General Secondary School No. 59 "Francisco Márquez" - 45130 Zapopan

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact General Secondary School No. 59 "Francisco Márquez"

Address :

Av Tuzania 2805, La Tuzania, 45130 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Lorraine Hdz on Google

Es muy insegura esa secundaria. Lo único bueno es que tienen una biblioteca al lado donde pueden utilizarla para hacer sus tareas, investigaciones, etc.
That secondary is very insecure. The only good thing is that they have a library next door where they can use it to do their homework, research, etc.
rigoberto cervantes on Google

Fue una experiencia super pues ami me toco cargar con mi silla antes k terminaran la secundaria ami solo me toco cursar 3 ya era mi ultimo año hay
It was a super experience because I had to carry my chair before I finished high school, I only had to take 3, it was my last year there
Alan Uriel on Google

Alguien me podria dar un correo en el cual pueda contactarme con un profesor, porfavor
Could someone give me an email in which I can contact a teacher, please
Ana Rosa C.R. on Google

Bueno a mi me toco ir cuando estaban haciendo las famosas caballerizas jaja y fue una muy buena etapa!!!
Well I had to go when they were making the famous stables haha ​​and it was a very good stage!
Carlos Francisco Cayo Aceves on Google

Yo estuve en una de esas caballerizas, en primero D, turno matutino, periodo 87 - 90, Quien no recuerda a Ruano, Salvador Sandoval, el Sex Simbol Lupita de Ingles,
I was in one of those stables, in first D, morning shift, Period 87-90, Who does not remember Ruano, Salvador Sandoval, the Sex Simbol Lupita de Ingles,
Fermin Amador on Google

Yo estube ahí 86 88 en el salón E por si alguien me recuerda era el gasparin jeje por cierto decicieron esos grupos por relajientos me mandaron a la 20?
I was there 86 88 in room E in case anyone remembers me it was the gasparin hehe by the way those groups decided by relax they sent me to the 20?
Yadira Mendoza on Google

muy bellos recuerdos desde que le decian la siete vientos cuando llevabamos nuestras sillas banco para estudiar hace ya tanto de eso y se ve genial a los salones k estan en la parte de abajo les decian las caballerizas por k solo teniamos techo y paredes de concreto sin puertas ni ventanas fue una etapa muy bonita. Fermin amador yo estube en esa epoca tambien yo era de el A. Ana Rosca , Rigoberto y Carlos tal vez alguna vez nos topamos en los patios y claro como olvidar a la profesora Ana Maria Ruano que de ser ptofesora paso a sub directora yo ahora radico en tijuana y si me gustaria encontrar fotos de aquel entonces por que no tengo .
very beautiful memories since they called the seven winds when we took our bench chairs to study so long ago and it looks great in the classrooms that are at the bottom they were told by the stables because we only had a ceiling and concrete walls without doors or windows it was a very beautiful stage. Fermin amador I was at that time too I was from A. Ana Rosca, Rigoberto and Carlos maybe sometime we ran into each other in the patios and of course how to forget the teacher Ana Maria Ruano who from being a teacher became assistant director I now live in Tijuana and if I would like to find photos from that time, why don't I have one?
Susana Margarita Garcia Organista on Google

Hola buenas tardes! alguien me podría proporcionar algún numero telefónico o algún correo, me urge comunicarme.. gracias lindo día!
Hello good afternoon! Someone could provide me with a phone number or an email, I urgently need to communicate .. Thank you, nice day!

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