General Hospital of Zone # 18 IMSS - 77730 Playa del Carmen

3.5/5 ★ based on 8 reviews

Contact General Hospital of Zone # 18 IMSS

Address :

Calle Av Petempich 2376, 77730 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98877
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Categories :
City : Q.R.

Calle Av Petempich 2376, 77730 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Soledad Romero on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

La atencion de los Medicos es excelente. Pero la de los guardias, que se sienten dueños del hospital es pesima. Les preguntas y te contestan de mala gana. Se me quedo mi cartera en la banca del hospital con 2100 pesos y unos dolares , y cuando volvi el guardia me la entrego sin un peso. Ojala contrataran mas gente honesta y con ganas de trabajar.
The attention of the Doctors is excellent. But that of the guards, who feel like they own the hospital, is terrible. You ask them and they reluctantly answer you. I kept my wallet on the hospital bench with 2,100 pesos and a few dollars, and when the guard came back he gave it to me without a peso. Hopefully they will hire more honest people who want to work.
Chef Cjrfit on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

pesima comida. sobrr saturation de pacientes. falta de comunicaciĂłn por parte del personal en fin mal
lousy food. over saturation of patients. lack of communication by the staff in short bad
Abby Ibarra on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Quiero agradecer al Sub director el Dr. Burgos que a pesar que tiene muchĂ­simo trabajo, se tomĂł el tiempo de ayudarme. Y a las enfermeras que hacen un excelente trabajo. Bendiciones! ???
I want to thank the Deputy Director for Dr. Burgos who, despite having a lot of work, took the time to help me. And to the nurses who do an excellent job. Blessings! ???
Lizbeth Ruelas on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Es pésima la atención en el banco de sangre. Mala organización, llegan a desayunar, tarda mås de dos horas el proceso, a pesar de que éramos pocos donantes. Ojalå mejoren su servicio
The attention in the blood bank is terrible. Poor organization, they come for breakfast, the process takes more than two hours, despite the fact that we were few donors. I hope they improve their service
Katherine Dominguez on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Urgencias de este hospital es el peor lugar donde te pueden atender, sĂșper sucio a pesar de estar en pandemia, huele mal, los pacientes estamos amontonados y super mal atendidos, los Doctores encargados no tienen orden ni profesionalismo, los enfermeros tratan de ser buenos pero al final tienen que hacer lo que el doctor mande, Ă©l o la Dra encargada no te comunica nada apesar de que pides informaciĂłn y solamente estĂĄs sentado esperando a que un milagro pase para que te atiendan y mientras sĂłlo te mantienen con tu suero y ya. Yo lleguĂ© con un caso grave, vomitando amarillo y verde con un dolor abdominal inferior derecho horrible y estaba embarazada, me tuvieron ahĂ­ en urgencias esperando para hacerme un simple ultrasonido para saber quĂ© procedimiento tenĂ­an que hacer 14 horas las cuales sufrĂ­ en todo momento, vomitando todo el tiempo y super deshidratada pidiendo ayuda desesperada por el dolor. Todo el tiempo se me diagnosticĂł que tenĂ­a un embarazo ectĂłpico y ectĂłpico y todo arrojaba que era eso segĂșn ellos! DespuĂ©s de la larga y dolorosa espera me llevan a ultrasonido y me dice el doctor que sĂ­ tengo un embarazo ectĂłpico a lo cual yo hacĂ­a preguntas pero nadie me las contestaba. Solo dio la orden de que me llevarĂĄn a labor de parto y ya. Y traĂ­an una peleadera de que tenĂ­an que llevarme ya ellos y no urgencias a una sala que estaba prĂĄcticamente a 30 pasos de urgencias donde me encontraba y asĂ­. Total al estar en quirĂłfano despertĂ© y me dice el mĂ©dico HIJA NO TIENES UN EMBARAZO ECTÓPICO, ESTO ES UNA APENDICITIS DE FASE 3 Y ESTA COMPLICADA UN POCO MAS Y SE REVENTABA!! Llamaron a una Dra para que hiciera la apĂ©ndicectomĂ­a y me cerraron. Para mi sorpresa quedĂ© con una herida de 10cm del ombligo hacia abajo. A los 11 dĂ­as se me complica la herida por quĂ© no me dejaron una sonda para drenar el lĂ­quido que se genera, se abriĂł y se hizo seroma y tenĂ­a una bola con un dolor que no me dejaba caminar. Voy de nuevo a urgencias y me encierran ahĂ­ desde las 6 de la mañana hasta las 6:30 de la noche donde no me hicieron nada, me estrujaban mi herida , me apretaron muy feo el vientre y estĂłmago para revisar algo que claramente era visible , les explicaba los sĂ­ntomas y sobre mi embarazo pero parecĂ­a que eso no les importaba en lo absoluto, ya comenzaba a oler feo la herida pero ellos sin hacer nada. Solo me tuvieron ahĂ­ muchas horas ni medicamentos, ni suero, ni siquiera un vaso agua me dieron, solo estuve esperando sentada ahĂ­ existiendo, en un lugar sucio. Me da de alta el mĂ©dico explicando en su documento que todo estaba bien y poniendo maravillas en el alta. Al dĂ­a siguiente tuve un aborto espontĂĄneo!!!! Y tuve que hacerme estudios donde me dijeron que el dolor de la bola que tenĂ­a es mi pared abdominal que no fue cerrada correctamente y ahora tengo una hernia !! Los Doctores no tienen vocaciĂłn, ni el mĂĄs mĂ­nimo interĂ©s de ayudar de verdad a un paciente, yo fui mal diagnosticada y debido a eso todas las complicaciones subsecuentes!
The emergency room of this hospital is the worst place where they can treat you, super dirty despite being in a pandemic, it smells bad, the patients are crowded together and very poorly treated, the doctors in charge have no order or professionalism, the nurses try to be good but in the end they have to do what the doctor tells you, he or the doctor in charge doesn't tell you anything even though you ask for information and you're just sitting waiting for a miracle to happen so they can attend to you and while they only keep you with your serum and that's it. I arrived with a serious case, vomiting yellow and green with a horrible lower right abdominal pain and I was pregnant, they had me there in the emergency room waiting to do a simple ultrasound to know what procedure they had to do 14 hours which I suffered at all times, vomiting all the time and super dehydrated desperately asking for help because of the pain. All the time I was diagnosed that I had an ectopic and ectopic pregnancy and everything showed that it was that according to them! After the long and painful wait they take me to an ultrasound and the doctor tells me that I do have an ectopic pregnancy to which I asked questions but nobody answered them. He just gave the order that they take me into labor and that's it. And they brought up a fight that they had to take me and them and not the emergency room to a room that was practically 30 steps from the emergency room where I was and so on. In short, when I was in the operating room, I woke up and the doctor told me, DAUGHTER, YOU DON'T HAVE AN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, THIS IS A PHASE 3 APPENDICITIS AND IT IS A LITTLE MORE COMPLICATED AND IT WAS BUSTING!! They called a doctor to do the appendectomy and they closed me. To my surprise I was left with a 10cm wound from the navel down. After 11 days the wound is complicated because they did not leave me a catheter to drain the fluid that is generated, it opened and became seroma and I had a ball with pain that did not let me walk. I go back to the emergency room and they lock me up there from 6 in the morning until 6:30 at night where they did nothing to me, they squeezed my wound, they squeezed my belly and stomach very badly to check something that was clearly visible, I explained the symptoms and about my pregnancy but it seemed that they didn't care at all, the wound was beginning to smell bad but they didn't do anything. They only kept me there for many hours, no medicine, no serum, they didn't even give me a glass of water, I was just waiting, sitting there existing, in a dirty place. The doctor discharged me explaining in his document that everything was fine and putting wonders on discharge. The next day I had a miscarriage!!!! And I had to have tests where they told me that the pain of the ball that I had is my abdominal wall that was not closed correctly and now I have a hernia !! Doctors have no vocation, nor the slightest interest in really helping a patient, I was misdiagnosed and because of that all the subsequent complications!
Carolina Moreno on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Pésimo servicio. En 4 días que estuvo mi papå en urgencias no le dieron ni un vaso de agua , justificando que seguían haciéndole anålisis, de los cuales nunca nos dieron un resultado.
Terrible service. In the 4 days that my father was in the emergency room, they did not give him a glass of water, justifying that they continued to do tests, of which they never gave us a result.
Celia Alcaide on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Urgencias fueron muy amables pero tienen carencias de medicamentos e insumos indispensables que resulta vergonzoso, no hay ni papel higiénico ni jabón en los balis para lavarse las manos. Eso si, veo en la entrada si hay. En el Area de hospitalización las mismas carencias, no se a dónde va el dinero de los contribuyentes, el edificio Preciado estå en renovación pero de medicamentos, nada, se los tenemos que comprar en farmacias privadas a nuestros enfermos El Jefe de Medicina Interna, Dr Vélez, es una persona que los merece, no tiene derecho de tener un puesto así. Es prepotente, no se digna hablar con los familiares de los pacientes, todo a través de asistentes y cuando uno lo intercepta por fin pues el teléfono descompuesto es tremendo, me trata como si no tuviera derecho de dirigirme a él, muy malos modos, información fragmentada y provocador. Ese personaje es indigno de ser médico y todavía mås de estar en un puesto ejecutivo.
Emergencies were very friendly but they lack essential medicines and supplies that is embarrassing, there is no toilet paper or soap in the balis to wash your hands. Yes, I see at the entrance if there is. In the hospitalization area, the same shortages, I don't know where the taxpayers' money goes, the Preciado building is being renovated, but nothing about medicines, we have to buy them from private pharmacies for our patients The Chief of Internal Medicine, Dr VĂ©lez, is a person who deserves them, he has no right to have such a position. He is arrogant, he does not deign to talk to the relatives of the patients, all through assistants and when one finally intercepts him because the broken phone is tremendous, he treats me as if I had no right to address him, very bad manners, information fragmented and provocative. That character is unworthy of being a doctor and even more so of being in an executive position.
swishlordd on Google

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

pĂ©simo servicio es un desorden, todos tienen una actitud valeverguista, se pierden documentos, no hay personal, medicina, si no saben tratar con la gente mejor escojan otra carrera una vergĂŒenza para el servicio mĂ©dico.
lousy service is a disorder, everyone has a shameless attitude, documents are lost, there is no staff, medicine, if they do not know how to deal with people better choose another career an embarrassment for the medical service.

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