Hospital Angelopolitano - 72300 Puebla

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

About Hospital Angelopolitano

Somos una institución con más de 40 años de experiencia en la atención médica de pacientes de todas las edades.

En su totalidad, contamos con tecnología y especialistas en todas las áreas para brindar a nuestros clientes un excelente servicio.

Contact Hospital Angelopolitano

Address :

Privada, C. 9 C Sur 4108, Gabriel Pastor 1ra Secc, 72300 Puebla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Pue.

Privada, C. 9 C Sur 4108, Gabriel Pastor 1ra Secc, 72300 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Ruts Ramirez on Google

Excelente atención desde vigilancia y recepción, buena atención por parte de enfermería y el medico de guardia que me atendió
Virginia V on Google

Con Un Corazon Roto les pido, les suplico que no atiendan a este hospital. Jamas en mi vida pense encontrarme a personas sin corazon que se dedicaran en vez de salvar vidas, mejor danarlas. Tener que mirar como la doctora martha sanchez y sus colegas atendieron a mi papa y darme cuenta que solo se aprovecharon de su condicion fue feo, tan feo que no le desearia a nadien. Mi papa fue ingresado al Hospital Angelopolitano con un trauma al cerebro un Viernes, estaba grave y necesitaba cuidados intensivos y consulta a un neurocirugano imediatamente. Desde ese dia La doctora Martha cuando se le preguntaba como estaba mi papa siempre decia “grave pero estable” fue el domingo cuando comenze aserle preguntas de donde estaba el doctor o resumen del neurocirugano que esta docotora se puso atender a mi papa. El neurocirugano que tuvo que estar desde el primer instante que admitieron a mi papa no llego asta domingo en la noche porque la doctora tardo asta ese dia en comunicarles de el caso de mi papa. Ese dia domingo no solo me di cuenta que mi papa solo lo estaban drogando para tenerlo sedado y esconder sus sintomas. Mi papa desgraciadamente fallecio por la negligencia de esta doctora y por empleados de este hospital porque cada uno de ellos en su conciencia saben que pudieron haver hecho algo por mi papa y no lo hicieron. Este hospital, incluyendo a los de administracion fallaron en atender y cuidar la vida de un paciente. Antes de enfocarze en tratar a mi papa como un humano tristemente lo trataron como un signo de dinero. Las personas trabajando en este hospital manipularon las facturas, resumen medico para cubrir sus negligencias. No pido dinero de este lugar porque desgraciadamente la vida de mi papa no va a poderse regresar. Pido justicia por mi papa y por las familias que an fallecido por personas sin corazon como en este lugar, les pido que POR FAVOR NO VAYAN A ESTE HOSPITAL busquen a un publico de bajos recursos que tal vez de enverdad y de todo corazon salven a sus familiares. Y espero y les deseo a todas esas personas involucradas en la negligencia medica que puedan dormir en las noches y que cuando miren a sus hijos, padres, o hermanos dios les perdone y que se acuerden que por su culpa yo no tendre la misma dicha de poder ver o abrazar al mio.
With A Broken Heart I ask you, I beg you not to attend this hospital. Never in my life I thought I would find heartless people who would dedicate themselves instead of saving lives, better to damage them. Having to look at how Dr. Martha Sanchez and her colleagues treated my father and realize that they only took advantage of his condition was ugly, so ugly that I would not wish anyone. My father was admitted to the Angelopolitan Hospital with a brain trauma on a Friday, he was seriously ill and needed intensive care and immediately consulted a neurosurgeon. Since that day, Dr. Martha, when asked how my father was doing, always said "serious but stable" it was on Sunday when I began to ask him questions about where the doctor was or a summary of the neurosurgeon that this doctor took care of my father. The neurosurgeon who had to be there from the first moment that my father was admitted did not arrive until Sunday night because the doctor took until that day to inform them of my father's case. That Sunday, not only did I realize that my father was only drugging him to keep him sedated and hide his symptoms. My father unfortunately passed away due to the negligence of this doctor and by employees of this hospital because each one of them knows in their conscience that they could have done something for my father and they did not. This hospital, including the administration ones, failed to attend and take care of the life of a patient. Before focusing on treating my dad like a human they sadly treated him as a sign of money. The people working in this hospital manipulated the bills, medical summary to cover their negligence. I am not asking for money from this place because unfortunately my father's life will not be able to return. I ask for justice for my father and for the families that have died by heartless people like in this place, I ask you to PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS HOSPITAL, look for a low-income public that may truly and wholeheartedly save their relatives. And I hope and wish all those people involved in medical negligence that they can sleep at night and that when they look at their children, parents, or brothers, God forgives them and that they remember that because of them I will not have the same happiness of to be able to see or hug mine.
ave lopez on Google

Por favor nunca lleven a sus familiares a ese disque hospital es un negocio redondo donde los pacientes es lo último que les importa ya que no cuentan con el más mínimo equipo, no cuentan con nada y cuando necesitan análisis, radiografías, electrocardiograma etc tienen que traer de afuera paeya que no cuentan co y si operan a tu familiar ufff parecen pirañas y lo peor es que cuando tu familiar está en terapia intensiva e cobran carísimo por tener a tu familiar en terapia intensiva y es un cuarto con las mínimas medidas de seguridad, lamentablemente nosotros nos dimos cuenta de todo lo carente cuando ya era demasiado tarde
Please, never take your relatives to that hospital dial-up, it is a lucrative business where patients are the last thing that matters to them since they do not have the slightest equipment, they do not have anything and when they need tests, x-rays, electrocardiograms, etc. they have to bring from outside paeya they don't have co and if they operate on your family member ufff they look like piranhas and the worst thing is that when your family member is in intensive care and they charge very expensive to have your family member in intensive care and it is a room with minimal security measures, unfortunately we realized everything that was lacking when it was too late
Karina Alejandra Uscanga Montalvo on Google

En mi opinión, buena atención, oportunos durante mi cesaría, le permitieron a mi marido acompañarme en la operación, la atención durantea estancia fue agradable y lo mejor mi madre pudo estar conmigo en los días de recuperación para atenderme, bajo la supervisión y atención de las enfermeras de este hospital, gracias
In my opinion, good attention, timely during my cesarean section, they allowed my husband to accompany me in the operation, the attention during the stay was pleasant and the best thing was that my mother was able to be with me on the days of recovery to attend to me, under the supervision and attention of the nurses of this hospital, thank you
Omar Rangel C. on Google

Pesima atencion te cobran muy cara la hospitalizacion y no cuentan con equipo necesario, lo terminas contratando por fuera a costos muy caros asi como las conexiones e instalaciones no funcionan tales como las de oxigeno en area COVID. Es un robo cada dia! No lo recomiendo hay mucha negligencia. Doy una estrella solo por poder publicar lo que vivimos pero no merece ninguna.
Very bad attention, they charge you a very high cost for hospitalization and they do not have the necessary equipment, you end up hiring it from the outside at very expensive costs as well as the connections and facilities do not work such as the oxygen in the COVID area. It's a robbery every day! I do not recommend it there is a lot of negligence. I give a star just for being able to publish what we live but it does not deserve any.
Maria Guadalupe Garcia Villar on Google

ATENCIÓN, No acudan a este hospital, es un engaño y robó, mi familia está pasando por un momento crítico debido a la mala atencion y negligencia del personal. Solo sacaron dinero nunca le dieron la atención debida, con engaños y mentiras nos daban su diagnóstico diario y en lugar de mejorar empeoró. Solo les importa sacar dinero a costa del dolor de la gente. Instalaciones sucias, todo mal, nada de protocolos de higiene y seguridad. La cardióloga Marianela Rodney del equipo del doctor Pérez Alva, (cardiólogos) fue la que ingresó al paciente a este hospital, tiene un equipo coludido en el robo y engañó de los pacientes y familiares.
ATTENTION, do not go to this hospital, it is a hoax and it stole, my family is going through a critical moment due to the poor attention and negligence of the staff. They only took money, they never gave it the proper attention, with deceit and lies they gave us their daily diagnosis and instead of getting better, it got worse. They only care about making money at the expense of people's pain. Dirty facilities, everything wrong, no hygiene and safety protocols. Cardiologist Marianela Rodney from Dr. Pérez Alva's team (cardiologists) was the one who admitted the patient to this hospital, she has a team colluded in the robbery and deceived patients and relatives.
Carlos Placencia on Google

el día viernes 27/05/22, me presente en el área de recepción sanguínea, es decir el banco de sangre, quiero notificar que recibí una atención muy profesional de parte de la persona (Dama) que me atendió, y no solo a mí si no a demás, a los que venían llegando, explica tan bien el procedimiento de paso a paso lo que se está realizando que fue para mi muy importante el haberla felicitado por tan buen trabajo..... ojala leas esto. en verdad Muchas gracias .....
On Friday 05/27/22, I went to the blood reception area, that is, the blood bank, I want to notify you that I received very professional care from the person (Lady) who attended me, and not just me if not to others, to those who had been arriving, she explains so well the step-by-step procedure of what is being done that it was very important for me to have congratulated her for such a good job... I hope you read this. really, thank you so much .....
Julia Cruz on Google

ES LO PEOR, este lugar no deberían de funcionar como “hospital” tendría que estar clausurado es todo un engaño para estafar a la gente y poner en riesgo la vida de las personas que requieren una atención médica, se aprovechan del sufrimiento de la gente para engañarlos y sacarles dinero. Eviten caer en este hospital. Mala experiencia con mi familiar que estuvo internado hace poco, lograron sacarlo de ahí pero los daños ya estaban hechos por la mala atención que tuvo. Es muy triste no se dejen engañar. No acudan a este lugar. POR FAVOR
IT IS THE WORST, this place should not function as a "hospital" it should be closed, it is all a hoax to swindle people and put the lives of people who require medical care at risk, they take advantage of people's suffering to trick them and get money out of them. Avoid falling into this hospital. Bad experience with my family member who was hospitalized recently, they managed to get him out of there but the damage was already done due to the poor care he received. It's very sad don't be fooled. Do not go to this place. PLEASE

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