Home Maintenance - 03020 Ciudad de México

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Contact Home Maintenance

Address :

Tajín, Narvarte Oriente, Benito Juárez, 03020 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : https://home-maintenance-1.ueniweb.com/%3Futm_campaign%3Dgmb
Categories :
City : CDMX

Tajín, Narvarte Oriente, Benito Juárez, 03020 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Brenda Guerrero on Google

A toda aquella persona que pretenda contratar sus servicios, les sugiero que lo reconsideren, es una empresa que dizque se dedica a administrar condominios, siendo que toda la responsabilidad la delegan a la junta directiva del condominio, ya que ellos nunca se hacen presentes, no supervisan el estado del inmueble, ni las necesidades que se tienen, tales como limpieza, orden y seguridad, pero les gusta amedrentar y exhibir a los vecinos, aun a los que no tienen adeudos, porque ni siquiera se toman la molestia de conciliar las cuentas, no entregan un estado de cuenta mensual de los ingresos y egresos y pretender cobrar cuotas extraordinarias por trabajos de reparación, que deberían de cubrirse de las cuotas que ya se pagan, son déspotas y groseros si alguna persona les hace saber sus inconformidades y en resumen, lejos de mejorar, el condominio va en pleno deterioro. Si quieren que su condominio pronto parezca vecindad, se los recomiendo ampliamente
To anyone who intends to hire their services, I suggest you reconsider, it is a company that is supposed to be dedicated to managing condominiums, and all the responsibility is delegated to the board of directors of the condominium, since they never show up, they do not they supervise the state of the property, nor the needs that are had, such as cleanliness, order and security, but they like to intimidate and show off the neighbors, even those who do not have debts, because they do not even bother to reconcile the accounts , they do not deliver a monthly statement of income and expenses and pretend to charge extraordinary fees for repair work, which should be covered by the fees that are already paid, they are despotic and rude if someone makes their disagreements known to them and in short , far from improving, the condominium is in full deterioration. If you want your condo to look like a neighborhood soon, I highly recommend it.

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