Grupo Zeta Gas - 97288 Mérida

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Grupo Zeta Gas

Address :

Merida - Campeche Aviación, Km 6.5, Cd Industrial, 97288 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9999
Website :
Categories :
City : Yuc.

Merida - Campeche Aviación, Km 6.5, Cd Industrial, 97288 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
Eliud Romo on Google

Pésimo servicio, ellos te cambian el tanque de gas y te dan los más oxidados, y cuando regresan a cambiarlo, ya no te dan el servicio porque está oxidado y aún demostrando que ellos fueron los del servicio anterior.
Terrible service, they change your gas tank and give you the most rusty ones, and when they return to change it, they no longer give you the service because it is rusty and still showing that they were the ones from the previous service.
María Elena Marín Zermeño on Google

Tren sus tanques y aunque los vemos deteriorados confiamos en su palabra de que están buenos y después no se los quieren llevar por estar en tan mal estado. Es infame su conducta como empresa. Pobres empleados que tienen que soportar tanta inconformidad y queja.
Train their tanks and although we see them deteriorated we trust their word that they are good and then they do not want to take them because they are in such bad condition. Their conduct as a company is infamous. Poor employees who have to endure so much disagreement and complaint.
Ricardo Calderon on Google

Dos veces seguidas que el gas de mi tanque me tardaba 10 dias por lo que esta vez quise pesar el tanque que me trajeron para saber cuantos kilos me estaban dando pero para mi sorpresa el repartidor se nego terminantemente que por que su empresa z gas se los prohibe y casi salio uyendo con su camion el 505 , esto solo corrobora que nos estan robando descaradamente , que pena que la corrupcion no nos abandone
Twice in a row the gas in my tank took me 10 days, so this time I wanted to weigh the tank they brought me to find out how many kilos they were giving me, but to my surprise the delivery man flatly refused that because his company z gas took them prohibits and he almost left with his truck on 505, this only confirms that they are blatantly stealing from us, what a pity that corruption does not abandon us
Deyvi Euan on Google

Muy mal servicio pido un servicio , llega el repartidor checa el tanque y comenta que por nueva politicas ya los revisan encontrando que el tanque necesita cambio no hace el cambio me pide que con el tiket se hace que lo reporte , marco el call center pesimo servicio irrespetuosos y falta de capacitacion urgente ya que no pueden solucionar un problema , me dan otro numero telefonico marco y sin solucion por que sus lineas estan cruzada esto me lo comenta su mismo empleado me dan otro numero que aun no dan solucion ya que el gerente salio a comer y el cliente esprando solucion que nadie le da .Conserven su tiket ya que ellos como empresa no comentan esto al momemto de la venta y revisen el tanque ya que ellos te los venden dañados
Very bad service I ask for a service, the delivery man arrives, checks the tank and comments that due to new policies they are already checking them, finding that the tank needs change, he does not make the change, he asks me to report it with the ticket, I mark the call center, terrible service disrespectful and lack of urgent training since they cannot solve a problem, they give me another telephone number and without a solution because their lines are crossed this is what the same employee tells me they give me another number that still does not give a solution since the manager left to eat and the client waiting for a solution that nobody gives him. Keep your ticket since they as a company do not comment on this at the time of the sale and check the tank since they sell them to you damaged
Ricardo Güemez Ortiz on Google

Horrible servicio. Me trajeron más de 4 veces tanques malos, y cada ves que se gastaba y pedia otro, llegaba el camion y no se queria llevar el tanque porque esta en mal estado (aunque sean ellos mismos los que lo dejaron) y me hacian espera, mandar un reporte y tenia que esperar 3 dias sin gas para que se resuelva la situacion. No lo recomiendo para nada...
Terrible service. They brought me bad tanks more than 4 times, and every time they ran out and I asked for another one, the truck would arrive and they didn't want to take the tank because it was in bad shape (although it was they who left it) and they made me wait, send a report and had to wait 3 days without gas for the situation to be resolved. I don't recommend it at all...
Eli González H. on Google

Son unos rateros, pésimo servicio de atención a clientes, son groseros los que atienden los teléfonos y whatsapp, NO compren en esta gasera, están vendiendo menos producto en los cilindros y cuando quieres meter un reclamo te piden al menos 4 notas anteriores, es absurdo y ventajoso para ellos, nadie te da solución a nada y son unos incompetentes los que "atienden" al cliente. Les debería dar vergüenza.
They are thieves, terrible customer service, those who answer the phones and whatsapp are rude, DO NOT buy in this gas station, they are selling less product in the cylinders and when you want to make a claim they ask you for at least 4 previous notes, it is absurd and advantageous for them, nobody gives you a solution to anything and they are incompetent people who "serve" the client. They should be ashamed.
Gabriel Estrella on Google

Pesimo servicio. Estuve esperando todo un día que me trajeran el gas y nunca llegaron. Marque por teléfono varias veces y me decían que en el transcurso de día y tarde llegarían. A las 8:30pm volví y marcar y me dijeron que no me surgirían el gas porque desde temprano se le acabó al camión que surte, y que si quería me podían programar al día siguiente. También surten el gas incompleto. Pésimo servicio¡¡¡
Terrible service. I waited a whole day for the gas to be delivered and they never came. I dialed on the phone several times and they told me that in the course of the day and evening they would arrive. At 8:30 pm I returned and dialed and they told me that the gas would not come on because the truck that supplies it ran out early, and that if I wanted they could schedule me the next day. They also supply incomplete gas. Terrible service
Roberto Aban on Google


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