Hospital Lomas - 44250 Guadalajara

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital Lomas

Address :

C. Volcán Cosiguina 3892, Lomas del Paraíso ÌII, 44250 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +777
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Volcán Cosiguina 3892, Lomas del Paraíso ÌII, 44250 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
nalleli tavares castañeda on Google

Pésimo servicio. Me mandaron a realizar unos exámenes salí positiva a dengue y aun así el doctor me dijo que tenía Salmonella, me dio medicamento erróneo y el dengue se me complico.
Terrible service. They sent me to carry out some tests, I came out positive for dengue and even so the doctor told me that I had Salmonella, he gave me the wrong medicine and the dengue was complicated.
yamile alvarez on Google

Yo tuve a mi bebé hay hace 11 meses execelente servicio con el doctor Reus, profecinal al 100%, mi mamá, mis tías y yo emos pasado por partos con él y todo a salido de maravilla casi no se nota mi cesaría y no batalle para nada , pero lo más importante es que mi bebé nació muy sano... Lo recomiendo muchísimo
I had my baby, there is an excellent service 11 months ago with Dr. Reus, 100% professional, my mother, my aunts and I have gone through childbirth with him and everything has gone wonderfully, my cease is hardly noticeable and I did not fight to nothing, but the most important thing is that my baby was born very healthy ... I highly recommend it
yusley caridad alvarez on Google

El Dr. Reus es lo máximo, profesional y humano. Las enfermeras te atienden, están al pendiente de tus necesidades. Lo recomiendo para tener tu bebé ahí, con los ojos cerrados.
Dr. Reus is the best, professional and humane. The nurses take care of you, they are attentive to your needs. I recommend it to have your baby there, with his eyes closed.
Angel Guillen on Google

Hasta ahorita 1000 % recomendable muy buena atencion
Until now 1000% recommendable very good attention
Ernesto Eduardo Huerta Ríos on Google

Es una pesadilla de hospital solo les interesa el dinero y encubren información de tu bebé si es información mala por favor no acudan ya me pasó una vez y quiero que no les pase a ustedes por 2 días de hospitalización de mi bebé me cobraron $14000 si tienes mucho dinero y lo quieres desperdiciar y tener una mala experiencia ya sabes a dónde acudir
It is a hospital nightmare they are only interested in money and they cover up information about your baby if it is bad information please do not go, it happened to me once and I want it not to happen to you for 2 days of hospitalization of my baby they charged me $ 14000 if you have a lot of money and you want to waste it and have a bad experience you know where to turn
Andrea Centeno on Google

Lo recomiendo mucho para aliviarse, desde que llegue tuve una buena experiencia, todos me trataron super bien, los doctores y enfermeras muy atentos, cualquier duda la respondían, volvería a ir!
I highly recommend it to relieve yourself, since I arrived I had a good experience, everyone treated me super well, the doctors and nurses were very attentive, they answered any questions, I would go again!
patricia calzada on Google

Tuve una experiencia desagradable el pasado 28 de octubre, el Dr. Si se le puede llamar así César Aquino le cambio la sonda a mi papá al cual lo lastimo 2 veces lo dejo sangrando y lo mando a casa las siguiente 4 hrs siguió igual, hable con el dr le mande fotos de lo que estaba pasando y me dijo que lo llevara al hospital lomas que fue donde le puso la sonda y que lo iba a poner en anestesia y que nos cobraría 15 mil pesos para ver de donde venia el sangrado a lo cual le respondí que porque iba a pagar dinero si el había sido el causante del sangrado a lo cual me respondió mire para que quedemos los 2 tranquilos le cobro 7,500. No les recomiendo este lugar solo quieren sacar dinero por sus errores
I had an unpleasant experience on October 28, Dr. If you can call him that, César Aquino changed the catheter to my dad, who hurt him 2 times, left him bleeding and sent him home the next 4 hours, he continued the same, talk I sent him photos of what was happening with the dr and he told me to take him to the lomas hospital, which was where he put the probe and that he was going to put him under anesthesia and that he would charge us 15 thousand pesos to see where the bleeding came from. which I replied that because I was going to pay money if he had been the cause of the bleeding, to which he replied, look so that we can keep the 2 calm I charge him 7,500. I do not recommend this place they just want to get money for their mistakes
Luz Torres on Google

Muy mal servicio de parte de la recepcionista tienen el sanitizante en liquido y con el chorro a todo lo que da para alguien que va con fiebre o bronquitis no puede recibir liquido frío en la espalda no se niega a poner pero si se le esta comunicando a la recepcionista, el problema al menos que tengan el equipo adecuado para casos así, cabe mencionar que se le comunico a la recepcionista y no pudo ir con el medico porque estaba con su celular.
Very bad service from the receptionist they have the sanitizer in liquid and with the jet to all that it gives for someone who has a fever or bronchitis cannot receive cold liquid on the back, he does not refuse to put but if he is communicating to The receptionist, the problem unless they have the appropriate equipment for such cases, it is worth mentioning that the receptionist was communicated and he could not go to the doctor because he was on his cell phone.

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