Green Motion Car Rental - 45690 Guadalajara

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Contact Green Motion Car Rental

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Carretera Guadalajara - Chapala #6502 Local A-2 Colonia las Pintas, 45690 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Jal.

Carretera Guadalajara - Chapala #6502 Local A-2 Colonia las Pintas, 45690 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Bere Briones on Google

Si quieres que te cobren de más en tu cuenta, quebren el cristal de tu coche, roben tus objetos personales, ve a estas alitas, pasarás un muy mal momento.
If you want to be overcharged in your account, break the glass of your car, steal your personal belongings, go to these wings, you will have a very bad time.
El mistico on Google

esta pesimo el servicio t cristalean los vidrios de tu carro t roban todas tus pertenencias esta igual q el bar la leña pero alli t llegan los rateros y t roban a clientes y personal ya van tres robos a mano armada
this pity the service t crystallize the glass of your car t steal all your belongings this is the same as the firewood bar but there the rateros arrive and steal from customers and staff and three armed robberies go
Antonio on Google

¡Tengan cuidado cuando vayan a este lugar! En una sola visita a las Vancouver Wings y dejando los coches dentro del estacionamiento de la plaza, a uno de ellos lo abrieron y robaron el Kit de herramientas, una llave extra y una maleta. Al otro le rompieron el cristal y le robaron una mochila con computadora y documentos importantes, entre otras cosas. Lo peor de todo es que había VIGILANCIA. ¡CUIDADO!
Be careful when you go to this place! In a single visit to the Vancouver Wings and leaving the cars inside the parking lot of the square, one of them was opened and stolen the Tool Kit, an extra key and a suitcase. The other was broken glass and stole a backpack with computer and important documents, among other things. Worst of all, there was SURVEILLANCE. WATCH OUT!
Yahaira Perez on Google

Primera y última vez que me paro ahí. El servicio fue pésimo. Nos querían cobrar bebidas que ni siquiera consumimos. Y lo peor de todo es que cristalean los coches a pesar de que hay un guardia. NO VAYAN A ESTE LUGAR AMIGUITOS, POR FAVOR!!! Al menos de que quieran que les roben su carro.
First and last time I stop there. The service was terrible. They wanted to charge us drinks that we did not even consume. And the worst of all is that they glaze the cars even though there is a guard. DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE FRIENDS, PLEASE !!! At least they want their car stolen.
Francisco Ornelas on Google

La cerveza esta muy buena pero le pedi al chavo que atiende que me diera sal y limon para mi cerveza y el me dice que solo tenian salpimienta, yo no me puedo tomar mi cerveza sin sal y limon en ningun wings me habian dicho que no tenian sal. Aparte yo queria pedir triton y me salen con que con solo vendian jarras.
The beer is very good but I asked the guy who attends to give me salt and lemon for my beer and he tells me that they only had salt and pepper, I can't drink my beer without salt and lemon in any wings they had told me they didn't have Salt. Besides, I wanted to order triton and they came out with only selling jugs.
Alberto Madueño on Google

Pésimo, tengan cuidado al ir porque la seguridad es inexistente! Pareciera que el personal está organizado para robar, cristalear y asaltar. En repetidas ocasiones han robado automóviles de amigos. Evitar a toda costa. Por si fuera poco, la oferta de negocios es inexistente, únicamente Vancouver Wings, y el servicio es terrible.
Terrible, be careful to go because security is non-existent! It seems that the staff is organized to steal, glaze and assault. They have repeatedly stolen cars from friends. Avoid at all costs. To make matters worse, the business offer is nonexistent, only Vancouver Wings, and the service is terrible.
Francisco Félix on Google

¡Cuidado! Primero vez que voy y definitivamente la última. A uno de los amigos con que iba le cristalearon su coche y a otra se lo abrieron para llevarse todo lo que traían. El personal de seguridad es un excelente adorno. Por cierto, el servicio en Vancouver Wings horrible también.
Watch out! First time I go and definitely the last one. One of the friends with whom he was going was decorated with his car and someone else opened it to take everything they brought. The security staff is an excellent adornment. By the way, the service in Vancouver Wings horrible too.
Noe Reynoso on Google

This place at first seemed nice because it was new. After dinning in Vancouver Wings, the service was awfull. They tried to charge us items we never consumed, and the food was discusting. I noticed that there were several people nervous around us, and to our surprise multiple cars were opened. They stole valuable items, and my carry on was stolen from the trunk of my friends car. I feel like everyone was involved because security and employees all acted suspicious.

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