buy the most common for their clients... And the horrible box for the ashes... They had to buy a different one... Hire in another funeral agency... It's not what it was before... They no longer have humanity... You only see them... Him. PURE BUSINESS... Go somewhere else
felipe montes de oca on Google

Victoria Alegria on Google

Servicip Vip...

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