Hertz - 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez

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Contact Hertz

Address :

5 de Mayo 900-int. 4, RUTA INDEPENDENCIA, Barrio de Jalatlaco, 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +989
Website : https://hertzmexico.com/
Categories :
City : Oax.

5 de Mayo 900-int. 4, RUTA INDEPENDENCIA, Barrio de Jalatlaco, 68080 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico
Cristobal Morales on Google

El horario dice que es hasta las 9 de la noche y cierran a las 4, y cuando llegas confiado con tu reservacion resulta que ya no hay vehículos
The schedule says it is until 9 pm and they close at 4, and when you arrive confident with your reservation it turns out that there are no vehicles
Francisco Alanis on Google

Un completo engaño su promoción del 60% del Buen Fin. El domingo 24 de noviembre llego a Hertz (Aeropuerto de Oaxaca) por mi vehículo. Después de esperar en fila por 1 hora, Elena González, quien me atendió, me felicita “por la excelente tarifa” que reservé, pero me dice que ya no tiene unidades del tipo de vehículo que reservé y me habían confirmado (Compacto Automático CCAR (B) CHEVROLET BEAT o similar). Me ofrece a cambio una camioneta Sienna Sedona, con el “detalle” de que el total de la renta será 5 veces mayor. Logré reclamarle por unos 5 minutos porque ella ya tenía mucha prisa por atender a los siguientes clientes que sí iban a rentar una camioneta. Solo me dijo que no podía hacer nada, que esa era mi única opción, que no me habían cobrado nada todavía y que en los Términos y Condiciones se especifica que está sujeto a disponibilidad (FALSO, lo comprobé después en el sitio web). A final de cuentas no renté nada, por supuesto, solo perdí 1 hora y pasé un mal rato, pero no me quedo así, cuanto antes acudo a la PROFECO a denunciar por publicidad engañosa. Si tienen una reserva con ellos, ¡piénsenlo 2 veces!
A complete deception of its promotion of 60% of the Good End. On Sunday November 24 I arrived in Hertz (Oaxaca Airport) by my vehicle. After waiting in line for 1 hour, Elena González, who attended me, congratulates me “for the excellent rate” I booked, but she tells me that she no longer has units of the type of vehicle I booked and they had confirmed me (CCAR Automatic Compact ( B) CHEVROLET BEAT or similar). He offers me a Sienna Sedona van in exchange, with the “detail” that the total rent will be 5 times higher. I managed to claim her for about 5 minutes because she was already in a hurry to attend to the following clients who were going to rent a van. He only told me that I could not do anything, that this was my only option, that they had not charged me anything yet and that the Terms and Conditions specify that it is subject to availability (FALSE, I checked it later on the website). In the end, I didn't rent anything, of course, I only lost 1 hour and had a hard time, but I don't stay that way, the sooner I go to PROFECO to report deceptive advertising. If you have a reservation with them, think twice!
David on Google

Reservas un coche y cuando llegas no tienen y te dicen que te vayas
Book a car and when you arrive they do not have and they tell you to go
Carlos Contreras on Google

Reseevas, pagas anticipo de promoción y al llegar te dicen que no hay autos y que si quieres te ponen en lista de espera de... 1 día. Tampoco llegan sus correos y por teléfono te aseguran que vas a contar con el auto reservado.
You reserve, pay an advance for promotion and when you arrive they tell you that there are no cars and that if you want they put you on a waiting list for... 1 day. Nor do their emails arrive and by phone they assure you that you will have the reserved car.
František Sedlář on Google

NIKDY VÍC!!! Lžou do telefonu i na místě. Pokazilo se auto a měli dodat nové, místo toho dali starý šrot, kde svítí dioda motoru a o kategorii nižší. Při reklamaci říkají, že zavolají a máme čekat, už to trvá 2 dny!!
NEVER MORE!!! They lie on the phone and on the spot. The car broke down and they had to deliver a new one, instead they put the old scrap metal, where the engine diode is lit, and a lower category. When complaining, they say that they will call and we have to wait, it has been 2 days!
Maria Valencia on Google

Do not rent from hertz if you can avoid them!!! We returned the car in good condition left it outside for them to check but while in line they took the keys and was told everything was good and they will email my receipt. We walked across to the restaurant to grab something to eat before our flight and about 20 min later the guy comes by saying there was a crack on the drivers window and my deposit was going to be hold. My husband asked to see the window they tried showing pictures of the damage because the car had already been taken out more than 10 min away from the airport. Again my husband asked to see the car in person and was brought over back to the airport it was noticeable right on driver seat no way we would have missed that. It was also noted that it was done on purpose and freshly done. According to the owner it was noticed while the car was left outside the airport but couldn’t find us to show us when we were right in front of their stand all the time nor did he took pictures of the damage at the moment. They took it out of the airport premises for a clean and took pictures there and then they found us right across their stand to let us know. We are 100% sure we didn’t cause the damage and they are just trying to keep our deposit. They ruined our vacation. ????
Thomas Danenberg on Google

No car available, even with a reservation. Horrible service
Eric Cooper on Google

Did not honour reservation, made up the price on the spot

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