Happy Doggy - 77086 Chetumal

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Happy Doggy

Address :

Av. Machuxac 23B, Proterritorio, 77086 Chetumal, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +987
Website : https://www.facebook.com/clinicahappydoggy/
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Av. Machuxac 23B, Proterritorio, 77086 Chetumal, Q.R., Mexico
Geny Delgado on Google

Tengo la duda qur si ahy podekos adoptar o comprar un perrito
I have the question whether ahy we can adopt or buy a puppy
Yazury Anaely Quintanilla Osorio on Google

Vengo a contarles la mala experiencia que tuve con esta clínica ya que mi perro sufrió una fractura y lo llevamos para que lo atiendan, sin revisar al perro, sin sacar placas y sin poner medicamento alguno nos cobraron $1000, dejaron a mi perro con temperatura y sin la atención necesaria ya que "no era grave" según ellos. #carniceros pésimoservicio #chetumal #veterinaria #happydoggy
I come to tell you about the bad experience I had with this clinic since my dog ​​suffered a fracture and we took it to be treated, without checking the dog, without taking plaques and without putting any medicine they charged us $ 1000, they left my dog ​​with temperature and without the necessary attention since "it was not serious" according to them. #bad butchers #chetumal #veterinary #happydoggy
Lidia Hoil on Google

Excelente veterinario, atiende a mis 5 perros.. y todos están muy bien. El Dr. Henry es de los pocos veterinarios que realmente demuestra amar su trabajo. 1000% recomendado.
Excellent veterinarian, take care of my 5 dogs .. and all are very well. Dr. Henry is one of the few veterinarians who really shows to love his work. 1000% recommended.
Michelle Góngora on Google

El médico Henry y la doctora Leticia son excelentes en su trabajo, precios justos y variedad de servicios.
Doctor Henry and Dr. Leticia are excellent in their work, fair prices, and a variety of services.
Maritza Fonseca on Google

Hola gente, les voy a compartir mi aberrante experiencia en esta supuesta clínica veterinaria. Mi perrito probablemente comió algo que le ocasionó vómito y casi se muere. Por cuestiones de cercanía y emergencia acudí a esta clínica sin antes haber ido. Sin embargo, vaya sorpresa me di que al llegar con mi mascota en un estado delicado me hicieron llenar datos que en esos momentos era irrelevantes para mi ya que lo unico que me importaba era la salud de mi perrito. Después de ello, pasé al consultorio y gran frustración y decepción me lleve cuando el médico veterinario me comentó que; "no puedo aplicar nada a su mascota porque no sé lo que tiene", "no habrá comido un sapo", y claramente mi mascota estaba a punto del colapso. Por sino fuera poco, me comentó que para saber que tratamiento darle tenia que mandarle a realizar estudios y que si se requería que fuera ingresado tenía que dejar anticipo de 50% y que probablemente eso me costaría alrededor de $2,000. Inmediamente cargue a mi mascota y salí de allí corriendo como alma que lleva el diablo. A pesar de que NO LE HICIERON NADA pague la consulta pero de verdad que fue un ASCO la situación. A lo que quiero llegar es que EN MI EXPERIENCIA, PARA NADA RECOMIENDO ESTA CLÍNICA. Y claramente se nota que el veterinario es alguien que carece de EXPERIENCIA y sobre todo trato humanitario a los animales. Las mascotas son parte de la familia y por lo tanto merecen una atención de calidad en cualquier circunstancia. No dejemos el bienestar de nuestros animalitos en manos de aprendices o en su defecto, personas que dicen ser médicos veterinarios y que no saben cómo reaccionar ante una emergencia. Por lo pronto, mi mascota está bien ya que actúe de inmediato y acudí a otro médico. Cuiden a sus mascotas y sobre todo cuiden a quien le entregan su salud.
Hello people, I am going to share with you my aberrant experience in this supposed veterinary clinic. My puppy probably ate something that made him vomit and he almost died. For reasons of proximity and emergency, I went to this clinic without first having gone. However, what a surprise I was that when I arrived with my pet in a delicate state, they made me fill in data that at that time was irrelevant to me since the only thing that mattered to me was the health of my puppy. After that, I went to the office and great frustration and disappointment took me when the veterinarian told me that; "I can't apply anything to your pet because I don't know what he's got", "he won't have eaten a toad", and clearly my pet was on the verge of collapse. As if that were not enough, he told me that to know what treatment to give him I had to send him for studies and that if he was required to be admitted he had to leave a 50% advance and that probably would cost me around $ 2,000. I immediately carried my pet and ran out of there like a soul that the devil carries. Even though they DID NOT DO ANYTHING, I paid for the consultation, but the situation was really DISGUSTING. What I want to get to is that IN MY EXPERIENCE, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CLINIC FOR ANYTHING. And it is clear that the veterinarian is someone who lacks EXPERIENCE and above all humane treatment of animals. Pets are part of the family and therefore deserve quality care in all circumstances. Let's not leave the welfare of our animals in the hands of apprentices or, failing that, people who claim to be veterinary doctors and who do not know how to react to an emergency. For now, my pet is fine as I act immediately and I went to another doctor. Take care of your pets and above all take care of those who give you their health.
Gustavo Delgado Martinez on Google

Excelente servicio, el doctor henry ama su trabajo y se nota al llegar a su consultorio
Excellent service, Dr. Henry loves his job and it shows when you arrive at his office
Mont GleM on Google

El doctor henry es un muy buen doctor atendió a mi perrita Maya con una fractura en fémur la operó y me dió una opción que era efectiva para mi mascota, no me cobró una cantidad elevada y se me hizo justa en base a su calidad como veterinario ama su profesión y se nota cuando empieza atender a los perritos, espero puedan tener la posibilidad de visitarlo están en buenas manos
Dr. Henry is a very good doctor, he treated my dog ​​Maya with a femur fracture, he operated on her and gave me an option that was effective for my pet, he did not charge me a high amount and he made me fair based on his quality as a veterinarian he loves his profession and it shows when he starts taking care of the puppies, I hope they can have the opportunity to visit him they are in good hands
Sherry Moore Wolfe on Google

Wonderful and sympathetic vet and attentive staff. My dog had to have her spleen removed and they were wonderful with both her and I. Highly recommend, and they also offer overnight "pension" or boarding.

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