Hospital la Purisima - 45645 Tlajomulco de Zúñiga

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital la Purisima

Address :

Calle Abasolo 12, 45645 Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Jal.

Calle Abasolo 12, 45645 Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jal., Mexico
Antonio Davila on Google

Es un pésimo servicio. según ellos haces un examen de covid y no muestran nada lo único que quieren es poder cobrar solo eso saben hacer hacer que pena que aya nueva administración es más de lo mismo
It's a terrible service. According to them, you do a covid test and they don't show anything, the only thing they want is to be able to charge only that, they know how to make it so bad that the new administration is more of the same
Alba B. on Google

Di a luz a mi primer y segundo hijo ahí y todo muy bien, fueron por cesárea. Pero en el tercero no me fue muy bien, pues contrataron a un cirujano que me dejo mal la cesárea, la herida no cerraba de la parte que el cirujano me cerró y aparte toda chueca y fea me quedo, y se suponía que el era cirujano y que iba a quedar excelente. De la Dra y el Dr Navarro recibí muy buena atención. Pero siento que desde que dejaron al hijo a cargo de la clínica en lugar de mejorar empeoró. Y la nuera que estaba en recepción no pone atención, te atiende de mala gana y solo se la pasa en teléfono.
I gave birth to my first and second children there and everything was fine, they were by cesarean section. But the third did not go very well for me, because they hired a surgeon who left the cesarean section badly, the wound did not close from the part that the surgeon closed and apart from all crooked and ugly I stay, and he was supposed to be a surgeon and that it would be excellent. From Dr. and Dr. Navarro I received very good care. But I feel that since they left the son in charge of the clinic instead of getting better, it got worse. And the daughter-in-law who was at the reception does not pay attention, she attends you reluctantly and only passes it on the phone.
Susana Ruelas on Google

Es de lo peor ese lugar nos dieron un mal diagnóstico los doctores muy prepotentes,no lo recomendaría para nada. Aparte de que cobran muchísimo por el pésimo servicio.
It is the worst that place gave us a bad diagnosis, very arrogant doctors, I would not recommend it at all. Apart from that they charge a lot for the lousy service.
Ornaldo Tuz on Google

No sé, si las autoridades estan al tanto de este hospital y si no, deberian revisar, me querian entregar otro certificado para empezar de otro hospital, de tener dias de haber nacido mi hija , administrativamente el encaragado, el jefe nadie te da la cara y obviamente la recepcionista no sabe nada es un asco de servicio se se viera como si estuvieran haciendo cosas ilegales. Les comento lo que me pasó.
I do not know, if the authorities are aware of this hospital and if not, they should review, they wanted to give me another certificate to start from another hospital, if my daughter was born days, administratively the manager, the boss nobody gives you his face and obviously the receptionist does not know anything is disgusting of service it looks like they are doing illegal things. I tell you what happened to me.
Carlos Ruben Galvez Torres on Google

Pésimo hospital, brindan un servicio nulo desde el día 1 en que llega el paciente, el costo por estadía es sumamente caro respecto a sus instalaciones, la atención al paciente es muy poca y lo hacen la mayo parte de malas, cuando se supone que están brindando un servicio. El "Doctor" Agustín Huerta, que es el encargado, brinda pésimo servicio y ética profesional, únicamente se presenta para recibir los pagos, en todo el día no se presenta, pareciera que lo único que le interesa es el dinero. La salubridad del establecimiento es muy deplorable. Las enfermeras se la pasan platicando en lugar de atender las necesidades de los pacientes. En general pésimo servicio.
Terrible hospital, they provide zero service from day 1 when the patient arrives, the cost per stay is extremely expensive compared to their facilities, patient care is very little and they do most of it bad, when they are supposed to be providing a service. The "Doctor" Agustín Huerta, who is in charge, provides terrible service and professional ethics, he only shows up to receive payments, he doesn't show up all day, it seems that the only thing that interests him is money. The health of the establishment is very deplorable. The nurses spend their time talking instead of attending to the needs of the patients. Overall lousy service.
Blanca Aguirre on Google

Hace unos días fui por un dolor muy fuerte en el estomago, la doctora Rebeca de la Cruz leon me atendió y me revisó, me dijo que solo era un problema de la gastritis, horas más tarde me seguí sintiendo mal y fui a otro lado y resulta que lo que tenia mal era la vesícula La doctora Rebeca me recetó un medicamento que es para la gonorrea ósea que ni al caso Pésimo lugar no lo recomiendo
A few days ago I went for a very strong pain in my stomach, Dr. Rebeca de la Cruz Leon treated me and checked me, she told me that it was only a problem of gastritis, hours later I continued to feel bad and went elsewhere and it turns out that what was wrong was the gallbladder Dr. Rebeca prescribed me a drug that is for bone gonorrhea that is not even the case. Terrible place I do not recommend
Ramon Garcia on Google

Pésimo servicio, lleve a mi hija que se estaba convulsionando de 1 año 7 meses. Y la doctora que la atendió no hacía nada para ofrecer los primeros auxilios, y actuaba como si no fuera una emergencia, tuvo que ir nuestra pediatra de cabecera para checarla porque no podía o no sabía cómo reanimar a nuestra hija. La enfermera igual solo lastimo a nuestra hija pues se le hicieron unos estudios de sangre y no podía obtener la muestra. Para finalizar todo este espantosa situación en la que por desgracia nos tocó vivir. A la hora de cobrar se nos cobro un medicamento que no le administraron en ningún momento pues yo estuve todo el tiempo con mi hija. Trate de hablar con la doctora que la atendió y me dijeron que estaba en cirugía y no hay quien te de una explicación ni nada La verdad si necesitan alguna urgencia, este es el último lugar al que yo les recomendaría que fueran. Es un chiste decir que es una clínica de especialidades.
Terrible service, I took my daughter who was convulsing from 1 year 7 months. And the doctor who treated her did nothing to offer first aid, and acted as if it were not an emergency, our family pediatrician had to go to check on her because she could not or did not know how to resuscitate our daughter. The nurse also only hurt our daughter because some blood tests were done and she could not obtain the sample. To end all this dreadful situation in which unfortunately we had to live. At the time of charging we were charged for a medication that was not administered at any time because I was all the time with my daughter. Try to talk to the doctor who treated you and they told me that she was in surgery and there is no one to give you an explanation or anything The truth is, if you need any urgency, this is the last place I would recommend you go. It's a joke to say it's a specialty clinic.
Maribel Martell on Google

Pésima atención por parte de la Doctora rebeca si es que se le puede nombrar así, muy nefasta su actitud y nada competente cero recomendado el lugar.
Terrible attention from Doctor Rebeca if she can be called that, her attitude was very disastrous and she was not competent at all, and I did not recommend the place.

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