General Hospital Agustín O 'Horan - 97000 Mérida

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact General Hospital Agustín O 'Horan

Address :

Avenida Itzaes s/n x Av Centro Jacinto Canek, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9999
Categories :
City : Yuc.

Avenida Itzaes s/n x Av Centro Jacinto Canek, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Ando preguntado por un pariente que se interno y nadie que me ayude llamo a los teléfonos de la trabajadora social y tiene su línea descolgada Igual llame a atención y también descolgada Como uno puede saber así? Nadie te responde Vas a preguntar directo al hospital y te sacan que hasta las 11 dan información llegas 11 y quieres hablar con la trabajadora social y nadamas te hacen esperar y ni te atienden san las 2 y la trabajadora social que ya se va y tú que? Nadie sale a ayudarte y tu enfermo allí sigue en verdad que que mala atención tiene
I am asking for a relative who was interned and no one to help me called the social worker's phones and her line was off the hook Just call attention and also off the hook How can one know like this? Nobody answers you You are going to ask the hospital directly and they tell you that until 11 o'clock they give information, you arrive at 11 o'clock and you want to talk to the social worker and they just make you wait and they don't even take care of you at 2 o'clock and the social worker who is already leaving and you what? Nobody comes out to help you and your patient is still there in truth that what bad care he has
Guadalupe Bates Azcorra on Google

Desde el 8 de noviembre estoy intentado pedir una cita y no contestan, voy al hospital y no te quieren dar una fecha para la cita -donde se suponen dan citas- porque tiene que ser por teléfono y el guardia no deja pasar. Como voy a tener cita si no contestan?
Since November 8 I have been trying to make an appointment and they do not answer, I go to the hospital and they do not want to give you a date for the appointment -where they are supposed to give appointments- because it has to be by phone and the guard does not let you pass. How am I going to have an appointment if they don't answer?
Miguel Vivas on Google

El Hospital General Agustín O'Horan es filial del imss y si eres derechohabiente te pueden tratar en éste lugar con previa identificación o carnet de consulta. Hay médicos especialistas, consultas con médico familiar, sala de urgencias y área de oncología. El trato y atención se ha caracterizado buena a trves de los años en este nosocomio.
The Agustín O'Horan General Hospital is a subsidiary of the imss and if you are the rightful beneficiary you can be treated in this place with a prior identification or consultation card. There are specialist doctors, consultations with family doctor, emergency room and oncology area. The treatment and attention has been well characterized over the years in this hospital.
yoatzinii del rio on Google

Cuando hubo la posibilidad de ingresar a mi hijo de 3 años aquí, la verdad, me asusté, pero ahora escribo esto para reconocer, que al menos en él área de urgencias pediátricas, me equivoqué porque la atención fue de 100, de verdad que tienen un personal profesional y atento, no puse 5 estrellas porque las instalaciones que son compartidas con urgencias de adultos son terribles
When there was the possibility of admitting my 3-year-old son here, to be honest, I was scared, but now I write this to acknowledge that, at least in the pediatric emergency area, I was wrong because the attention was 100, they really have a professional and attentive staff, I did not put 5 stars because the facilities that are shared with adult emergencies are terrible
Jeremy Prieto on Google

Pésimo hospital aquí te tratan muy mal se olvidan de los paciente ahorren dinero o aquí te matan gratis los pasantes y los doctores les valen las personas te tratan peor que un perro de la calle yo solo vine x q mi trabajo solo AKI tenía convenio pero hoy me muevo de este hospital aquí no tienes la atención adecuada y necesaria así puede morir de dolor con la cirujía y te dan paracetamol para el dolor es una gran estupidez.asi que es horrible este hospital aparte que si te pasa la anestecia en el quirófano siente como te corta parte y mueven tus intestino hasta cuándo te costuran es un hospital del terror
Terrible hospital here they treat you very badly they forget about the patients save money or here they kill you for free the interns and the doctors don't care people treat you worse than a street dog I only came because my work only AKI had an agreement but today I I moved from this hospital here you do not have the adequate and necessary care so you can die of pain with the surgery and they give you paracetamol for the pain it is a great stupidity. So this hospital is horrible apart from that if you pass the anesthesia in the operating room it feels like they cut part of you and they move your intestines until when they sew you up it's a hospital of terror
Andrés Novelo on Google

Servicio eficiente a duras. Todo el proceso dentro del inmueble es lento y mucho personal no está capacitado. Al parecer, a pesar de su ampliación, sigue sufriendo por falta de material y disponibilidad de camas y demás salones médicos. Eso sí, ciertas áreas huelen muy mal.
Efficient service to harsh. The entire process within the property is slow and many staff are not trained. Apparently, despite its expansion, it continues to suffer from a lack of material and availability of beds and other medical rooms. Of course, certain areas smell very bad.
Lenny Cetz Burgos on Google

Mala, inhumano que dejen a las personas de urgencias paradas en el. Sol 2 hrs para informes... Mientras ellas en. Clima y sentadas.. Sucio todo el frente.. Son seres humanos no animales...
Bad, inhumane that they leave emergency people standing in it. Sol 2 hrs for reports... While they in. Climate and sitting.. Dirty all over the front.. They are human beings not animals...
Jose Guzman on Google

For my experience there are good doctors and good students too they got the job done and I got better and a good fair price...

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