Health Center Dolores Hidalgo - Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Health Center Dolores Hidalgo

Address :

37800, Actinio 52, Dolores Hidalgo, Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional, Gto., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
Categories :
City : Gto.

37800, Actinio 52, Dolores Hidalgo, Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional, Gto., Mexico
Maximiliano Torres on Google

Suele tardar el servicio por la cantidad de pacientes, tienen varias campañas de salud a lo largo del año
It usually takes the service for the number of patients, they have several health campaigns throughout the year
Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata on Google

El servicio es bueno, lo malo es que las personas del turno vespertino tienen que hacer fila afuera bajo el sol para que les den pase en el archivo.
The service is good, the bad thing is that the people on the evening shift have to line up outside in the sun to be given a pass in the file.
Pedro Orta' on Google

La farmacia tiene puro jovencitos sin experiencia ni tacto para atender a los derechohabientes y carece de mucha medicina por una mala administración y por el negocio que tienen algunos empleados con el robo hormiga
The pharmacy has pure young people without experience or tact to attend to the right holders and lacks much medicine due to poor administration and the business that some employees have with ant theft
Luis Hernandez on Google

Pesimo servicio se entiende q es un lugar donde se junta mucha jente pero especificamente la sra de ventanilla q esta en la tarde trata pesimo .no se xq si ha havido tanta queja de ella jo ha sido removida de ahi y piner a alguien mas eficiente con educacion y sobre todo ganas de trabajar .tratan ala jente como si ella estubiera pagando x uno avienta las tarjetas osea q x favor hagan algo los directores creo ahi mas personas eficientes y luego va uno y dice no hay doctor y uno ya casi arrastras y no te da opciones solo no hay ya...que prepotencia se carga esa sra. Xfavor hagan algo.
Pity service is understood to be a place where a lot of people come together but specifically Mrs. Window who is in the afternoon treats pity. I do not know if she has complained so much about her or has been removed from there and pin someone more efficient with education and above all the desire to work. they treat the people as if she were paying x one throws up the bone cards qx please do something the directors believe there are more efficient people and then one goes and says there is no doctor and one almost drag you and you It gives options there is no longer ... what arrogance is loaded that mrs. Please do something.
Alberto Gutiérrez on Google

Buena a tensión al pasiente por parte de las en fermeraa y médicos en general todo limpio . cuenta con está sionamiento
Good tension to the passerby by the en fermeraa and doctors in general all clean. has this sionamiento
el muchacho de los ojos tristes on Google

El centro de salud es un lugar lleno de gente claro que hay derechoambientes y es por ello que se desesperan de tomar turno, sumándose a esto la atención que suele ser algo agresiva cuando están excesivamente llenos de trabajo y pendientes la impaciencia de quienes sólo van a un trámite, la espera se hace tediosa y cansada, suele haber disgusto y malos tratos por parte de ambas partes sin embargo se me hace una atención buena, no excelente como debería serlo por tratarse de un Instituto de Gobierno.
The health center is a place full of clear people that there are right environments and that is why they despair of taking turns, adding to this the attention that is usually somewhat aggressive when they are excessively full of work and pending the impatience of those who are only going to a procedure, the wait becomes tedious and tired, there is usually disgust and ill treatment by both parties however I am given good, not excellent attention as it should be because it is a Government Institute.
Christian Juarez on Google

Muy malísimo servicio ayer lleve a My esposa al centro de salud por un dolor que traía y me le negaron el cervicio y para colmo le dijeron que tenían miedo de contajearse por eso no atendían gente,y mi esposa le comento que entonses que asia y le contesto la enfermera que está en la puerta que se fuera a un particular Malísimo servicio
Very bad service yesterday, I took my wife to the health center for a pain she was suffering and they denied her cervix and to top it off they told her that they were afraid of getting contagious, that's why they did not attend people, and my wife told her that then Asia and The nurse at the door replied that she was going to a particular service.
Tomas Enriquez on Google


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