Hospital General Regional C-MF No. 1 del IMSS, Cuernavaca, Morelos. - 62430 Cuernavaca

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital General Regional C/MF No. 1 del IMSS, Cuernavaca, Morelos.

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Av. Plan de Ayala, Cuauhnahuac, 62430 Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico

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City : Mor.

Av. Plan de Ayala, Cuauhnahuac, 62430 Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
Claüdio césar reyes arizmendi on Google

El hospital está lleno es con cita, desde 5 am el lugar empieza a llenar, el servicio me parece bueno les falta más personal rayos x, atiende una sola persona, es tardado!
The hospital is full by appointment, from 5 am the place begins to fill up, the service seems good to me, they need more x-ray personnel, only one person attends, it takes time!
Mateo Mateo on Google

Pongo una estrella solamente para que me deje comentar, si usted conoce a la Dra. Si así se le puede llamar ANA ALEJANDRA VÁZQUEZ VALDEZ "GINECÓLOGA" en Toco turno matutino plan de ayala... un trato deprorable hacia mi esposa peor que si un perro no explica ni da razones de lo que uno tiene, quiero reportarla porque no es de dar un trato digno, el IMSS NO ES UN SERVICIO GRATIS... Cada quincena descuentan por estar afiliados ante su servicio esta Srita. No tiene tacto para tratar pacientes y menos pacientes con calidad de urgencia, fue grosera, déspota, y no da razón de lo que te esta pasando es una injusticia que traten así a la gente y no hagan nada, mi esposa tiene amenaza de aborto y fue tratada bruscamente por sus aparatos y sus manos, si lo pierde y si estas leyendo esto te vamos a demandar tenemos pruebas más vale que valoren el personal que tienen ahí dentro IMSS ESA MUJER NO MERECE ESTAR AHÍ ANA ALEJANDRA VÁZQUEZ VALDEZ, espero que se haga algo al respecto con esta Srita. No fuera ir a tu clínica particular donde cobres los miles y ahí si tenga uno un trato digno verdad??? si tienes problemas y estas amargada ve al psicólogo mas no trates así a tus pacientes... NINGUNA PACIENTE TIENE LA CULPA Y NO TIENEN PORQUE TENER UN TRATO TAN INDIGNO.
I put a star only so that you let me comment, if you know Dr. If that is how she can be called ANA ALEJANDRA VÁZQUEZ VALDEZ "GYNECOLOGIST" in I play morning shift ayala plan... a deplorable treatment towards my wife worse than if a dog does not explain or give reasons for what one has, I want to report it because it is not to give a decent treatment, the IMSS IS NOT A FREE SERVICE... Every fortnight they discount for being affiliated with their service this Miss. She has no tact to treat patients and even less patients with emergency quality, she was rude, despotic, and does not give a reason for what is happening to you, it is an injustice that they treat people like that and do nothing, my wife has a threatened abortion and she was treated roughly by her devices and her hands, if she loses it and if you're reading this we're going to sue you we have proof they better value the staff they have inside IMSS THAT WOMAN DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THERE ANA ALEJANDRA VÁZQUEZ VALDEZ, I hope it's done something about it with this Miss. It would not be to go to your private clinic where you collect the thousands and there if you have a decent treatment, right??? if you have problems and you are bitter go to the psychologist but don't treat your patients like that... NO PATIENT IS TO BLAME AND THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE SUCH UNWORTHY TREATMENT.
Rita E. Muguerza Aragón on Google

Si no fuera por las enfermeras, este hospital recibiría 0 estrellas, el día de ayer y hoy mis respetos para ellas, cada una en la zona y turno que le correspondía muy atentas y sobre todo humanas. Sin embargo, los médicos... Se les olvida que también son humanos y que no tienen por qué tratar a los pacientes y familiares como si fuéramos insectos, al querer hacer uno las cosas bien, por la buena, obligan a insultarlos y buscas formas más violentas o corruptas de conseguir un simple favor de éstos disque semidioses del Olimpo porque no les importa las explicaciones que uno de, simplemente la arrogancia no les permite ver más allá de lo que piensan y ni se toman las molestias de escuchar razones. Asco de disque profesionistas que cambiaron su título por sus sentimientos. (¿Verdad Doctor Piña? Piso 7). Nuevamente mi agradecimiento a las enfermeras ?
If it weren't for the nurses, this hospital would receive 0 stars, yesterday and today my respects for them, each one in the area and shift that corresponded to her, very attentive and above all human. However, doctors... They forget that they are also human and that they do not have to treat patients and relatives as if we were insects, wanting to do things well, for good, force them to insult them and look for ways more violent or corrupt to get a simple favor from these demigods of Olympus because they do not care about the explanations that one of them, simply arrogance does not allow them to see beyond what they think and they do not bother to listen to reasons. Disgust of professional labels who changed their title for their feelings. (Right, Doctor Pineapple? Floor 7). Again my thanks to the nurses ?
Erika Jazziel on Google

Espantoso lugar, te hacen esperar las horas, jamás respetan el horario de la cita, a veces te tratan como si te hicieran un favor, no confío en ellos.
Terrible place, they make you wait for the hours, they never respect the appointment time, sometimes they treat you like they did you a favor, I don't trust them.
Lola Tijerina on Google

Bue día quiero comentar que es inhumano que traten a las personas tan MAL, a mi familiar lo diagnosticaron tardíamente de un cáncer de estómago, no quería hacerle una endoscopia argumentando que no era necesario, se le hizo por fuera y efectivamente tenía cáncer avanzado y en la clínica de zacatepec solo le daban medicina para las agregas, sin ponerle atención a su caso, en este momento no se puede operar por su estado avanzado y lo peor de todo es que desde hace varios meses no le proporcionan el medicamento para el dolor que es insoportable y que no le permite tener calidad de vida, este es un caso de negligencia nedica y además de mal trato para una persona en sus condiciones, que no estaría así si se le hubiera atendido a tiempo, solicitamos se atienda y proporcionen los medicamentos necesarios
Good day, I want to comment that it is inhumane that they treat people so BADLY, my family member was diagnosed late with stomach cancer, he did not want to have an endoscopy arguing that it was not necessary, it was done externally and indeed he had advanced cancer and in the zacatepec clinic only gave him medicine for the pain, without paying attention to his case, at this time he cannot be operated on due to his advanced state and the worst of all is that for several months they have not given him the medicine for the pain that It is unbearable and does not allow him to have quality of life, this is a case of medical negligence and in addition to bad treatment for a person in his conditions, who would not be like this if he had been treated on time, we request that he be treated and provide the medications necessary
David Diaz on Google

Muchos pacientes y poca eficiencia de los trabajadores si vas a ir debes de llevar mucho pero mucho tiempo
Many patients and low efficiency of workers if you are going to go you must take a lot but a long time
Mau AD on Google

Like a boss!
Edwin Jesus Sanchez Talzintan on Google


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