GRM COLLISION - 66150 Santa Catarina

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Blvd Gustavo Díaz Ordaz 133, Los Treviño, 66150 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +888
Categories :
City : N.L.

Blvd Gustavo Díaz Ordaz 133, Los Treviño, 66150 Santa Catarina, N.L., Mexico
Alejandro Reyes on Google

Pésimo servicio, mi auto lleva mas de 20 días con ellos y no han terminado para devolverlo
Mike VP on Google

Excelente atencion y sercicio de parte de Roger y Armando. Ampliamente recomendable en caso que requieran un tallet de reparacion y pintura.
Excellent attention and service from Roger and Armando. Widely recommended in case they require a repair and painting workshop.

no cumplen con el tiempo de entrega, ademas de que dan plazo de un mes para ingresar tu vehículo, no la recomiendo si se requiere un trabajo en tiempo y forma.
They do not meet the delivery time, in addition to giving a month to enter your vehicle, I do not recommend it if a job is required in a timely manner.
Jazzia Coronel on Google

PÉSIMO SERVICIO Se tardaron más de 2 meses en entregarme el carro, nunca dieron fecha exacta de entrega, cada que llamaba era falta esto, falta aquello "en dos semanas más se lo entregamos" le pusieron unos focos de un modelo diferente, ni si quiera se percataron de que los focos que quitaron eran diferentes, el carro descuadrado, y querían que lo recibiera así, se quedó una semana más, porque no sabían cómo conectar los focos, lo entregaron y el clima no enfriaba, la concha quebrada, el soporte del amortiguador no sirve, y llevo casi la mita del deducible en arreglar cosas que se supone que ellos arreglaron. Servicio para no volver nunca.
TERRIBLE SERVICE It took more than 2 months to deliver the car to me, they never gave the exact delivery date, every time I called it was missing this, missing that "in two more weeks we'll deliver it to them" they put some lights of a different model, they didn't even notice that the lights they removed were different, the car was out of square, and they wanted him to receive it that way, he stayed another week, because they didn't know how to connect the lights, they delivered it and the weather wasn't cold, the shell was broken, the shock absorber support It doesn't work, and I've got almost half the deductible on fixing things they're supposed to fix. Service to never return.
jose luis alanis fernandez on Google

Excelente servicio y muy buena calidad de acabado.
Excellent service and very good quality finish.
Ricardo Reyes on Google

Me tocó en temporada alta, un golpe no muy complicado en la parte de atrás, tardaron 5 semanas pero quedó muy bien y le dieron una pequeña lavada exterior al carro. El encargado de afirme seguros Abraham muy atento y se nota que sabe lo que hace, te contesta todo lo que preguntas y es sincero.
It happened to me in high season, a not very complicated hit in the back, it took 5 weeks but it turned out very well and they gave the car a little exterior wash. The person in charge of affirm insurance Abraham is very attentive and it shows that he knows what he is doing, he answers everything you ask and is sincere.
D A Vazquez Garza on Google

Excelente servicio, altamente recomendable, muy profesionales y a la primera, tengo mucho tiempo de traer mis coches a este taller, para personalizaciones, correcciones, acabados de pintura, corrección de pequeños golpes y detallado de puntura, siempre muy satisfecho del trabajo.
Excellent service, highly recommended, very professional and the first time, I have a lot of time to bring my cars to this workshop, for customizations, corrections, paint finishes, correction of small bumps and detailed puncture, always very satisfied with the work.
Ricardo Hermida on Google

De entrada si recomiendo mucho este negocio. En mi caso fui a que me repararan la fasia trasera y cajuela debido a un percance que tuve en un estacionamiento y, al no convencerme el taller de la aseguradora, decidí repararlo aquí por mi cuenta y por recomendación de un amigo el cual ya había tenido una buena experiencia con este taller. Siempre he temido mandar mi carro a un taller que no sea la agencia y debo decir que quede más que satisfecho con la reparación realizada. La fasia y cajuela quedaron perfectos, los emblemas los quitaron antes de pintar como debe de ser, y la pintura se ve exactamente igual a la original tanto en tono como en brillo y al tacto se siente completamente lisa. Básicamente se ve como si no le hubiera pasado nada. Me siento sumamente feliz de haber llevado mi carro a este taller, 100% recomendado.
Check if highly recommend this business. In my case I went to I fix the rear Fasia and trunk due to an accident I had in a parking lot and the not convince the workshop of the insurance, I decided to repair it here on my own and on the recommendation of a friend who had had a good experience with this workshop. I've always been afraid to send my car to a garage that is not the agency and I must say it is more than satisfied with the repair done. The Fasia and trunk were perfect, emblems removed before painting as it should be, and the painting looks exactly like the original both in tone and shine and he feels completely smooth touch. Basically it looks as if it had not happened. I am very happy to have taken my car to this workshop, 100% recommended.

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