Grupo MAS Sucursal Zaragoza - 91910 Veracruz

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Grupo MAS Sucursal Zaragoza

Address :

Av Juan de Dios Peza 426, Ignacio Zaragoza, 91910 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Categories :
City : Ver.

Av Juan de Dios Peza 426, Ignacio Zaragoza, 91910 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
Andrés Oliveros Ruiz on Google

El sistema de atención y la sana distancia son buenos, la atención es como cualquier oficina, me gusta que son lo más rápidos que pueden aunque llega un momento que se saturan con tanta gente y pocos módulos de atención.
The care system and healthy distance are good, the service is like any office, I like that they are as fast as they can, although there comes a time when they are saturated with so many people and few service modules.
Elsa Beatriz Tiburcio Martinez on Google

De entrada tienen para sacar turno lastima porque las cajeras se lo saltan. Cuando dije que era mi turno me gritaron Si como lo.leen me gritaron. Total que por fin atendieron a mi mamá que su queja es que le tomaron una lectura de un medidor sepa Dios de quien porque el de ella no funciona. Quedó en proceso de revisión y número de folio. Pero amabilidad CERO, cortesía CERO y no les terminas de explicar el problema cuando ya te dicen que tú tienes la culpa.
From the beginning they have to take turns, it hurts because the cashiers skip it. When I said that it was my turn they yelled at me Yes, like it. Lee yelled at me. Total that finally they attended to my mother that her complaint is that they took a reading of a meter, God knows who because hers does not work. It was in the process of revision and folio number. But ZERO kindness, ZERO courtesy and you don't finish explaining the problem to them when they already tell you that you are to blame.
Ismael Torres on Google

Lo bueno es que casi no hay gente y pasas rápido, lo malo el personal no tiene trato.
The good thing is that there are almost no people and you pass quickly, the bad thing is that the staff does not treat you.
Zaira Fuentes Leal on Google

Es cómodo acudir a esa sucursal, abre los sábados lo cual es muy bueno
It is comfortable to go to that branch, it opens on Saturdays which is very good
Sergio Martinez Uscanga on Google

Deben mejorar la atención ,solo cobran o mes por mes o por año adelantado,no aceptan por fracciones de año o semestre o trimestres,y algo confuso su sistema de cobro en cuanto a los comprobantes de pago,y no explican bien las ejecutivas.
They must improve the attention, they only charge month by month or per year in advance, they do not accept fractions of the year or semester or quarters, and their collection system is somewhat confusing in terms of payment receipts, and the executives do not explain well.
Profra. María Elena Valero Galindo on Google

En el grupo más no dan respuesta eficiente a las problemáticas de hundimientos, son parte de los trabajos que anteriormente se hacía por grupo SAS, Y ahora esta agrupación cobra cada obra que hace y se supone pagamos en el recibo de agua por el mantenimiento de la red de agua y drenaje, y es un dineral lo que han cobrado a los vecinos
In the more group they do not give an efficient response to the subsidence problems, they are part of the work that was previously done by the SAS group, and now this group charges for each work it does and we are supposed to pay in the water bill for the maintenance of the water and drainage network, and what they have charged the neighbors is a fortune
Alfredo Vasquez on Google

Hoy acudí a efectuar mi pago y me encontré que pago anual volvió a subir como siempre y le dije a cajera que mi domicilio es una casa de interés social de 6 por 9 dos plantas y según este cobro se está haciendo a una base de consumo de 30 metros cúbicos para hacer efectivo de ayuda del 50 por ciento .para ellos cobrarnos entonces 15 metros cúbicos mensuales de dijo que al no tener medidor eso no era cierto y se empezó a reír .la cajera de junto caja 3le decía a quien me atendía .que no me hiciera caso....como señalando me de revoltoso y le señalaba que me enviara a una oficina adjunta de la entrada.sin embargo le pedí pagar con esa observación y no paraba de reírse cajera 4.. finalmente pague y aproveché pagar recibo de casa con medidor y con un consumo de 1 metro cúbico ..facturando grupo MAS
Today I went to make my payment and I found that the annual payment went up again as usual and I told the cashier that my address is a 6 by 9 two-storey social interest house and according to this payment it is being made on a consumption basis of 30 cubic meters to make a 50 percent aid cash. So they charge us 15 cubic meters of water per month. He told me that since he didn't have a meter, that wasn't true and he started laughing. who attended me. that he should not pay attention to if pointing out that I was unruly and told him to send me to an office attached to the entrance. However, I asked him to pay with that observation and he did not stop laughing cashier 4... finally I paid and took advantage of paying a house bill with a meter and with a consumption of 1 cubic meter... billing the MAS group
JPablo ViRa. on Google


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