Hospital Siloé - 44770 Guadalajara

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El mejor centro de atención para el cuidado de tu salud en el oriente de Guadalajara.

Contact Hospital Siloé

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Calle Pablo Valdez, Calle Ramón López Velarde 3843, 44770 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Calle Pablo Valdez, Calle Ramón López Velarde 3843, 44770 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Xime Princess on Google

Yo fui con el doctor ginecólogo,Osiris no recuerdo su apellido porque es una persona que prefiero olvidar,muuuuy despota nada amable ,ni siquiera nos saludo ,y mucho menos nos invito a sentarnos ,yo esperaba que me aclara mis dudas sobre mi embarazo,pero al contrario solo se dedico a hablarnos de mala manera y como tipo regaño ,porque yo ya había visitado a otro ginecólogo,obviamente queremos buscar la mejor opción para control de mi embarazo,tiene algo de malo eso? Pues al señor le molesto ,y se atrevió a decirme que mi bebé sería prematuro !!!! Quien fregados es el ,acaso es Dios para saberlo cuando do yo solo tenía 10 Semanas??!!!y me dijo que en ese hospital no atendían prematuros !!! ? que adema sería muy costoso !!!me sentí discriminada por mi condición económica que ese tipo ni siquiera conoce !!!hace 11 años mi primera hija nació en ese hospital y pagamos casi 28 mil pesos si mal no recuerdo ,así que ese tipo que sabe de lo que podemos pagar o no!!!! Asco de persona con poca ética ,ademas el “doctor” veía muy feo a mi esposo ,que andaba algo sucio ,porque venía de su TRABAJO!!!! Clasista y racista ese tipo,asco de persona
I went to see the gynecologist, Osiris, I don't remember his last name because he is a person I prefer to forget, a lousy tyrant, not at all friendly, he didn't even greet us, much less invite us to sit down, I was hoping he would clarify my doubts about my pregnancy, but On the contrary, he only dedicated himself to speaking to us in a bad way and as a scolding type, because I had already visited another gynecologist, obviously we want to find the best option to control my pregnancy, is there something wrong with that? Well, the gentleman was bothered, and he dared to tell me that my baby would be premature!!!! Who the fuck is he, perhaps it is God to know when I was only 10 weeks old??!!! and he told me that in that hospital they did not treat premature babies!!! ? which would also be very expensive !!! I felt discriminated against because of my economic condition that that guy doesn't even know about !!! 11 years ago my first daughter was born in that hospital and we paid almost 28 thousand pesos if I remember correctly, so that guy who knows what we can pay or not!!!! Disgusting person with little ethics, also the "doctor" looked very ugly at my husband, who was somewhat dirty, because he came from his JOB!!!! Classist and racist that guy, disgusting person
Samara Ponce de León on Google

Carísimo! Más de $1,000 por una curación chica de mi niña de 3 años, lo único rescatable es la atención de las enfermeras, muy amables, muchas gracias! Pero la cajera te trata muy mal y el personal administrativo.
Very expensive! More than $1,000 for a small cure of my 3-year-old girl, the only redeeming thing is the attention of the nurses, very kind, thank you very much! But the cashier treats you very badly and the administrative staff.
Martha Castañeda on Google

Un muy buen hospital precios muy accesibles lugar muy limpio no se crean de los malos comentarios es un hospital particular y se debe de pagar cosa q parece no le agrada a la gente q asiste hay la gente o pacientes q asisten muy imprudente y prepotente 2veces tocaron la puerta cuando estaba en consulta quieren todo rápido todo el personal muy BIEN
A very good hospital, very accessible prices, a very clean place, don't believe the bad comments, it is a private hospital and you have to pay, something that seems not to please the people who attend, there are people or patients who attend, who are very reckless and arrogant, they touched twice the door when I was in consultation they want everything fast all the staff very WELL
Angelina on Google

Los doctores son excelentes. Pero el personal del hospital son pésimos. No atienden bien. Y me cobraron más dinero por insumos que no eran reales. Solo me ignoraron y cobraron. No volveré a ese lugar siguiente vez que me enferme.
The doctors are excellent. But the hospital staff are lousy. They do not serve well. And they charged me more money for supplies that weren't real. They just ignored me and charged me. I won't go back to that place next time I get sick.
Berenice R. L on Google

Ponen cosas en la cuenta cosas que no usaron, para cobrar de más, el trato de los doctores es bueno, la enfermera fue déspota, la cajera amable. Mencionaron que mí familiar aparte de la curación necesitaba quedarse internado, cuando la cuenta ya estaba en 13,000, llame un medico que es mí amigo para plantearle el caso, y me digo que mí familiar NO requería ser internado, por lo cual, lo saque y no me dijeron los cuidados, ni medicamentos, tuve que llevar a mí familiar a consulta a otro hospital para que me dieran su opinión y me dijeran los cuidados, le mencione al doctor que sí era necesario que mí familiar se quedara internado, me digo que no, que lo que se tenía que hacer ya se la habían hecho, vio la cuenta para ver lo los medicamentos que le habían dado a mí familiar y recetar otros, y me pregunto que sí eso me habían cobrado, hizo cara de asombro por la cantidad tan fuerte, me pregunto que sí la había tenido varios días allí, y le dije que no fue que el cobro de 2:50 hrs. Sí tienen los equipos necesarios para atender, tienen buenos equipos, pero considera llevar bien de dinero, sí quieres atenderte allí.
They put things in the account, things that they did not use, to charge more, the treatment of the doctors is good, the nurse was despotic, the cashier was kind. They mentioned that apart from the cure my family member needed to stay hospitalized, when the account was already at 13,000, I called a doctor who is a friend of mine to present the case, and he told me that my family member did NOT need to be hospitalized, so I took him out and They did not tell me about the care, or medications, I had to take my family member to another hospital to get their opinion and tell me about the care, I mentioned to the doctor that it was necessary for my family member to stay in the hospital, I told myself that no, that what had to be done had already been done, he looked at the bill to see what the medications had been given to my family member and prescribed others, and he asked me if they had charged me for that, he made a face of astonishment at the amount so strong, I wonder if he had had it there for several days, and I told him that it was not that the charge of 2:50 hrs. They do have the necessary equipment to serve you, they have good equipment, but consider bringing a lot of money, if you want to serve yourself there.
Anaid Castillo on Google

Se supone son más humanos ahí pero la mayoría del personal solo están entrenados para hablar bonito y para cobrar mucho de una manera amable. No salvan vidas, no se entregan por el paciente y algunos enfermeros son déspotas. No generalizo, pero si comparto mi experiencia. Un hospital no es un lugar donde uno vaya por gusto y lo que espera uno es una atención humana de calidad y que luchen realmente por salvaguardar la vida de sus pacientes. No nomás exprimirlos con dinero. Pensé que el internista Torres era más sincero pero últimamente pienso que simplemente dejo morir a mi familiar.
They are supposed to be more human there but most of the staff are only trained to talk nicely and charge a lot in a friendly way. They don't save lives, they don't give themselves for the patient and some nurses are despots. I do not generalize, but I do share my experience. A hospital is not a place where one goes for pleasure and what one expects is quality human care and that they really fight to safeguard the lives of their patients. Don't just squeeze them with money. I thought internist Torres was more sincere but lately I think that I just let my relative die.
Jazmin Montano M on Google

Andres Melena on Google

I like the attention here, better than a few hospitals back in the US

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