Gonzalez Quiropractica - 63138 Tepic

1.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gonzalez Quiropractica

Address :

C. Country Club 26, Versalles, 63138 Tepic, Nay., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Nay.

C. Country Club 26, Versalles, 63138 Tepic, Nay., Mexico
brandelia huizar on Google

C A on Google

Michel Carvajal on Google

Muy chafa!
Very chafa!
p Tv on Google

Pésimo. Dicen ser profesionales con años experiencia pero ni siquiera respetan las citas que ellos mismos dan. Tienen un manejo de agenda pésimo.
Appalling. They say they are professionals with years of experience but do not even respect the appointments they give themselves. They have a lousy agenda management.
Daniel Iriarte on Google

Pésimo. Se las dan de profesionales pero ni siquiera respetan las citas que ellos mismos te dan. Te hacen esperar semanas y al final te dicen que no te atienden por que el terapeuta se fue temprano. Solo son unos payasos.
Appalling. They are professionals but do not even respect the appointments they give you. They make you wait for weeks and in the end they tell you that they do not take care of you because the therapist left early. They are just clowns.
Javier Diazsevilla on Google

Este ha sido la peor experiencia de mi vida , fui al servicio basado en el video que usan para anunciar pero veo que la persona que me atendió NO ES un chiropractico ,mucho menos TITULADO ,LA VERDAD NO TIENE IDEA DE LO QUE ESTA HACIENDO, pague por un servicio en el cual sali peor que cuando arribe, pague 700 por ser lastimado y adolorido, cuando menos que vea videos en YouTube de verdaderos quiropracticos egresados de Universidades americanas, con la esperanza que aprenda algo eso es si su capacidad mental se lo permita, algo que seriamente dudo que tenéis
This has been the worst experience of my life, I went to the service based on the video they use to advertise but I see that the person who attended me IS NOT a chiropractor, much less GRADUATED, THE TRUTH HAS NO IDEA OF WHAT HE IS DOING, pay For a service in which it came out worse than when you arrived, I paid 700 for being hurt and sore, when unless you see videos on YouTube of real chiropractors graduated from American Universities, with the hope that you will learn something that is if your mental capacity allows it , something that I seriously doubt you have
Carlos Rosas on Google

Una verdadera lástima lo que he pasado con éste negocio. Pésimo servicio. Nada que ver los aparatos que se ven en su página con los que me atendieron. El lugar sucio, no sanitizaron, no trapearon, no tenían tapete para limpiar los zapatos, no había gel para desinfectar, no había toallas para cambiar el área donde se nos acostaba para que el quiropráctico trabajara. El quiropráctico le comenté de varios problemas; uno de ellos el cuello y solo con tronarme dos vértebras de la columna me dijo que con lo que me había hecho ya tenía. Sigo con mis molestias y problemas en el cuello, nunca me tocó para nada el cuello. Me cobró caro, me vendió vitaminas y unas gotas que solo me hacen orinar amarillo en 300 pesos, no me dio un papel, ticket o algo para poder deducir impuestos. Si no solucionan nada voy a tener que recurrir a Profeco porque de verdad me siento estafado. Pagué 1000 pesos (con todo y medicamentos) para que me tronaran dos vértebras y me dieran un medicamento que no sé ni qué sea. Pésimo servicio y carísimo para lo que te ofrecen. Traté de remediar por medio de pláticas vía Messenger e hicieron caso omiso. Esto fue lo que me contestaron: "Con una terapia no se soluciona un problema de varios años atrás, es necesario dar un seguimiento de varias terapias" "cumpla con todas sus terapias y despues se queja o reclama" Eso fue lo que me contestaron. Es una tristeza ver negocios con tantos años de experiencia tirar a la basura su prestigio tan fácil y rápido.
A real shame what happened to this business. Terrible service. Nothing to see the devices that are seen on your page with those who attended me. The place was dirty, they did not sanitize, they did not mop, they did not have a mat to clean the shoes, there was no gel to disinfect, there were no towels to change the area where we lay so that the chiropractor could work. The chiropractor told him about various problems; one of them had my neck and just by popping two vertebrae in my spine he told me that with what he had done to me he already had. I still have my neck discomfort and problems, he never touched my neck at all. He charged me dearly, he sold me vitamins and a few drops that only make me pee yellow for 300 pesos, he did not give me a paper, ticket or something to be able to deduct taxes. If they don't solve anything, I'm going to have to turn to Profeco because I really feel cheated. I paid 1000 pesos (with everything and medicines) to have two vertebrae thunder and they gave me a medicine that I don't even know what it is. Terrible service and very expensive for what they offer you. I tried to remedy it through conversations via Messenger and they ignored it. This is what they answered me: "With one therapy a problem from several years ago is not solved, it is necessary to follow up on several therapies" "Comply with all your therapies and then complain or claim" That was what they answered me. It is sad to see businesses with so many years of experience throw away their prestige so easily and quickly.
Angel Gris on Google

Pésimo, es un estafa total, coincido con Javier Diezsevilla y Carlos Rosas, pésimas instalaciones, pésimo equipo, no tiene cédulas ni títulos o alguna documentación a la vista o permisos que corroboren su profesión o experiencia como en cursos, talleres, especialidades o maestrías, dan "medicamentos" sin etiquetas sin mencionarte qué es y encima te cobran 1,000 por una seudoconsulta de 15min. Sin revisar bien el problema. No pierdan su tiempo ni su dinero, no arriesguen su salud. Con la salud y bienestar no se juega.
Terrible, it is a total scam, I agree with Javier Diezsevilla and Carlos Rosas, terrible facilities, terrible equipment, they do not have identification cards or titles or any visible documentation or permits that corroborate their profession or experience such as in courses, workshops, specialties or master's degrees, They give "medicines" without labels without mentioning what it is and on top of that they charge you 1,000 for a pseudo-consultation of 15min. Without reviewing the problem well. Don't waste your time or money, don't risk your health. You do not play with health and well-being.

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