GM Financial - 66278 Monterrey

1.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact GM Financial

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Av. Eugenio Garza Lagüera 933, Zona Valle Oriente, 66278 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8899
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City : N.L.

Av. Eugenio Garza Lagüera 933, Zona Valle Oriente, 66278 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Hellen Sandon on Google

Pésima atención, no te dan solución. Cobros excesivos por un día de atraso pero ellos se tardan una vida en entregarte la factura de tu coche….. PÉSIMO
Terrible attention, they do not give you a solution. Excessive charges for a day of delay but they take a lifetime to give you the bill for your car… TERRIBLE
Jose Andres on Google

Estuve revisando los comentarios y la verdad mi experiencia con GMFinancial fue grata solo el tema de los seguros tienen que mejorar en costos y coberturas , el día de hoy recibí mi factura en menos de 10 días llegó a domicilio
I was reviewing the comments and the truth is that my experience with GMFinancial was pleasant, only the issue of insurance has to improve in costs and coverage, today I received my invoice in less than 10 days it arrived at home
MiCa Lien on Google

Para cobrar estan buenos!!! Ni un día se les pasa.... Deje mi carro hace mas de una semana en el taller de la financiera y el tipo que recibe los coches no me contesta, desde que lleve mi ccoche hace mas de una semana con malos tratos como si me estuviera haciendo un favor.... Que horror con chevrolet de verdd...
To collect they are good!!! They don't miss a day... I left my car more than a week ago at the finance company's workshop and the guy who receives the cars doesn't answer me, since I took my car more than a week ago with mistreatment as if He was doing me a favor.... What a horror with a chevrolet, really...
Lupita Carreto hernandez on Google

Pues las personas que te atienden dicen que todos los que dan una opinión o reseña son porque no pagaron y cometieron faltas al contrato que obtuvieron con ellos y la verdad quisera saber si eso es verdad porque yo use el tramita pero jamás me dieron algún dinero ni nada que yo firmara
Well, the people who serve you say that everyone who gives an opinion or review is because they did not pay and they committed breaches of the contract they obtained with them and the truth is that I would like to know if that is true because I use the process but they never gave me any money or nothing that I signed
Iris Vazquez on Google

Pésimo y horrible servicio! Te dan largas no te resuelven nada, su convenio con seguro Abba es igual! No volvería a comprar un carro ahí. Solo porque tengo que poner una estrella pero de ser así no pondría nada
Terrible and horrible service! They give you long, they don't solve anything for you, their agreement with Abba insurance is the same! I would never buy a car there again. Only because I have to put a star but if so I would not put anything
Teresa Batida on Google

Para los que dicen que sólo se quejan los que no pagan, yo durante 5 años no tuve ningún atraso con mis mensualidades y sin embargo hubo cobros duplicados, pagos no aplicados entre otras malas experiencias, la última llevo más de dos meses esperando información sobre mi factura y nada, soy yo la que tiene que estar llamando y buscando solución. No recomiendo para nada está financiera y ojalá hubiera manera de que las autoridades los sancionen o pongan atención a estas situaciones.
For those who say that only those who do not pay complain, for 5 years I had no delay with my monthly payments and yet there were duplicate charges, payments not applied among other bad experiences, the last one I have been waiting for more than two months for information about my bill and nothing, I'm the one who has to be calling and looking for a solution. I do not recommend this financial situation at all and I wish there was a way for the authorities to sanction them or pay attention to these situations.
magalee g on Google

Es la experiencia más desagradable que he tenido con servicio al cliente, sumamente desorganizado, hice más de 50 llamadas para solicitar un documento y solo me daban vueltas. Los números de folio no sirven de nada, tuve he explicar más de 50 veces el requerimiento. Incluso tuve que pedir a los agentes que leyeran bien el mensaje porque no sabían leer y entender lo que les pedía, fue una experiencia que después de haber perdido a un ser querido no se la deseo a nadie, eviten esta compañía.
It is the most unpleasant experience I have ever had with customer service, extremely disorganized, I made more than 50 calls to request a document and they just kept spinning. Folio numbers are useless, I had to explain the requirement more than 50 times. I even had to ask the agents to read the message well because they didn't know how to read and understand what I was asking of them. It was an experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone after losing a loved one. Avoid this company.
Derek Rodriguez on Google

Give Alejandro a raise

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