Gou - 02760 Ciudad de México

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

About Gou

Nueva Santo Domingo 163, Fracc. Ind. San Antonio Azcapotzalco, 02760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Contact Gou

Address :

Fracc. Industrial, Santo Domingo 163, San Antonio, Azcapotzalco, 02760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://gou.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Fracc. Industrial, Santo Domingo 163, San Antonio, Azcapotzalco, 02760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Alicia Novelo on Google

La peor experiencia de mi vida. El peor fraude y engaño que te hacen en esta compañía mexicana. Esta fue una compañía conexión de Miami, mis pertenencias venían de Estados Unidos. Al llegar a Puerto de Veracruz detuvieron mis pertenencias por más de un mes argumentando que tenían que pasar por más tiempo en bodegas, MENTIRAS pues se checó con la naviera y nunca hubo ni siquiera inspección. Me cobraron más dinero en dólares y me hicieron creer que el pago era para una naviera de Mexico. Pago en dólares para una naviera mexicana??? Robaron muchas de mis pertenencias y cuando les llamé para reclamar cajas abiertas con pocas pertenencias adentro me ignoraron. Geovanni el supuesto supervisor y Pricila la supuesta coordinadora no dieron la cara por estas anomalías y las cosas que llegaron rotas. SON LA PEOR EXPERIENCIA. Mi nombre Alicia Mis pertenencias llegaron a Cancún.
The worst experience of my life. The worst fraud and deception that they do to you in this Mexican company. This was a Miami connection company, my belongings came from the United States. Upon arrival at the Port of Veracruz they detained my belongings for more than a month arguing that they had to spend more time in warehouses, LIES because they checked with the shipping company and there was never even an inspection. They charged me more money in dollars and made me believe that the payment was for a shipping company in Mexico. Payment in dollars for a Mexican shipping company??? Many of my belongings were stolen and when I called them to claim open boxes with few belongings inside they ignored me. Geovanni the supposed supervisor and Pricila the supposed coordinator did not show their faces for these anomalies and the things that arrived broken. THEY ARE THE WORST EXPERIENCE. my name Alice My belongings arrived in Cancun.
Silvia García on Google

Sencillamente, no pude haber tenido una mejor experiencia al hacer una mudanza internacional de CDMX a Phoenix, Arizona. Bien informada desde un principio con el proceso. Todo bien empacado, nada llegó maltratado. La compañía que Gou puso para transportar mi menaje de casa del puerto de entrada a Phoenix, fueron conacionales bien entrenados, amables, lo mejor!! Recomiendo ampliamente a la compañía GOU y agradezco especialmente al Sr. Sergio Martínez toda su ayuda.
Quite simply, I couldn't have had a better experience moving from Mexico City to Phoenix, Arizona. Well informed from the beginning with the process. Everything well packed, nothing arrived mistreated. The company that Gou set up to transport my household items from the port of entry to Phoenix, were well-trained, friendly nationals, the best! I highly recommend the GOU company and I especially thank Mr. Sergio Martínez for all his help.
Fabiola Granados on Google

Cero servicio, cero profesionalismo y pésima atención al cliente. Se presentaron a trabajar sin uniformes, entregaron roto un artículo decorativo (letrero neón); dañaron el marco de una obra de arte en gran formato, y otros marcos con aplicación de hoja de plata (pegaron masking tape sobre ellos). Todo esto se reportó al momento con el ejecutivo que estaba a cargo de mi servicio y con el responsable de la mudanza, "ah sí, no se preocupe, en la hoja que se le da haga las anotaciones y con esa se le dará seguimiento"... La ejecutiva de atención a clientes solo se limitó a decir: "Buenas tardes Srita Granados, ya se escaló la información a Gerencia, yo soy el canal para transmitirla, lamentamos mucho los inconvenientes, agradezco las fotografías y toda la atención pero por políticas de la empresa no procede". Expongo mi caso de manera breve pero fue realmente un calvario. PÉSIMA EXPERIENCIA. NO LO RECOMIENDO.
Zero service, zero professionalism and terrible customer service. They showed up to work without uniforms, delivered a broken decorative item (neon sign); they damaged the frame of a large-format work of art, and other frames with silver leaf application (they stuck masking tape on them). All this was reported at the time with the executive who was in charge of my service and with the person in charge of the move, "ah yes, don't worry, on the sheet that is given to you make the annotations and with that you will be followed up" ... The customer service executive only limited herself to saying: "Good afternoon Ms. Granados, the information has already been escalated to Management, I am the channel to transmit it, we are very sorry for the inconvenience, I appreciate the photographs and all the attention, but please company policies is not applicable. I expose my case briefly but it was really an ordeal. AWFUL EXPERIENCE. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT.
Luis Wu Cuan on Google

Después de haberme mudado mas de 12 veces, tuve la peor experiencia con Mudanzas GOU después de que empacaron y trasladaron mis pertenencias a su almacén. Me pidieron que pagara una tarifa excesiva por el volumen adicional de la cotización original y que NO acepté, pero lo tenían en espera hasta que pagara. Traté de explicar por qué era el doble del precio que me habían cotizado por metro cúbico, pero dije que podía cambiar de compañía si quería, de lo contrario, ¡tenía que pagar esa tarifa adicional! Me comuniqué con el gerente y el gerente general, pero fue solo una pérdida de tiempo ya que dijeron que no se podía hacer nada ya que mi transporte original había sido cancelado y que el nuevo sería más costoso. Muy insatisfecho pague, ya habian pasado 2 semanas desde que recogieron mi mudanza y no queria esperar mas.... la empresa en origen llego un mes despues y faltaban varios muebles y queria descargar y desempacar todo en el mismo día, les dije que después de más de 10 mudanzas, siempre habían tardado 2-3 días pero trataron de meter todo el trabajo en un día de 12 horas... los empleados se cansaron y cometían errores, arriesgando la seguridad al final, así que les dije que se fueran a las 8 pm. En general, una experiencia horrible con Mudanzas GOU, mal servicio al cliente, trato turbio y tarifas adicionales después de que tenían mis cosas en espera en su almacén, nadie para escalar y obtener una respuesta lógica a tiempo o costo... NO LOS CONSIDERES ¡PARA TU PRÓXIMA MUDANZA!
Having moved over 12 times, I had the worst experience with GOU Moving after they packed and moved my belongings to their warehouse. They asked me to pay an excessive fee for the extra volume on the original quote which I did NOT agree to, but they had it on hold until I paid. I tried to explain why it was double the price I had been quoted per cubic meter, but said I could change companies if I wanted, otherwise I had to pay that extra fee! I contacted the manager and general manager but it was just a waste of time as they said nothing could be done as my original transportation had been canceled and the new one would be more expensive. Very dissatisfied I paid, it had been 2 weeks since they picked up my move and I didn't want to wait any longer... the original company arrived a month later and several pieces of furniture were missing and I wanted to unload and unpack everything on the same day, I told them that after out of 10+ moves it had always taken 2-3 days but they tried to squeeze all the work into a 12 hour day...employees got tired and made mistakes risking safety in the end so I told them to go At 8 pm. Overall horrible experience with GOU Removals, poor customer service, shady dealing and additional fees after they had my stuff on hold at their warehouse, no one to escalate and get a logical answer on time or cost... DON'T CONSIDER THEM FOR YOUR NEXT MOVE!
Cynthia Melo on Google

Estamos decepcionados con el servicio y comunicación de Mudanzas Gou, hace casi dos meses recibimos nuestra mudanza y hubo varios daños mismo que hemos estado comunicado y reclamando y no nos han podido resolver, aún nos tienen esperando...con que están investigando qué pasó y no han podido contactar a las personas que hicieron el servicio por estar haciendo otros servicios en distintas partes del país. Yo les puedo decir que pasó: no se hicieron las maniobras correctas al subir nuestras pertenencias al camión y claramente se dañaron. MUY POBRE su servicio POST VENTA.
We are disappointed with the service and communication of Mudanzas Gou, almost two months ago we received our move and there were several damages that we have been communicating and claiming and they have not been able to solve us, they still have us waiting... so they are investigating what happened and They have not been able to contact the people who did the service because they are doing other services in different parts of the country. I can tell you what happened: the correct maneuvers were not carried out when loading our belongings into the truck and they were clearly damaged. VERY POOR after-sales service.
Roberto Gomez on Google

I moved from Mexico City to Miami Florida and had a great experience with GOU. The people that showed up to my house where very clean and respectful. They explained the process and I didn't need to worry about anything because they handled it all. Nothing was broken or damaged. I highly recommend using Mudanzas Gou for your next move.
michael best on Google

We moved from Redmond Washington to Playa Del Carmen. GOU was our agent in Mexico. The goods arrived earlier than expected, the crew that off loaded and set up our furniture were very professional. Leslie guided us through the import process which was stress free. Excellent experience.
Nilton Omura on Google

Moved from Mexico to Australia in Oct 2019. Very professional and effective doing the removal from my apartment in Mexico City. Really impressed on how well packaging was done. More than half of my belongings stayed in a storage in Melbourne for two years and I was pleasantly surprised they stayed in perfect conditions, mostly thanks to the way things were packaged. Highly recommended and would hire again for sure

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