HDI Seguros Auto-Pronto GDL. Lázaro Cárdenas - 44910 Guadalajara

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Contact HDI Seguros Auto-Pronto GDL. Lázaro Cárdenas

Address :

Calz. Lázaro Cárdenas 1340, 8 de Julio, 44910 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +889
Website : https://www.hdi.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Jal.

Calz. Lázaro Cárdenas 1340, 8 de Julio, 44910 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
johana gutierrez on Google

Mi camioneta la llevé a la debida revisión al taller que yo escogí que fue Dalton body shop ubicada en av. Américas 861 , misma que dura 3 a 8 días para evaluar el daño y darte el costo que será de tu deducible, espere 8 días y me dieron la opción de pago de decible por $16,100.00 pesos, documento que tiene fecha 26 de enero de 2022 y tiene copia Dalton Body Shop, a esto acepte mi reparación, dejando a un lado la opción de Pago de Daños, tomando en cuenta y aceptando el costo de mi deducible, hasta el día de hoy mi camioneta no está lista , me dijeron todos estos meses que faltaban los Faros delanteros, que no encontraron en otro lado ni en el estado Jalisco ni en cualquier Estado de la República Mexicana, la solución que me ofrecieron fue mandarlos pedir internacionalmente , una vez a la semana me informaban cómo iba , dando tentativas de fecha de llegada de mis faros esta última fecha la pusieron tentativa para el día 28 de abril y cada que llamaban les pedía de favor que me Ayudarán ya que tengo hijos Pequeños que requieren llevarlos a muchas actividades incluyendo la escuela que es día con día. El día 13 de abril Mi esposo ya muy molesto fue a reclamar porque tenían tan mal servicio que nos tenían sin camioneta varios meses y casualmente me llamaron 6 horas después para decirme que el mismo día 13 de abril podía pasar por ella en cuanto yo quisiera … en ese momento no entendí como habían conseguido los faros en unas horas siendo que tardaron 3 meses y no llegaban, lo principal y porque estoy poniendo mi denuncia es que en ese mismo dia me comentaron que mi deducible seria de 25,848.00 pesos. cambiando el monto de 16,100.00 al cual habia aceptado descartando mi opcion de pago de daños, ahora bien, con ese cambio que no fue culpa nuestra, personal de HDI (Cesar Zaleta) menciona que Dalton Body Shop tuvo la culpa de dar un dato erroneo, y Dalton Body Shop (Sr. Jose Oviedo) dice que no porque tiene el documento donde marca la cantidad en pesos. al igual que marca todas las piezas que seran cambiadas este documento fue enviado por HDI Seguros por un monto de 16,100.00 con fecha del 26 de enero de 2022. Se hablo con la gerente de HDI Adriana Navarro y menciona que la culpa es de su proveedor de Dalton Body Shop, y se habló con el gerente de Dalton Body Shop el Sr. Jose Oviedo y menciona que no que fue culpa de ellos que HDI hizo el cambio de la hoja de pago inesperadamente cuando ya iba a ser entregada la camioneta antes mencionada, tres meses pasaron y cuando dan una solución aumentan el costo, y dan otra cantidad para pago de deducible, el error fue de HDI, deben de respetar lo que marcan y dicen o dar la opción de pago de daños que con eso pudimos haber tenido nuestra camioneta en mucho menor tiempo y sin problemas. Hoy 9 de mayo no tenemos la unidad ni respuesta, en caso de no contar con una respuesta por esta vía vamos a ir con las autoridades Condusef, Profeco y redes sociales para que sepan lo que esta sucediendo. Espero me puedan ayudar ya que para mí esto es un fraude.
I took my truck to the workshop that I chose, which was the Dalton body shop located on Av. Américas 861, which lasts 3 to 8 days to assess the damage and give you the cost of your deductible, wait 8 days and they gave me the decible payment option for $16,100.00 pesos, a document dated January 26, 2022 and Dalton Body Shop has a copy, to this accept my repair, leaving aside the Damage Payment option, taking into account and accepting the cost of my deductible, to this day my truck is not ready, they told me all these months that the headlights were missing, that they could not find anywhere else, neither in the state of Jalisco nor in any state of the Mexican Republic, the solution they offered me was to order them internationally, once a week they informed me how it was going, giving tentative dates of arrival of my headlights this last date was tentatively set for April 28 and every time they called I asked them to please help me since I have small children who need to take them to many activities including school which is day by day On April 13, my husband, already very upset, went to complain because they had such bad service that they had us without a van for several months and coincidentally they called me 6 hours later to tell me that on April 13 I could go through it as soon as I wanted... At that time I did not understand how they had obtained the headlights in a few hours since it took 3 months and they did not arrive, the main thing and why I am filing my complaint is that on that same day they told me that my deductible would be 25,848.00 pesos. changing the amount of 16,100.00 to which I had accepted, discarding my option to pay damages, now, with that change that was not our fault, HDI staff (Cesar Zaleta) mentions that Dalton Body Shop was at fault for giving an erroneous information, and Dalton Body Shop (Mr. Jose Oviedo) says no because he has the document where he marks the amount in pesos. As well as marking all the pieces that will be changed, this document was sent by HDI Seguros for an amount of 16,100.00 dated January 26, 2022. I spoke with the manager of HDI Adriana Navarro and she mentions that it is her Dalton Body Shop supplier's fault, and I spoke with the manager of Dalton Body Shop Mr. Jose Oviedo and he mentions that it was not their fault that HDI did the unexpected change of the payment sheet when the aforementioned truck was going to be delivered, three months passed and when they give a solution they increase the cost, and give another amount for the deductible payment, the error was made by HDI, they must respect what that mark and say or give the option of paying damages that with that we could have had our truck in much less time and without problems. Today, May 9, we do not have the unity or response, in case we do not have an answer in this way, we will go to the authorities Condusef, Profeco and social networks so that they know what is happening. I hope you can help me because for me this is a fraud.
Salvador Velasco on Google

Excelente atención y rapidez. Fui para solicitar un pago de daños. Con el reporte 3572546 y el siniestro 20220000022745. Me atendió la señorita Guadalupe Valadez. El trámite duro minutos. Me ayudó con el trámite de la documentación en día viernes. Y al día martes próximo ya tenía mi transferencia. Muy eficiente su servicio de pago de daños.
Excellent attention and speed. I went to request a damage payment. With report 3572546 and claim 20220000022745. I was attended by Miss Guadalupe Valadez. The process took minutes. He helped me with the documentation process on Friday. And the next Tuesday I already had my transfer. Your damage payment service is very efficient.
Mariana Bds on Google

Diciembre, me mandan al taller, me dejan esperando a que se consigan las piezas para no entretener mi carro supuestamente y hoy que voy me avisan que mi carro tarda más de 15 días en estar listo! Lo bueno es que era para no tardarme, y ya que pides el pago de daños es menos de la mitad. INVITADA A NO VOLVER A CONTRATAR Y SEGURA DE QUE A TODOS LES DIRE NO LO CONTRATEN!!! DOS INCIDENTES Y EN LOS DOS SALÍ PERDIENDO MUCHO DINERO
December, they send me to the workshop, they leave me waiting for the parts to be obtained so as not to keep my car supposedly and today that I am going they tell me that my car takes more than 15 days to be ready! The good thing is that it was not to take me long, and since you ask for the damage payment it is less than half. INVITED NOT TO HIRE AGAIN AND SURE THAT I WILL TELL EVERYONE NOT TO HIRE HIM!!! TWO INCIDENTS AND IN BOTH I CAME OUT LOSING A LOT OF MONEY
Eli Jaimes on Google

Big parking lot
Paul BaSa on Google

Really good service, the personal in there is professional.
Eduardo Miller on Google

Because they are not professionals
Jorge Antonio Partida Meraz on Google

Worst insurance carrier ever... I'm not sure if they can't respect the agreements or they don't want to...
DoniLaGringaLoca Goesch on Google

This place is where the owner of the car that hit me insurance repair shop is. HDI I needed a whole new rear bumper replacement and it took forever to get my car back, and even then they used the old plastic screws, I was very disappointed because the ready by date wasn't respected and I was going out of town, something I told them several times. I had to have someone else pick it up for me, because they were not able to store it for me until I returned. Afterwards with the rainy season I found that there is a leak and my trunk was full of water. I would never recommend this place.

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