Hidrosina HD 410 - 52100 Toluca de Lerdo

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Contact Hidrosina HD 410

Address :

Km. 54.5, Av. Paseo Tollocan, 52100 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.hidrosina.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Méx.

Km. 54.5, Av. Paseo Tollocan, 52100 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico
Ricardo Perez on Google

CUIDADO!! cargue el día de hoy $300 y parece que le pusieron nada más $100 ? REAL SINCERAMENTE acepto que descuide la mirada ya que uno te es muy insistente abordandote de la ventana del conductor preguntándote si vas a desear algún producto y cuando te das cuenta PUM ya acabo el llenado ?
WATCH OUT!! charge today $ 300 and it seems that they put nothing more $ 100 ? REAL SINCERELY I accept that I neglect the look since one is very insistent addressing you from the driver's window asking you if you are going to want a product and when you realize PUM I have finished filling ?
Armando Estrada on Google

Hace unos instantes los despachadores trataron de distraerme vendiendo productos aromatizantes y boletos para una rifa en lo que el otro manipulaba la bomba es decir que mientras uno te ofrece productos tapa totalmente tu visibilidad para que el otro manipule los números y te hagan creer qué te despacharon lo que tú pediste no caigan en este juego yo les reclamé y no les pague ni un solo peso de lo que me cargaron y jamás vuelvo a regresar tengan cuidado. NO CARGUEN AQUÍ
A few moments ago the dispatchers tried to distract me by selling flavoring products and raffle tickets in which the other manipulated the bomb, that is, while one offers you products, it completely covers your visibility so that the other manipulates the numbers and makes you believe what they dispatched you. What you asked not to fall in this game I claimed them and did not pay a single weight of what they charged me and I will never return be careful. DO NOT LOAD HERE
Rodríguez CP on Google

Para nada recomendable. Los despachadores te distraen para manipular la bomba, no concuerda lo que te cobran comparado con el precio exhibido (derivado de la manipulación de la bomba), además de que es un servicio lento. Gasolina cara y litros incompletos.
Not recommended at all. The dispatchers distract you to manipulate the pump, it does not match what they charge you compared to the displayed price (derived from the manipulation of the pump), plus it is a slow service. Expensive gasoline and incomplete liters.
Alejandro Cruz Diaz on Google

Veo que a varios Les Paso lo mismo que a mi, yo estaba atento a la bomba y un repartidor empezo a limpiar lo vidrios y El otro se quedo en la bomba, El que limpiaba Los vidrios me distrajo preguntando si reuqeria que me revisara Los niveles y golpeando mi cofre para qu le quitara la mirada de la bomba, para esto la bomba marcaba cerca de 25 litros, quite la mirada de la bomba por 30 segundos y Paso de 25 lt a 43 en menos de 1 minuto, me robaron cerca de 15 litros, en verdad no carguen ahi
I see that several Les Paso the same as me, I was attentive to the bomb and a deliveryman began to clean the glass and The other stayed in the pump, The one who cleaned The glasses distracted me asking if I would need to check the levels and hitting my chest so that it took away the look of the bomb, for this the bomb marked about 25 liters, I looked away from the bomb for 30 seconds and I passed from 25 lt to 43 in less than 1 minute, they robbed me about 15 liters, don't really load there
Alejandro Morovich on Google

Muchisimo cuidado con estos rufianes, pedi que me cargaran $550.00 pesos de gasolina y hay dos personas despachando la bomba, uno me distrajo según que traia una llanta baja, en lo que me descuidé según ellos ya me habian despachado, y como no me dejé revisaron en su "computadora" y solo despacharon $300.00 lo cual fue muy discutible, posterior me quiso poner solo $ 200.00 son extremadamente ladrones, es la bomba 1. Un hombre joven y uno con varios años. No se vale, gasolina cara y litros que no son de litro y mas aún que de un solo cliente roben $ 250.00.
Very careful with these ruffians, I asked them to charge me $ 550.00 pesos of gasoline and there are two people dispatching the pump, one distracted me according to the fact that I had a low tire, in which I neglected according to them they had already dispatched me, and as I did not let them check in his "computer" and only dispatched $ 300.00 which was very debatable, later he wanted to put me only $ 200.00 are extremely thieves, is the bomb 1. A young man and one with several years. Not worth it, expensive gasoline and liters that are not liter and even more than a single customer steal $ 250.00.
pedro guerrero on Google

Distribuidor de hidrocarburos al menudeo. Cerca del Plaza Sendero sobre vía Tollocan, cuenta con precios de gasolina y diesel altos. En general buen servicio por parte de los dependientes, cuenta con baños y zona de descanso (30 minutos maximo), hay un OXXO y sábados y domingos venta de carnitas. Se rigen por las medidas de seguridad ante la contingencia.
Retail hydrocarbon distributor. Near the Plaza Sendero on Via Tollocan, it has high gasoline and diesel prices. In general, good service from the employees, it has bathrooms and a rest area (30 minutes maximum), there is an OXXO and on Saturdays and Sundays carnitas are sold. They are governed by security measures in the event of a contingency.
Emmanuel Velazquez Cruz on Google

Desde mi punto de vista no dan litros completos cargue 40 litros en un vento y subio 3/4 y tenia 1/4. De hecho ni tienen clientes simpre que paso no hay caros cargando gas.
From my point of view they do not give full liters I loaded 40 liters in a wind and it went up 3/4 and had 1/4. In fact, they don't even have customers every time there are no expensive charges for gas.
Saul Orozco on Google

Yo cargo diesel ahí y nunca hay una persona disponible para cargarte combustible eso me molesta me tardan mucho
I fill diesel there and there is never a person available to fill you with fuel that bothers me they take a long time

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