Godinez Melgoza Jorge - 37160 León

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Contact Godinez Melgoza Jorge

Address :

ALUD #911 Int: 11, Jardines del Moral, 37160 León, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77787
Categories :
City : Gto.

ALUD #911 Int: 11, Jardines del Moral, 37160 León, Gto., Mexico
Diana Lozz on Google

alex reynoso on Google

Excelente atencion y resultados al momento
Excellent attention and results at the moment
Pollo Arguelles on Google

Poca ética profesional e irresponsable de sus actos mal empleados.
Low professional ethics and irresponsible for their misused acts.
Melani Arguelles Zarate on Google

Poco profesionalismo e irresponsable de sus actos. Yo la pensaría antes de acudir con un doctor que no sabe ni siquiera lo que significa la palabra ética.
Unprofessional and irresponsible for their actions. I would think about it before going to a doctor who doesn't even know what the word ethics means.
jessica romero on Google

Actualmente demandado por Negligencia médica . Una persona sin ética profesional, realizó un mal diagnóstico y una mala intervención quirúrgica que dejó a un familiar sin calidad vida. La irresponsabilidad de no aceptar que fue un error es lo que hace que levantemos la voz. No lo recomienda por que aparte de no tener ética profesional no tiene la parte humana de poder aceptar que su diagnóstico sin fundamentos dejo a una persona que confió en su servicio sin calidad de vida!
Currently being sued for Medical Malpractice. A person without professional ethics made a bad diagnosis and a bad surgical intervention that left a relative without quality of life. The irresponsibility of not accepting that it was a mistake is what makes us raise our voices. He does not recommend it because apart from not having professional ethics, he does not have the human part of being able to accept that his baseless diagnosis left a person who trusted his service without quality of life!
Alejandra Iturriaga on Google

Dr. usted no tiene ni la menor idea del gran daño que ha ocasionado en la vida de mi hijo. Ha perdido completamente su calidad de vida, su malisima decision de quitarle sus cornetes, sabiendo lo importantes que son para la funcionalidad de la nariz. No puedo entender su falta de etica y humildad, al no reconocer su grave error, aun contando con la resolucion de la CONAMED a favor de mi hijo. Ademas de haberle practicado algo tan delicado en su consultorio y no en quirofano, exponiendolo tan irresponsablemente.
Dr. you have no idea of ​​the great damage you have caused in the life of my son. He has completely lost his quality of life, his terrible decision to remove his turbinates, knowing how important they are for the functionality of the nose. I cannot understand his lack of ethics and humility, not recognizing his serious mistake, even with the resolution of CONAMED in favor of my son. In addition to having practiced something so delicate in his office and not in the operating room, exposing him so irresponsibly.
René Argüelles on Google

Arruinaste mi vida. Sin estudios pertinentes decidiste quitarme mis cornetes inferiores lo cual me dejó una condición terrible de por vida. Estoy ahora perdiendo estructuras de la cara por todos los hongos y bacterias que se me forman después de tu cirugía. Mi nariz ya no puede funcionar como un órgano de ventilación le quitaste la parte que humedece y calienta al aire ahora sufro para respirar 24 horas al día. En este año me he tenido que operar ya dos veces para quitar toda la basura que mi nariz ya no puede deshechas por tu maldita intervención. Y en cima te quieres amparar para no pagar ni un cinco. Cobarde!!!! MAL PRAXIS, falto de responsabilidad ética humanidad y honor. Pseudo doctor!!!
You ruined my life. Without relevant studies, you decided to remove my lower turbinates which left me in a terrible condition for life. I am now losing structures in my face due to all the fungi and bacteria that form after your surgery. My nose can no longer function as a ventilation organ. You took away the part that moistens and warms the air. Now I suffer to breathe 24 hours a day. In this year I have had to operate twice already to remove all the garbage that my nose can no longer get rid of by your damn intervention. And at the top you want to protect yourself so as not to pay a five. Coward!!!! MAL PRAXIS, lacking in ethical responsibility, humanity and honor. Pseudo doctor !!!
Isaak Alarcón on Google

Indignante la mala praxis de este pseudo especialista que no tiene un gramo de ética profesional, cero responsabilidad social y humana al no responder por sus actos ante la hoy contundente demanda que tiene como dictamen el responsabilizarse a favor de la persona que condenó a una inmejorable calidad de vida. Operar a una persona en pleno consultorio sin un régimen médico supervisado y regulado, habla de su avaricia por conseguir Del paciente lo único que para él es importante (dinero) Piensa dos veces antes de tomar la desicion de someterte a la falta de conocimiento de este literal “matasanos” Godinez Melgoza ¡hazte responsable! La CONAMED ya te dijo que realizaste una mala práctica y ahora debes responsabilizarte por qué lo que hiciste no fue un error con tus según tantos años de experiencia, fue una negligencia de un método obsoleto.
Outrageous the malpractice of this pseudo specialist who does not have a gram of professional ethics, zero social and human responsibility by not answering for his actions in the face of the today forceful demand that has as its opinion to take responsibility in favor of the person who condemned an unbeatable quality of life. Operating a person in the middle of the office without a supervised and regulated medical regimen, speaks of his greed to get from the patient the only thing that is important to him (money) Think twice before making the decision to submit to the lack of knowledge of this literal "matasanos" Godinez Melgoza, take responsibility! CONAMED has already told you that you did a bad practice and now you must take responsibility for why what you did was not a mistake with your, according to so many years of experience, it was a negligence of an obsolete method.

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