Hablatel Contact Center - 83280 Hermosillo

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contamos con una cartera de clientes conformada por multinacionales en sector de telefonía de primera línea alrededor del mundo, Hablatel se consolida como un socio confiable, solvente y flexible para atender las crecientes demandas del mercado.

Contact Hablatel Contact Center

Address :

Blvd. Solidaridad #1066-Int. 2, Villa del Seri, 83280 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://habla-tel.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Son.

Blvd. Solidaridad #1066-Int. 2, Villa del Seri, 83280 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
LuisR.Vazquez Photography on Google

Buen lugar para trabajar si buscas un trabajo de medio tiempo o mientras estudias. Buen ambiente laboral.
Good place to work if you are looking for a part-time job or while studying. Good working environment.
4lberio on Google

Un buen lugar para trabajar o tener a mucha gente sin parar promocionando tu marca y/o servicio
A good place to work or have many people without stopping promoting your brand and / or service
Ezequiel Preciado on Google

????? o ahora llamado Listen Tel. Si pudiera poner estrellas negativas lo haria. El peor callcenter de Hermosillo por parte de la administracion. Cometen muchas injusticias con los trabajadores, tales como estar dados de alta con el salario minimo, si es que tienes la dicha, porque no todos son dados de alta en el IMSS, puedes encontrarte con la sorpresa de que si ocupas el servicio medico te digan que no estas registrado aunque actualmente labores ahi. Sus problemas se convierten los de los empleados ya que en repetidas ocaciones han retrasado el pago de nomina de sus empleados hasta por tres semanas por dicha razon (imagina 3 semanas trabajando sin que te paguen), esto incluye atrasos de pagos obligatorios en Fonacot, INFONAVIT, etc. Tienen un reglamento muy poco pensado en gente, creen tener robots y no personas. Y por si fuera poco, el dia que levante la voz tuvieron una gran idea, planearon negarme la entrada a mi lugar de trabajo sin previo aviso, no me dieron mis pertenencias que aun estaban ahi sin importar los 3 años que tenia trabajando con muy buen expediente y ascensos de puesto, y por si fuera poco presentaron ante la junta de consiliacion y arbitraje una renuncia supuestamente firmada por mi, si tambien se meten en ese tipo de problemas legales sin miedo alguno. Se aprobechan de la falta de conocimiento y necesidad de la gente.
Or now called Listen Tel. If I could put negative stars I would. The worst call center in Hermosillo by the administration. They commit many injustices with the workers, such as being discharged with the minimum wage, if you have the happiness, because not all are discharged from the IMSS, you may be surprised that if you use the medical service they will tell you that you are not registered even though you currently work there. Their problems become those of the employees since on repeated occasions they have delayed the payment of their employees' payroll for up to three weeks for this reason (imagine 3 weeks working without being paid), this includes delays of mandatory payments in Fonacot, INFONAVIT , etc. They have very little thought about people, they think they have robots and not people. And as if that were not enough, the day I raised my voice they had a great idea, they planned to deny me entry to my workplace without prior notice, they did not give me my belongings that were still there regardless of the 3 years I had been working with very good file and promotions of position, and last but not least they presented before the conscription and arbitration board a resignation supposedly signed by me, if they also get into such legal problems without fear. They take advantage of people's lack of knowledge and need.
Diana Encinas on Google

Cada vez peor, ningun comentario bueno para la empresa. Ya hemos sabido que siempre han tenido muchos problemas por que los patrones se aprovechan de los empleados en todos los aspectos, labore durante un año y medio y por que se robaron un celular que no pudieron encontrar culpable (Por que no habia camaras dentro del area) quisieron echarme la culpa y hacer que respondiera por el, ya que el celular estaba en el area administrativa donde yo estaba sentada. Al decir que yo no firme ningun papel en el que me hacia responsable de tal cosa, se me despidió injustificadamente diciendo "Se te quita el contrato, por no aceptar responsabilidades". Díganme que justificación puede ser esa. Se han aprovechado de los empleados de otras mil maneras más, son un asco.
Worse and worse, no good comments for the company. We have already known that they have always had many problems because employers take advantage of employees in all aspects, work for a year and a half and because they stole a cell phone that they could not find guilty (Because there were no cameras in the area ) They wanted to blame me and make me answer for him, since the cell phone was in the administrative area where I was sitting. When I said that I did not sign any paper in which he made me responsible for such a thing, I was unjustifiably fired saying "Your contract is taken away, for not accepting responsibilities." Tell me what justification that could be. Employees have been taken advantage of in a thousand other ways, they suck.
Carlos Andrade on Google

Fui por necesidad, servicio pésimo, y actitud nefasta, y barato no es.
I went out of necessity, lousy service, and disastrous attitude, and it's not cheap.
Victor Fimbres on Google

So so place
Greg Nuñez on Google

Nice place to work
Diana Cordova on Google

this is app is my favorite

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