General Directorate for Prevention and Social Rehabilitation - 50080 Toluca de Lerdo

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Contact General Directorate for Prevention and Social Rehabilitation

Address :

Constituyentes Pte. 902, Barrio de la Merced, 50080 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Méx.

Constituyentes Pte. 902, Barrio de la Merced, 50080 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico
Angy NeBa on Google

Alexis Murillo on Google

Carlitos Evaristo on Google

Germán González on Google

mercedes alvarez cantero on Google


Juana Chavez Acosta on Google

Mi esposo entró a trabajar como custodio en el estado de México duro 19 años de servicio pero apesar de su buena conducta era objeto de malos tratos y vejaciones por parte del director de seguridad un tal coronel que ingresó a principios del 2016 el trato que se da a a el personal de seguridad es con acaso laboral ya de un día a otro los mandan a cursos o comisiones que se necesitan ir de un lugar astro como el estado de México es muy grande se ven presionados y Obligados a hacistir sin contar con la documentación adecuada el hecho es que renunció por que ya le estaba a afectando en su salud y ahora nos encontramos con los trámites para su retiro y en la dirección general de reclusorios, nos tienen desde las 10 de la mañana para que le liberen su pago ya son las 5 de la tarde ojala logre arreglar su trámite autoridades de México no nos maltraten somos mexicanos que tenemos dignidad por favor no nos humillan gracias ??Desgraciadamente mente mi esposo entro a trabajar como custodio en el estado de México duro 19 años de servicio y decidió renunciar por malos tratos por parte de el director
My husband went to work as a custodian in the state of Mexico for 19 years of service but despite his good behavior he was subjected to mistreatment and harassment by the security director of a certain colonel who entered the treatment given in early 2016 aa the security staff is perhaps with labor and from one day to another they are sent to courses or commissions that need to go from a star place as the state of Mexico is very large they are pressured and forced to do without having the proper documentation the fact is that he resigned because he was already affecting his health and now we find the procedures for his retirement and in the general direction of prisoners, they have us from 10 in the morning to release his payment since they are 5 in the afternoon I hope I manage to fix your procedure authorities of Mexico do not mistreat us we are Mexicans that we have dignity please do not humiliate us thanks ?? Unfortunately my husband went to work As a custodian in the state of Mexico, he lasted 19 years of service and decided to resign from mistreatment by the director
Alondra Nataly Monter on Google

hola me interesa mucho saber el numero telefónico ya que el publicado al parecer no es correcto nadie me contesta y lo e estado intentando una semana competita esperando tener suerte me urge comunicarme para poder aclarar unas dudas es muy importante para mi
Hello, I am very interested in knowing the phone number since the published apparently is not correct, nobody answers me and I have been trying a competitive week waiting for luck

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