Globe Medica Internacional - 03100 Ciudad de México

1.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Globe Medica Internacional

Address :

Moras 318, Del Valle, Benito Juárez, 03100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : CDMX

Moras 318, Del Valle, Benito Juárez, 03100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Daniel Caballero on Google

Buen servicio pero poco profesional. Me pusieron una ferula al revés >(
Good but unprofessional service. They put a splint on me backwards> (
gabriela rivera on Google

Me dieron mal una talla, Y terminé yendo al angiólogo, me estaba casi curando de algo y me terminé enfermando de otra cosa
They gave me a bad size, and I ended up going to the angiologist, I was almost healing of something and I ended up getting sick of something else
Angélica Huerta on Google

Tratan horrible a sus empleados. Los dueños son déspotas, les gritan a sus empleados, los hacen firmar su renuncia desde que entran.
They treat their employees horrible. The owners are despots, they yell at their employees, they make them sign their resignation as soon as they enter.
Mariela anabel Trahyn Aguero on Google

Hola el día de hoy pedí una tobillera y el chico que la entrego no traía cubrebocas , tengan más cuidado con su personal y con su aspecto del mismo.
Hello, today I asked for an ankle brace and the boy who gave it to me did not have a face mask, be more careful with your staff and with their appearance.
Mario Favela on Google

Quiero comentarles que mi novia trabajo para esta empresa pero por motivos personales ya no pudo asistir y no quieren pagarles los dias que laboro indicandole que no se comunico para ingormar que ya no podia asistir, los dueños son muy despotas con todo el personal y tratan muy mal a la gente que labora para ellos No intenten trabajar para ellos muy mala empresa
I want to tell you that my girlfriend worked for this company but for personal reasons she could no longer attend and they do not want to pay them the days I work indicating that she did not communicate to let me know that she could no longer attend, the owners are very despotic with all the staff and try very bad to the people who work for them Don't try to work for them very bad company
Adriana Cabrera on Google

Muy mala atención, se tardan mucho en atenderte y ni siquiera saben hacerlo. Compré un cabestrillo a un precio bastante alto pensando que la relación precio-calidad sería proporcional y no estuvo ni cerca de eso. La calidad normal, nada excepcional para el precio al que lo compré. No lo recomiendo para nada. Pongo una estrella porque es lo mínimo, si no le pondría cero, sin duda alguna.
Very bad attention, they take a long time to assist you and they don't even know how to do it. I bought a sling at a fairly high price thinking that the price-quality ratio would be proportional and was not even close to that. Normal quality, nothing exceptional for the price at which I bought it. I do not recommend it at all. I put a star because it is the minimum, if I would not put zero, no doubt.
Andre Flores on Google

Hola quiero Comentar que efectivamente dicha empresa no es recomendable ya que en tan solo días que vas entrando te despiden sin más ni menos , dándote argumentos tontos y también te hacen firmar tu renuncia anticipada , y se quedan con tus documentos (copias ) pudiendo hacer mal uso de ellos ,NO LA RECOMIENDO en APSOLuTO
Hello I want Comment that indeed said company is not recommended since in just days that you enter you are fired without more or less, giving you silly arguments and also making you sign your resignation in advance, and they keep your documents (copies) being able to misuse them, I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT in APSOLuTO
Caminando con Jesús on Google

Son nada formales para entrevistar personal ya que durante el mes de diciembre de 2021 me habían citado para entrevista con la directora de la empresa y al llegar en la fecha y hora acordada y esperar afuera un par de minutos salio a atenderme una de sus empleadas de rh (que por cierto fue la misma persona que me cito) y quien me dijo que la persona encargada de entrevistarme no se encontraba y me saque de onda y le dije que porque no me habían dicho eso antes para no hacerme gastar dinero en pasajes y perder mi valioso tiempo a lo que la empleada solo se limito a ofrecerme una disculpa y que se les había pasado avisarme. Cero recomendable para pedir trabajo si es que tienen pensado postularse.
They are nothing formal to interview personnel since during the month of December 2021 I had been summoned for an interview with the director of the company and when I arrived on the agreed date and time and waited outside for a couple of minutes, one of her employees from rh (which by the way was the same person who quoted me) and who told me that the person in charge of interviewing me was not there and I got out of the loop and I told him that because they had not told me that before so as not to make me spend money on tickets and wasting my valuable time to which the employee only limited to offer me an apology and that they had missed to notify me. Zero recommended to apply for a job if you plan to apply.

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