Hair estudio Norma Ponce - 44620 Guadalajara

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Contact Hair estudio Norma Ponce

Address :

Calle Acatempan 2034, Ayuntamiento, 44620 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calle Acatempan 2034, Ayuntamiento, 44620 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Anabelle Garcia Velazquez / D.General / SPA on Google

Si por mi fuera le pondría 0 estrellas lastima que no hay esa opción, oh sorpresa!!!.. hoy tuve una experiencia bastante desagradable en el salón de Norma Ponce, lastima que me lo recomendaron muchísimo y es una porqueria , una pésima atención por parte de su personal , ya ni los perritos salen estilando de su estética como yo!!!..ten cuidado Norma Ponce con la imagen que tanto presumen!!!
If it were 0 stars, it would be a shame that there is no such option, oh surprise !!! .. Today I had a rather unpleasant experience in Norma Ponce's salon, too bad they recommended it to me a lot and it is crap, a terrible attention for part of its staff, not even the dogs come out styling their aesthetics like me !!! .. be careful Norma Ponce with the image that they both boast !!!
Van4love & oils essentials on Google

Me encantan todos los productos que uso, mis rizo volvieron y mi cabellonesta mas sano que nunca! A mi marido le está saliendo cabello!!!!!! estamos encantados!
I love all the products I use, my curl came back and my hair is healthier than ever! My husband is getting hair !!! we are happy!
Nokakashi Noriega on Google

Me gustó mucho la atención de la empleada una señora de bata verde te atiende con suma amabilidad.
I really liked the attention of the employee, a lady in a green coat attends you with great kindness.
Santa muerte me guías on Google

Productos que venden segun ellas NATURALES,, y NO LO SON. Aparte de caros y que ami no me sirvieron en realidad para NADA.. tus citas te las dan en 2 meses y afuerzas quieren meterte sus productos caros y absoletos . Para un corte o tinte te ponen de condicion hacerte minimo 3 tratamientos de $250 pesos que no sirven para nada.y en los cortes de cabello es como la peluquera quiera no como a ti te guste!!!?
Products that sell according to them NATURAL, and ARE NOT. Apart from expensive and that ami really did not serve me for ANYTHING .. your appointments give them to you in 2 months and you want to get your expensive and grandfathered products. For a cut or dye they put you in condition to make at least 3 treatments of $ 250 pesos that are useless.And in the haircuts it is as the hairdresser wants not as you like it !!! ?
Dael Ceja on Google

Productos de calidad, aunque los cortes/peinados no tanto. Por lo que cobran y te dejan esperando, no va la actitud de "la señora" y sus empleadas. Si no tienes cita, ni te acerques! No te darán ni un minuto de su tiempo para hacerles alguna consulta sobre el corte o peinado que te hayan hecho antes (y tampoco te permitirán esperar hasta que se desocupe para posteriormente consultarles). Ni siquiera en plena cita! Si "la señora" considera que ya terminó contigo, no te dirigirá siquiera la palabra y le encargará a sus empleadas que te despachen a la brevedad. En mi caso, me hicieron su famoso tratamiento, para después dejarme esperando 1 hora sentado a que la señora se desocupara de sus asuntos personales. Me comenzó a cortar el cabello y ni siquiera me peinó, que por que percibía "muy mala energía viniendo de mí", supongo por que le dije que no me estaba agradando mucho el corte, a lo que ella se fue y me dejó ahí (pero si te dejan esperando 1 hora por el corte, no sé cómo esperan que sigas con energía "positiva", y yo solo me limité a decir que no me estaba gustando, sin insultar o ser grosero en ningún momento). Yo seguí sentado esperando a la señora a que terminará, pero de pronto llegó su empleada y me dijo que ya me levantara, y le dije que todavía no me había peinado, y me dijo que yo me peinara como me pareciera... Me resultó sumamente desagradable el trato, así que me rehusé a pararme del asiento y me quedé cerca de 2 minutos más ahí a ver si la señora se dignaba en salir de su escondite, aparecer y terminar, pero la empleada insistía en que me parara por que habían más clientes esperando. Era evidente que no me iban a atender más, así que me paré para ponerme gel enfrente del espejo yo mismo y peinarme a ver de qué modo se me acomodaba mejor el cabello con ese corte que me hizo. La empleada me dijo que me peinara en otro lado, por que ahí estorbaba, así que no me quedó de otra que entrar al baño e intentar descifrar cómo iba a salir a la calle peinado de ese lugar... A los 5 minutos no llega otra empleada y me toca diciendo que "si voy a tardar mucho?". Así que de mala gana ya salí peinado como pude y la señora ya estaba atendiendo a otra persona y ni me volteó a ver ni dijo más nada. A pero eso sí, a la hora de cobrar, bien COBRADO el tratamiento y el CORTE! Para ser sincero, me vi tentado a rehusarme a pagar por el corte, y solo pagar por el tratamiento y salir cuanto antes de ahí, pero como el establecimiento cuenta con cierre electrónico al que solo tiene acceso la empleada detrás del mostrador, decidí no armar un drama peor y pagar ambas cosas y simplemente tomarlo como una lección y limitarme a no acudir más a este establecimiento (decisión nada complicada, pues ni siquiera me ofrecieron otra cita al terminar de realizar el pago, y a este lugar solo puedes llegar con cita, como lo indiqué anteriormente!). En fin... Así que si van personas nuevas: solo procuren hacer respetar sus derechos como consumidores, y no estén dispuestos a aceptar atropellos de ningún tipo. Cobran MUY MUY BIEN como para que se den el gusto de tratarte como les venga en gana.
Quality products, although the cuts / hairstyles not so much. For what they charge and leave you waiting, the attitude of "the lady" and her employees does not go. If you don't have an appointment, stay away! They will not give you a minute of their time to ask them any questions about the cut or hairstyle they have done before (and they will not allow you to wait until it is vacated to later consult them). Not even in full date! If "the lady" considers that she is finished with you, she will not even speak to you and will instruct her employees to dispatch you as soon as possible. In my case, they gave me their famous treatment, and then they left me sitting waiting for 1 hour for the lady to take care of her personal affairs. She started cutting my hair and she didn't even comb my hair, because she perceived "very bad energy coming from me", I suppose because I told her that I was not liking the cut very much, so she left and left me there ( but if they leave you waiting 1 hour for the cut, I don't know how they expect you to continue with "positive" energy, and I just limited myself to saying that I was not liking it, without insulting or being rude at any time). I continued sitting waiting for the lady to finish, but suddenly her employee arrived and told me to get up, and I told her that I had not combed my hair yet, and she told me to do my hair as I see fit ... The treatment was extremely unpleasant, so I refused to get up from the seat and stayed there for about 2 more minutes to see if the lady deigned to come out of her hiding place, appear and finish, but the employee insisted that I stop because they had more customers waiting. It was evident that they were not going to take care of me anymore, so I stopped to put gel in front of the mirror myself and comb my hair to see how my hair would best suit me with that cut he made me. The employee told me to comb my hair elsewhere, because it was in the way there, so I had no choice but to go to the bathroom and try to figure out how I was going to get out of that place with my hair done ... In 5 minutes another employee does not arrive and it is my turn to say "am I going to take too long?" So reluctantly I already got my hair done as I could and the lady was already taking care of another person and neither turned to look at me nor said anything else. But yes, at the time of charging, well CHARGED for the treatment and the CUT! To be honest, I was tempted to refuse to pay for the cut, and just pay for the treatment and get out of there as soon as possible, but since the establishment has an electronic lock that only the employee behind the counter has access to, I decided not to arm a worse drama and pay for both and simply take it as a lesson and limit myself to not going to this establishment any more (not a complicated decision, because they didn't even offer me another appointment when I finished making the payment, and you can only arrive at this place by appointment, as stated above!). Anyway ... So if new people go: just try to enforce their rights as consumers, and are not willing to accept abuse of any kind. They charge VERY VERY WELL so they indulge in treating you as they please.
silvia maria macias ortiz on Google

Estoy fascinada con los productos que elaboran, anteriormente los conseguia en tijuana pero tuve que pedir que me los trajeran de guadalajara. Vale la pena conseguirlos por la ayuda que te da con sus productos.
I am fascinated with the products they make, I used to get them in Tijuana but I had to ask for them to be brought to me from Guadalajara. They are worth getting for the help they give you with their products.
Maye Correa on Google

El tratamiento muy bueno pero muy caro te cobran todo hasta por el aire que respiras, a fuerzas te piden comprar todo el tratamiento completo y en cuanto a servicio pésimo tuve malas experiencias en una ocasión me estaba cortando el cabello la Sra. Norma y me decía que ya tenia tiempo que no compraba mas tratamiento que si no se me había terminado y le dije que no porque con mi cabello corto me rendia mucho y se enojo porque decía que si no lo utilizaba como era no me iba a funcionar que mejor me iba a cambiar el tratamiento completo, pero como ya estaba enojada me hizo un corte que no me gusto y el peinado, en otra ocasión yo ya había llegado a mi cita puntual pero una de sus clientas adelante de mi venia retrasada me pidieron retirarme y volver nuevamente mas tarde pero le dije a la chica que me entendió que vivía lejos que yo me quedaba a esperarme pero me decía que no me podía quedar ahí que si podía irme, en pocas palabras me corrió pero ese día me fui y ya no volví .
The treatment is very good but very expensive, they charge you everything, even for the air you breathe, they forcefully ask you to buy the entire treatment, and in terms of lousy service I had bad experiences on one occasion, Mrs. Norma was cutting my hair and she told me that it had been a long time since I bought more treatment than if it had not finished and I said no because with my short hair I gave up a lot and he got angry because he said that if I did not use it as it was it would not work for me that it would be better for me to change the complete treatment, but since I was already angry, she gave me a cut that I did not like and the hairstyle, on another occasion I had already arrived for my appointment on time but one of her clients, ahead of my late arrival, asked me to withdraw and return again Later but I told the girl who understood that I lived far away that I would stay to wait for me but she told me that I could not stay there that if I could leave, in a few words she ran me but that day I left and did not return.
Sismai Gonzalez on Google

Mal servicio! No solo una vez, en varias ocasiones, te atienden tarde, cero calidad en servicio, por muy buenos productos que tengan la atención a cliente es pésima, y eso es desde la señora Norma hasta las empleadas, si no tienen ganas no te atienden y ponen pretextos estupidos.
Bad service! Not only once, on several occasions, they serve you late, zero quality of service, no matter how good products they have, customer service is lousy, and that is from Mrs. Norma to the employees, if they don't feel like it, they don't serve you and They make stupid excuses.

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