General Hospital of Zone 57 - 54769 Cuautitlán Izcalli

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews
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Contact General Hospital of Zone 57

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Av. la Quebrada, Sta Maria Guadalupe, 54769 Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx., Mexico

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City : Méx.

Av. la Quebrada, Sta Maria Guadalupe, 54769 Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx., Mexico
elisa escobar on Google

Que decepción de hospital, la señora que recibe en urgencias se burla de los familiares y dice, hay pues si no les gusta váyanse a su privada!!! Que señora tan poco empatica!! Le suplico al director que atienda esta situación! No es justo este trato tan denigrante que se nos da!!
What a disappointing hospital, the lady who receives her in the emergency room makes fun of her relatives and says, well, if you don't like it, go to your private room!!! What an unempathetic lady!! I beg the director to address this situation! It is not fair this denigrating treatment that is given to us!!
Alejandra Lopez on Google

Pésimo trato por parte de la pediatra, mas de 4 meses esperando la cita, para que ni siquiera se diera a la tarea de atender a mi hijo solo porque no iba enfermo, es muy déspota no sabe tratar a la gente, le queda muy grande el puesto de pediatra. las 4 personas que pasamos nos quejamos de lo mismo la prepotencia de la señora, que lo único que hizo fue darnos pases para la raza y la 72 sin siquiera haber revisado. El nombre de la pediatra es Karla Oropeza Eugenio Ojala que el director de la clínica lo tome en cuenta, porque no nos están regalando un servicio, lo estamos pagando y lo menos que pueden hacer es tener empatía con la gente y ser amables, total si no les gusta su trabajo que no se alquilen.
Terrible treatment by the pediatrician, more than 4 months waiting for the appointment, so that he did not even take on the task of caring for my son just because he was not sick, he is very despotic, he does not know how to treat people, it is too big for him pediatrician position. The 4 people we passed complained about the same thing about the lady's arrogance, that the only thing she did was give us passes for the race and the 72 without even having checked. The name of the pediatrician is Karla Oropeza Eugenio I hope that the director of the clinic takes it into account, because they are not giving us a service, we are paying for it and the least they can do is have empathy with people and be kind, if they do not like their work, do not rent .
lourdes albarran on Google

como bien dicen La Dama de la recepción en la noche es una déspota, cuando llegamos estaba viendo una serie en su celular y tomando café y comiendo pan, tardó una hora en recibir los papeles, según ella que porque había pacientes más graves, mi familiar llevaba una herida expuesta en la cabeza y ni así lo pasaba, mejor nos fuimos, en ese lapso como tres familias nis fuimos a Lomas Verdes. Ojalá el director haga algo al respecto veo que son muchas las quejas por ésta mujer
As they say, the lady at the reception at night is a despot, when we arrived she was watching a series on her cell phone and drinking coffee and eating bread, it took her an hour to receive the papers, according to her because there were more serious patients, my relative He had an exposed wound on his head and it didn't even happen that way, we better go, in that period of time, like three families, we went to Lomas Verdes. I hope the director does something about it I see that there are many complaints about this woman
Israel Alvarado Mauricio on Google

Es un asco doctores que se equivocan en diagnóstico , se tardan días en revisar una fractura, se ponen pesados y prepotentes este hospital es un verdadero asco.
Angélica Belmonte on Google

Es increíble que tengan esperando a los familiares de los pacientes en pleno rayo del sol con 30 grados de temperatura, no te dejan usar los baños te tienen esperando afuera de las instalaciones como animales de corral, mi papa ingreso por el área de urgencias casi 77 años de edad y lo tuvieron sentado en una silla o común y corriente mas de 12 horas esperando que se desocupara una camilla.El personal atento, profesional y amoroso con mi papa y haciendo maravillas con los pocos recursos que tienen, por la atención no me quejo, pero da mucha tristeza e impotencia en que condiciones tan deplorables "atienden" a los pacientes. Donde esta todo ese dinero que nos descuentan como derechohabientes del IMSS?
It is incredible that they have the relatives of the patients waiting in the middle of the sun with a temperature of 30 degrees, they do not let you use the bathrooms, they have you waiting outside the facilities like barnyard animals, my father entered the emergency room almost 77 years old and they had him sitting in a chair or ordinary for more than 12 hours waiting for a stretcher to be vacated. The attentive, professional and loving staff with my dad and doing wonders with the few resources they have, because of the attention I I complain, but it makes me very sad and powerless in such deplorable conditions that they "care" for patients. Where is all that money that they deduct from us as beneficiaries of the IMSS?
Jose Amtonio Villela Becerril on Google

Es lamentable me hicieron ir a una cita programada yo uso silla de ruedas y fui a mi cita gastando en taxis y llegó y me dicen k el doctor no fue yk me iban a reprogramar mi vida hasta dentro de 2 meses ni es posible k el ortopedista le valga madres y no valla pero eso sí el sigue cobrando sin problema alguno no se me hace gusto k
It is unfortunate they made me go to a scheduled appointment I use a wheelchair and I went to my appointment spending money on taxis and he arrived and they told me that the doctor did not go and that they were going to reschedule my life for another 2 months, nor is it possible for the orthopedist It's worth it to him and don't go but he continues to charge without any problem I don't like it k
Remedios Santos Ortiz on Google


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