HERTZ Modulo - 14300 Ciudad de México

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact HERTZ Modulo

Address :

Calz Acoxpa 438, Coapa, Ex-Hacienda Coapa, Tlalpan, 14300 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +989
Website : http://hertzmexico.com/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Calz Acoxpa 438, Coapa, Ex-Hacienda Coapa, Tlalpan, 14300 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
gerardo palma on Google

Pésimo servicio. El hecho de no poder asegurar un vehículo lo hace poco profesional y puede arruinar tus planes. De verdad, NO pierdan su tiempo con esta compañía y menos este modulo. Yo no creí en los demás comentarios y ahora me arrepiento.
Terrible service. Not being able to insure a vehicle makes it unprofessional and can ruin your plans. Really, DO NOT waste your time with this company and less this module. I did not believe the other comments and now I regret it.
Mauricio Himede on Google

No respetan reservaciones hechas con suficiente anticipación y previamente pagadas. No brindan soluciones a los mismos problemas que generan por su propia incapacidad de coordinar
RAUL LOPEZ on Google

Buen servicio pero tardan mucho en entregar las unidades. No importa si reservaste temprano. Si vas a reservar y tienes prisa, prepárate para perder 2 o más horas esperando por tu auto
Good service but they take a long time to deliver the units. It doesn't matter if you booked early. If you are going to book and you are in a hurry, prepare to lose 2 or more hours waiting for your car
Luis Fernando Martínez Gómez on Google

Qué complicado rentar un auto y confiar en él. Rentamos un Virtus de la VW modelo 2021 para viajar de la CDMX a Puerto Vallarta ¡Y no le servía el aire acondicionado! ¿Imaginan un viaje de tantas horas (más de 14) sin aire y en la playa?! Fue un infierno. Para colmo de males no traía agua en el depósito para limpiar el parabrisas. Yo me di cuenta de que fallaba el aire desde el módulo de Hertz y se lo dije al empleado que me lo estaba entregando. Él aseguró que era porque el auto había estado en el sol todo el día, pero por supuesto que no fue así. En Puerto Vallarta reclamamos y nos lo cambiaron por una camioneta de la Renault, cómoda, pequeña, con aire que sí servia pero standard, no automático como habíamos rentado originalmente. Varios días después, ya para regresar a la CDMX, nos dieron un Caballero Premium de la Chevrolet. Al parecer todo iba bien con este auto (excepto la pantalla del tablero y el radio que nos advirtieron de antemano que no servían), sin embargo, en medio de la carretera entre Guadalajara y Morelia la computadora del auto nos empezó a indicar que la llanta delantera estaba baja de presión. Pudimos encontrar aún una gasolinería abierta, pues pasaba de la media noche, y según nos dijo la empleada la llanta estaba bien. Sólo le faltaba un poco de aire pero nada grave. Más adelante, cerca de la una de la madrugada se empezaron a encender las luces de las otras llantas, primero una de las trácelas, después la otra y la otra hasta que se prendieron las cuatro indicando que todas tenían baja presión. Ya no había gasolinerías abiertas en kilómetros a ma redonda y tuvimos que arriesgarnos a recorrer los muchos kilómetros que nos faltaban, en medio de la noche y de la solitaria y peligrosa carretera, pues no teníamos una mejor opción. Afortunadamente llegamos con bien, primero a Morelia donde pasamos la noche y luego, al día siguiente, a la Ciudad de México. Cuando fuimos a entregar el carro les dijimos todas las odiseas que habíamos tenido que pasar y los cambios de auto que tuvimos que hacer. Ellos nos dijeron qué seguramente no eran las llantas sino la computadora del auto. Los cuestionamos que hicieran eso de poner en riesgo entregando coches en mal estado. La gerente del disculpó, pero cuando le pedimos una compensación por las molestias y el estrés vivido, lo único que nos ofreció es no cobrarnos la gasolina que le faltaba al tanque que nos habían entregado lleno, lo que equivalía a un día menos de renta. A mi no me pareció justo, pero estaba muy cansado para pelearme. Ella nos pidió muchas disculpas, les dijimos que el problema no era el personal sino los carros y ella reconoció que no era suficiente ser corteses, Ake había que dar un buen servicio y no lo estaban cumpliendo. Nos pidió que les diéramos una oportunidad y que volviéramos a rentar auto con ellos, pero a nosotros, sinceramente, no nos quedaron ganas de volvernos a arriesgar. La jefa del módulo es Mariana Retana y se encuentra en Calzada Acoxpa 438 colonia Ex-Hacienda Coapa, Tlalpan. C.P 14300 dentro del estacionamiento de Sam’s en la Ciudad de México.
How complicated to rent a car and trust it. We rented a 2021 VW Virtus to travel from CDMX to Puerto Vallarta, and the air conditioning didn't help! Can you imagine a trip of so many hours (more than 14) without air and on the beach?! It was hell. To add insult to injury, there was no water in the tank to clean the windshield. I realized that the air from the Hertz module was failing and I told the employee who was delivering it to me. He claimed it was because the car had been in the sun all day, but of course it wasn't. In Puerto Vallarta we complained and they exchanged it for a Renault truck, comfortable, small, with air that did work but standard, not automatic as we had originally rented. Several days later, to return to CDMX, they gave us a Chevrolet Premium Caballero. Apparently everything was going well with this car (except the dashboard screen and the radio that we were warned beforehand that they were not working), however, in the middle of the highway between Guadalajara and Morelia, the car's computer began to indicate that the tire front was low pressure. We were still able to find an open gas station, since it was past midnight, and according to what the employee told us, the tire was fine. He was just short of breath but nothing serious. Later, around one in the morning, the lights of the other tires began to come on, first one of the tracers, then the other and the other until all four came on, indicating that they all had low pressure. There were no gas stations open for miles around and we had to risk traveling the many miles that were missing, in the middle of the night and on the lonely and dangerous road, because we had no better option. Fortunately, we arrived safely, first in Morelia where we spent the night and then, the next day, in Mexico City. When we went to deliver the car we told them all the ordeals we had had to go through and the car changes we had to make. They told us that it was surely not the tires but the car's computer. We questioned them about putting themselves at risk by delivering cars in poor condition. The manager apologized, but when we asked for compensation for the inconvenience and stress experienced, the only thing she offered us was not to charge us for the gasoline that was missing from the full tank that had been delivered to us, which was equivalent to one day less rent. It didn't seem fair to me, but I was too tired to fight. She apologized a lot, we told them that the problem was not the staff but the cars and she recognized that it was not enough to be courteous, Ake had to give a good service and they were not fulfilling it. He asked us to give them a chance and to rent a car with them again, but honestly, we didn't feel like taking the risk again. The head of the module is Mariana Retana and she is located at Calzada Acoxpa 438 Colonia Ex-Hacienda Coapa, Tlalpan. C.P 14300 inside the Sam's parking lot in Mexico City.
Laguna Leonardo on Google

Hispanohablante Liam on Google

Expensive. Enterprise gives better and cheaper service
Carlos Juarez on Google

Never pay for the insurance, they will find a way to not cover your damages. They always want you to buy it but find a way to make you pay for everything. Matter of fact don't rent from them.
Michael Tong on Google

DO NOT RENT FROM HERE: Initial quoted price $150 - over $500 at the end of the day. The key is they still charge a location tax similar to the airport tax, so no cost savings even though very bad location. Arrived an hour late to reservation and they had already given all the cars away. Waited 4 hours for new car. This location only has 3 or 4 cars for rent, so very high risk of being in trouble if there is even a small chance of you being late. Car wouldn’t accept gasoline at Pemex (broken) meter said it was full even though it wasn’t. Explained this to the hertz staff, offered to show if they came to gas station, but they refused and charged for full tank of gasoline. Finally, very rude service. Advise Avis which is right down the street!

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