Hospital San Ángel - 61266 Maravatio

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital San Ángel

Address :

Calle Cereza No.10 Fraccionamiento Rancho La Huerta, Vista Hermosa, 61266 Maravatio, Mich., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7788
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Categories :
City : Mich.

Calle Cereza No.10 Fraccionamiento Rancho La Huerta, Vista Hermosa, 61266 Maravatio, Mich., Mexico
Andres Bautista on Google

Lo unico que les interesa es cobrar pesimos medicos
The only thing that interests them is to collect medical pessimies
Palm MC on Google

Lo más importante para la mayoría de los Doctores que trabajan aquí es su comisión ??
The most important thing for most of the Doctors who work here is their commission ??
Paola Barajas on Google

Excelente servicio! Yo estuve hospitalizada! Súper amables todos! Médicos excelentes! Instalaciones de primera! Además de costos súper accesibles! Su mejor opción
Excellent service! I was hospitalized! Super friendly everyone! Excellent doctors! First class facilities! In addition to super accessible costs! Your best choice
leonel carrillo on Google

es un pésimo lugar no les interesa en lo mas mínimo la integridad de sus pacientes solo van por lo económico ya que a un familiar que tenia un dolor de estomago muy fuerte lo estudiaron y dijeron que era una cosa y que ocupaba operación lo operaron y nunca se recupero como dijeron después se llevo a otro hospital y resulta que lo que tenia era un tumor canceroso que los doctores que lo operaron en este hospital no fueron capaces de detectar y que ademas le reventaron el tumor provocando que el mal se regara por todo su estomago acabando con su vida en solo 3 meses, así que les pido consideren otras opciones en caso de necesitar un hospital, es muy triste saber que hay gente con tal grado de negligencia que aceleran la muerte de una persona
It is a lousy place they are not interested in the least the integrity of their patients only go for the economic since a relative who had a very strong stomach pain was studied and said that it was one thing and that occupied operation they operated on it and never He recovered as they said after he took another hospital and it turns out that what he had was a cancerous tumor that the doctors who operated him in this hospital were not able to detect and that he also burst the tumor causing the evil to spread throughout his stomach ending his life in just 3 months, so I ask you to consider other options if you need a hospital, it is very sad to know that there are people with such a degree of negligence that accelerate the death of a person
Sebastián Garcia on Google

En mi experiencia personal el hospital tiene buena infraestructura, sin embargo es lamentable el personal médico. POR FAVOR si asisten a este hospital consulten segundas opiniones pues no es muy confiable el diagnóstico.
In my personal experience the hospital has good infrastructure, however the medical staff is unfortunate. PLEASE, if you attend this hospital, consult second opinions because the diagnosis is not very reliable.
Julio Mora on Google

No tienen vocación, jamas los vi movilizarse rapido para atender a mi familiar, solamente se movieron para cobrar los honorarios
They have no vocation, I never saw them move quickly to attend to my relative, they only moved to collect the fees
Teresa Terrazas on Google

No les recomiedo el hospital pésimo servicio de todo a todo pésimo servicio nunca vayan a este hospital no respetan la vida humana dejan morir o matar ,a las personas de adultos asta recién nacidos no les importa el dolor que causarán solo les importa el dinero lastima de juramento que asen de salvar vidas porque no lo ponen en práctica .... Y todo queda en la conciencia espero que todas esas vidas no les dejen la conciencia tranquila .
I do not recommend the hospital terrible service of everything to all bad service never go to this hospital they do not respect human life they let die or kill, people from adults to newborns do not care about the pain they will cause they only care about the money they hurt They swear to save lives because they do not put it into practice ... And everything remains in the conscience I hope that all those lives do not leave them a clear conscience.
Maria Gervacio on Google

Lamento decir esto pero de que le sirve ser un hospital nuevo si el personal médico es pésimo, empezando por una “DOCTORA ” Que cubre el turno de la noche y se va a dormir mientras sus pacientes están agonizando y necesita de su ayuda eso no es ser un buen DOCTOR, Si está cubriendo en turno de noche debe estar al pendiente y seguir las pautas requeridas y lo que se mira es que solo quieren el dinero , Yo no recomiendo este hospital porque aquí te dejan morir y les vale madre la vida de las personas, No pudieron hacer nada por mi padre y Le valió a esta Doctora que cubría el turno de noche la vida de mi padre, Hojala mi padre no la dejé descansar jamás por no hacer nada para ayudarlo. Quien quiera que sea el dueño o organización deben estar más al pendiente de contratar Personal médico capacitado y sertificado porque es para ayuda del pueblo, recuerden que viven del pueblo y de los buenos o malos comentarios. PÉSIMO HOSPITAL
I'm sorry to say this but what good is being a new hospital if the medical staff is lousy, starting with a "DOCTOR" Who covers the night shift and goes to sleep while her patients are dying and needs your help that is not To be a good DOCTOR, if you are covering the night shift you must be aware and follow the required guidelines and what you see is that they only want the money, I do not recommend this hospital because here they let you die and they are worth the life of The people, They could not do anything for my father and it was worth to this Doctor who covered the night shift my father's life, Sheet my father I never let her rest for not doing anything to help him. Whoever the owner or organization is, they should be more aware of hiring trained and certified medical personnel because it is for the help of the people, remember that they live from the people and from the good or bad comments. BAD HOSPITAL

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