GRUPO LIBRA - 02810 Ciudad de México

3/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Boldo 135, Victoria de las Democracias, Azcapotzalco, 02810 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Categories :
City : CDMX

Boldo 135, Victoria de las Democracias, Azcapotzalco, 02810 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Diablo Cortés on Google

Que pésima empresa empezando por los supervisores y los encargados.
What a lousy company starting with the supervisors and managers.

La empresa es nefasta te tratan mal no paga buenas prestaciones y su sueldo es una burla, El supervisor Enrique Rodríguez es una persona prepotente corrupta e inestable economicamente Grupo Libra es una pésima empresa corrupta
The company is nefarious, they treat you badly, they do not pay good benefits and their salary is a joke, Supervisor Enrique Rodríguez is a corrupt and economically unstable arrogant person Grupo Libra is a terrible corrupt company
Israel Contreras on Google

Pésima empresa, supervisores hambriados, lo publico personalmente por su supervisor en SEP Enrique Rodriguez que aún que lo han reportado como mal supervisor lo siguen manteniendo en la empresa que por cierto muy impuntual en pagos y prestaciones
Terrible company, hungry supervisors, I personally publish it by his supervisor at SEP Enrique Rodriguez who, even though he has been reported as a bad supervisor, continues to keep him in the company, which by the way is very unpunctual in payments and benefits
Kristina San on Google

Muy mal lugar para trabajar con el corporativo no respetan tus horas laboradas ni el sueldo al igual que el día de quincena te lo posponen de 3-8 días y para renunciar tienes que estar de 9am a 12pm y hablar para que día te pueden atender por que si vas solo obtendrás para pérdida de tiempo y dinero Por eso este corporativo siempre necesita gente
Very bad place to work with the corporate they do not respect your working hours or salary as well as the fortnight they postpone it for 3-8 days and to resign you have to be from 9am to 12pm and talk about what day they can attend you for that if you go you will only get for waste of time and money That's why this corporate always needs people
Maria De Jesus Colin on Google

A mi me pidieron prestado. Unos de sus vigilantes. Y me escucho su supervisor by el día que le llame. Me corto. Y después me mando a buzón. Es pésima y tendré que levantar acta ,ya que si tal compañía es patito . Avisaré a mi dirección. Ya que SEP. Suele contratar a la empresa. En todos sus edificios correspondientes. Ojalá y la deshagan. No contraten a la tal grupo libra.
They borrowed from me. One of his vigilantes. And your supervisor listened to me by the day I call you. I cut myself. And then he sends me to the mailbox. It is terrible and I will have to draw up the minutes, since if such a company is a duckling. I will notify my address. Since SEP. He usually hires the company. In all its corresponding buildings. Hopefully and undo it. Don't hire such a Libra group.
Alejandro Zarabia on Google

Esta empresa es el cotorreo absoluto. Así que háganse un favor y no se empleen ahí, los supervisores no sirven ni para sacar a mear un perro, contratan a puro hijo de vecino que ni perfil tiene. No hay prestaciones, ni bonos de puntualidad, no cotizas y si quieres un permiso pura madre; y si faltas te descuentan $600, a veces se tardan en pagar y ni esperes un buen uniforme, te van a dar una roña con chinches. Si te mandan a cuidar bellas artes, procura llevar tu cobija y un cartón para que te duermas en la intemperie.
This company is the absolute chatter. So do yourself a favor and don't get employed there, the supervisors aren't even good for taking a dog out to piss, they hire a pure neighbor's son who doesn't have a profile. There are no benefits, no punctuality bonuses, you do not contribute and if you want a pure mother leave; and if you are absent they will discount $ 600, sometimes they take time to pay and don't even expect a good uniform, they will give you a scab with bedbugs. If they send you to take care of fine arts, try to bring your blanket and a cardboard so that you sleep in the open.
Dante Aligheri on Google

Supongo que los que le dan 5 estrellas son lambiscones o encargados de esta seudocompañia de inseguridad privada, no cotizas, dan uniformes tan viejos que parecen de persona en situación de calle, las prestaciones son de dicho porque ni seguro dan salvo que estés cada dos días en clínica porque sino te dan de baja
I suppose that those who give it 5 stars are lambiscones or in charge of this private insecurity pseudo-company, you do not quote, they give uniforms so old that they seem like a person in a street situation, the benefits are said because they do not even give insurance unless you are every two days in the clinic because if not, you are discharged
Mario Limón on Google


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