Hospital Quirúrgico Ari - Son - 84030 Nogales

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Contact Hospital Quirúrgico Ari - Son

Address :

Aguirre 138, Fundó Legal, Centro, 84030 Nogales, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
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City : Son.

Aguirre 138, Fundó Legal, Centro, 84030 Nogales, Son., Mexico
Luz NUNEZ on Google

Pues que creen en esta 3 cirujia NO me lo arreglo. Que se le olvido al señor. Y dije yo se olvido como se te va olvidar si estas trabanjodo casi la misma area. Pues me puse muy triste y no lo podia creer. Entre mi dije este señor ya esta muy viejito para estar haciendo cirujias. Todavia regrese con el por fue su error de dejar me el ombligo chueco para que me lo arreglarar. Esta es la cuarta cirujia me tenia arreglar mi ombligo y a hacer me un lift sin implante. Pues segun el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias corto y me arreglo embligo pero no. Si corto y cosio pero en el mismo lugar me dejo mi ombligo. Y mis pechos me los dejo muy horribles con una cirujia de mas de ancha de un PULGADA 1/2. Y no mi hizo NADA GRATIS. Yo pague todas mis cirujias a pesar de sus errores. Este Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias solo interesa el dinero. Yo escribo para dar mi experencia y expressar les todo lo que yo pase. Este señor ya no debe de estar haciendo cirujias. Ni estar serca de ninguna dama. Busquen otro Doctor. 18 meses despues de mi tummy tuck original que fue en Deciembre del 2017. Me empiesa a sentir mal sin energia con unos calores. Y la bola que nunca se me quito primero era solo altocar la sentias pero luego se me empezo a notar cuando me ponia algo apretado. Decidi ir a emegencias la como de 1 pulgada se empezo a poner roja. Me metieron una avuja para si salia pus. Pero no me mandaron con un especilista de herridas y reconstrucciones. Y el me salvo mi vida. Este Dr en Phoenix me abrio la bola y incontro infeccion e.coli y staph. Y me dijo por que me operaron en cuarto de cirujia sucio y donde no desinfectan el equipo que usan. Tambien le toco todas las puntadas internas me las quito por que todo tenia infectedo. 18 meses despues tener consecuencias de unas cirujas que tu piensas ya terminaste que ya paso la tormenta. Y sin saber que la tormenta a penas empiesa. Si ya fueron con este Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias. CORRAN Y YA NO REGRESEN. Este señor deveria estar en la carcel. La unica rason que yo tome el tiempo de escribir mi experencia con el Dr Covarrubias es para ayudar a la demas señoras que lo estan buscando a un cirujano. Y tengo la direccion de su casa en Nogales, Az para la persona que la necesite mande me un mensajes y yo con gusto se las mando.
Well, they believe in this surgery 3 I can not fix it. That he forgot the man. And I said I forgot how you will forget if you are working almost the same area. Well, I became very sad and could not believe it. Among my said this man is already very old to be doing surgery. I still came back with him because it was his mistake to leave me the crooked navel so that I could fix it. This is the fourth surgery I had to fix my navel and make me a lift without implant. Well, according to Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias I short and I manage to adjust but not. If I cut and sew but in the same place I leave my navel. And my breasts left me very horrible with a surgery of more than one inch wide. And not me did ANYTHING FOR FREE. I pay for all my surgeries despite their mistakes. This Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias only interests the money. I write to give my experience and express everything that happens to me. This gentleman should no longer be doing surgery. Nor be close to any lady. Find another Doctor. 18 months after my original tummy tuck that was in December of 2017. I started to feel bad without energy with some heat. And the ball that never went away first was just to raise the feeling but then I started to notice when I put something tight. I decided to go to emegencies as 1 inch started to turn red. They put me in a box for pus. But they did not send me with a specilist of grinding and reconstructions. And he saved my life. This Dr in Phoenix opened the ball and incontro infection e.coli and staph. And he told me why they operated on me in a dirty surgery room and where they do not disinfect the equipment they use. I also touch all the internal stitches, I take them off because everything was infected. 18 months later have consequences of some surgeons that you think you have already completed the storm. And without knowing that the storm is just beginning. If you have already been with this Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias. RUN AND DO NOT RETURN. This man should be in jail. The only reason I take the time to write my experience with Dr. Covarrubias is to help the other ladies who are looking for a surgeon. And I have the address of your home in Nogales, Az for the person who needs it send me a message and I will gladly send it to you.
Luz Nunez on Google

Desde que me hizo el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias la primera lipo. Me salio una bola dura y cada vez que hiba me decia ya se te esta asuavisando. Ojo y eso que page 3 veses 12 masajes en Phoenix $500 cada vez. Y la bola nunca se me quito.Me recuerdo que mi segunda cirujia ya estaba por terminar mi cirujia y el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias se agarra insultando a su assistente. Pero bien horrible tratandola de pendeja y toda la cosa. Y al terminar yo escucho que ella le dice Doctor (Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias) esta chueco y ella le insistia que algo esta chueco. Y yo despierta con ganas de decir Dr no me deje nada chueco. Pero me quede callada. Luego el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias se empeso a sentir mal. Le estaba pegando un taque al corazon y ya no me pudo terminar de cerrar dejo a la assistente que hacaba de insultar hayi para que me cerrarar. Y en todo este rato me estoy haciendo la dormida. Tambien me recuerdo que en esta segunda ciruja habia sangre en el lavado de las manos. Señales que no habian limpiado ni desinfectado el cuarto antes de que yo entrar. Me recuperaccion de mi tummy tuck fue la mas horrible experiencia que yo tuve.Me sentia tan horrible pues resulta que los medicamentos que recetaba el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias no estaban haciendo efecto pues me estaban causando alergia. Mi cirujias no sano asta los 4 meses. Los medicamentos me causaron toz y con la toz que tenia y recien operada se REVENTARON unas puntadas. Fue un horror para mi. Muchas veces pense en no regresar ya. Pero otros Doctores ya no te quieren tocar por que otro Doctor ya te metio mano. Y pues dije yo el mis Dr y me tiene que arreglar sus errores. Pues le toco hacer me una 3 cirujia para que me cerrarar el tummy tuck fue de la unica manera que me cerrar. Yo llevando me la bien con el Dr para que todo saliera bien. Le dije al Dr y por favor me arregla el ombligo esta fuera de lugar como una pulgada. Y me dijo si.
Since Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias made me the first lipo. A hard ball came out and every time that hiba said to me, it is already being watched. Eye and that page 3 you see 12 massages in Phoenix $ 500 each time. And the ball never left me. I remember that my second surgery was about to finish my surgery and Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias grabbed insulting his assistant. But very horrible trying to fool and the whole thing. And at the end I hear that she says Doctor (Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias) this crook and she insisted that something is crooked. And I wake up wanting to say Dr do not leave me anything crooked. But I stayed silent. Then Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias began to feel bad. I was hitting a heart and could not finish closing I leave the assistant who was insulting Hayi to close me. And in all this time I'm falling asleep. I also remember that in this second surgeon there was blood in the washing of the hands. Signs that had not cleaned or disinfected the room before I entered. I recovered my tummy tuck was the most horrible experience I had. I felt so horrible because it turns out that the medications prescribed by Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias were not working because they were causing allergies. My surgery is not healthy until 4 months. The medications caused me toz and with the cough that I had and recently operated, some stitches came up. It was a horror for me. Many times I thought about not coming back anymore. But other Doctors do not want to touch you anymore because another Doctor has already reached out to you. And then I said my Dr and he has to fix his mistakes. Well, I had to do a 3 surgery to close the tummy tuck was the only way I close. I was doing well with the Dr so that everything went well. I told the Dr and please fix my navel this out of place like an inch. And he told me yes.
Familia Nunez on Google

Mi primera experencia con Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias fue mi consulta como no el si te hace sentir en familia por que quiere tu dinero. Y en esa consulta me recuerdo muy bien de sus palabras me dijo "Yo voy hacer tu Doctor para siempre". El me habia explicado que mi cirujias hiban hacer varias por lo que mi caso era un processo. Y yo lo entendi yo no queria poner mi vida en resgio. Si te hace sentir como en tu casa y despues te opera como ya agarro su dinero te hace esperar asta 3 o 4 horas para tus citas de seguimiento aun que lleves cita. Y luego cada vez quien vaz a consulta tiene nuevo personal por que los insulta y maltrata enfrente de los pacientes. Y me toco ver lo muchas veces. Les quiero dejar saber que tuve 4 operaccion con este Señor el Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias. Y las dos primeras cirujias fueron medianto un bloqueo en espina dorsal ( nosotros la conocemos como epidoral en ingles epidural). Yo estube despierta no estube dormida. Me recuerdo que la primera cirujia yo entre caminando al cuarto de ciruja y mi dijieron " oh no puedes entrar con tus zapatos dejalos a afuera por que ya esta desinfectado el cuerto de cirujia". Esta bien conmigo dije yo "Hay que cuidados". La primera ciruja fue una Lipo con BBl y la segunda fue un tummy tuck. En las dos cirujias primeramente con el Doctor se ponen hablar pestes y babosadas de las pacientes. Si yo tubiera una grabadora de todos las cosas que decian de las pacientas. Este Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias no es nada profeccional. Se escucha que entran y sale gente de ese cuarto de cirujia como si tienen fiestas. Endonde esta todo el control de limpiesa.
My first experience with Dr Jose Luis Covarrubias was my query, not the one that makes you feel like a family because you want your money. And in that consultation I remember very well of his words he said "I'm going to do your Doctor forever". He had explained to me that my surgeries were doing several so my case was a process. And I understood it I did not want to put my life in resg. If it makes you feel at home and then you operate as I already take your money makes you wait until 3 or 4 hours for your follow-up appointments even if you have an appointment. And then every time who goes to the office has new staff because he insults them and mistreats them in front of the patients. And I got to see it many times. I want to let you know that I had 4 operations with this Mr. Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias. And the first two surgeries were medianto a block in the spine (we know it as epidural in epidural English). I was awake I was not asleep. I remember that the first surgery between me walking to the surgical room and my said "oh you can not go with your shoes leave them out because it is already disinfected the surgery room". It's fine with me I said "You have to be careful". The first surgeon was a Lipo with BBl and the second one was a tummy tuck. In the two surgeries, first with the Doctor, they talk about pests and scurvy of the patients. If I had a recorder of all the things that they said about the patients. This Dr. Jose Luis Covarrubias is nothing profeccional. You hear people coming in and out of that surgery room as if they have parties. Where is all the cleanup control.
Eva Calvillo on Google

Love his work!!!
norma acosta on Google

Un excellent work Tammy tuck
sk8_will da 1 on Google

Wonderful place!!! And so relaxed and they so such a great job...
Janet T on Google

I love my results! He did an amazing job. Thank you Dr. Covarrubias
Jess M on Google

Please please Be Ware of Dr Rosas Jose L Covarrubias, his wife, and any former patient that contacts you and promotes his work!! He goes by many different names. Please research him. He’s not a board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon. I understand saving money is desired by most. In the case of your life, self esteem, it’s not worth the gamble with this Doctor. It’s not worth saving a little bit of money to go to this Doctor. Many others, along with myself, suffer from disfiguring botched procedures. We were all promised great work, and were conned with his wife and former client promoting his work. Please do your research. Patients have died. Google every review you can find. Read each one. Reach out to the victims on Facebook, hear their true stories. I hope this can save someone the money, heartache that comes with the sad disfigurement after a botched surgery, even death and trauma. I wish I could post not even a single star. Please don’t go to this man for any lipo, bbl, Timmy tucks, nose jobs or breast implants. If it’s even possible To try and fix his work, it will cost you soo much more than paying a little more the first time for the surgery by someone safe, trusted, and highly qualified.

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