Hospital Tonala - 45400 Tonalá

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Santos Degollado 75, Tonalá Centro, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico

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City : Jal.

Santos Degollado 75, Tonalá Centro, 45400 Tonalá, Jal., Mexico
Cristina Moreno on Google

Pésimo servicio. Asistí a diferentes especialidades y su atención al paciente es mala y/o diagnósticos erróneos. Pero la peor experiencia fue con el dr Juan Manuel López, a quién me recomendaron. El llevó mi control de embarazo, su trato y explicación eran buenos, hasta que 2 semanas antes de mi fecha de parto, insistió en hacerme cesárea en la semana 38 argumentando que yo no presentaba los dolores de parto (y claro que no pues me faltaba tiempo), no había ninguna justificación para la cesárea, porque mi bebé y yo estábamos muy bien, en los estudios y ecos. Cómo no acepté, me dijo que tenía que hacer un tacto, que fue muy doloroso e hizo movimientos bruscos y me lastimó bastante. Después investigue y en vez de un tacto, me hizo sin mi consentimiento, la maniobra de Hamilton (lean de que se trata), con el fin de romper la fuente y obligarme a tener una cesárea, ya que aun me faltaba tiempo para entrar en labor de parto. Y todavía de manera sarcástica me dijo que si no aguantaba ese tacto (según el me tendría que hacer 20 si fuera necesario en un parto natural) no aguantaría el dolor del parto. Afortunadamente no logro romper la fuente, no regresé más con él después de saber lo que había hecho. Mi bebé nació a su debido tiempo, a las 40 semanas, tuve labor de parto natural y estamos saludables. Tengan cuidado con este tipo de doctores, no se dejen asustar, si no hay una razón de peso que obligue a hacer esos procedimientos, si a alguien le ha pasado, advierta a otros pacientes para que no sufran estos abusos. Además subieron los precios de las consultas y los equipos del eco estan dañados y no se ve nada.
Terrible service. I attended different specialties and their patient care is poor and / or misdiagnoses. But the worst experience was with Dr. Juan Manuel López, who was recommended to me. He took my pregnancy control, his treatment and explanation were good, until 2 weeks before my due date, he insisted on doing a cesarean section at week 38, arguing that I did not have labor pains (and of course not because I was missing time), there was no justification for the cesarean section, because my baby and I were doing very well, in the studies and echoes. How I did not accept, he told me that I had to do a touch, which was very painful and made sudden movements and hurt me a lot. Then I investigated and instead of a touch, he did the Hamilton maneuver (read what it is about) without my consent, in order to break the water and force me to have a cesarean section, since I still had time to enter job of child bearing. And still in a sarcastic way he told me that if I could not bear that touch (according to him I would have to do 20 if necessary in a natural birth) I would not bear the pain of childbirth. Fortunately I could not break the source, I did not return to him after knowing what he had done. My baby was born in due time, at 40 weeks, I was in natural labor and we are healthy. Be careful with these types of doctors, do not be scared, if there is no compelling reason that forces you to do these procedures, if it has happened to someone, warn other patients not to suffer these abuses. In addition, the prices of the consultations rose and the echo equipment is damaged and nothing is seen.
Imelda Linares on Google

Mal servicio por parte de las recepcionistas, hablé con dos días de anticipación para agendar una cita y el día que me agendaron al llegar me dicen que no tienen ninguna cita anotada. No saben hacer su trabajo y al querer hacer una queja, me dicen que la responsable está de vacaciones. Una enorme falta de respeto para el tiempo de los pacientes!
Poor service from the receptionists, I spoke two days in advance to make an appointment and the day they scheduled me when I arrived they told me that they did not have an appointment written down. They don't know how to do their job and when they want to make a complaint, they tell me that the person in charge is on vacation. A huge lack of respect for patients' time!
Anelis Sierra on Google

Pésimo servicio la pimevez que fui lleve a mi hija y la inyectaron para la garganta y ella no estaba enferma de la garganta estaba enferma de la panza, y ayer llevamos a mi hermano y no lo quisieron atender, ni siquiera lo dejaron pasar salio la doctora y sin revisarlo ni nada, le grito que a el no lo iba a atender porque tiene covid a lo que mi hermano respondió que no era covid y la doctora le cerro la puerta en la cara, dejando a más pacientes en la calle. Fuimos a otro hospital y nada que ver el covid que decía la doctora de este hospital
Terrible service the first time I went, I took my daughter and they injected her for the throat and she was not sick with the throat, she was sick with the belly, and yesterday we took my brother and they did not want to attend to him, they did not even let him pass the doctor left And without checking him or anything, I yell at him that I was not going to treat him because he has covid to which my brother replied that it was not covid and the doctor closed the door in his face, leaving more patients on the street. We went to another hospital and nothing to see the covid that the doctor of this hospital said
Norma Campos on Google

Es muy buen hospital son muy atentos los doctores y enfermeras lo recomiendo
It is a very good hospital, the doctors and nurses are very attentive, I recommend it
Eduardo Rivera on Google

No me gusto la doctora que estaba por la noche confundió mi sintomatología con covid siendo que yo le dije que no tenía problemas respiratorios más bien gástricos y muy claros para infecion gastro intestinal y ella pensó que tenía covid y me dio que no me podía atender y me fui muy enojado por que no interrogó más de que comi etc Después fuia a otro hospital me atendieron muy bien y en efecto tenía una infección gastro intestinal y aun así me hice una prueba rápido de covid y salió negativa así que se me iso poco capas y pésimo servicio
I did not like the doctor who was there at night, she confused my symptoms with covid being that I told her that I did not have respiratory problems rather gastric and very clear for gastro intestinal infection and she thought I had covid and told me that she could not treat me and I left very angry because he did not question more than what I ate, etc. Then I went to another hospital, they treated me very well and in fact I had a gastro intestinal infection and even so I did a rapid test for covid and it came back negative so I got very little layers and terrible service
Eve Huerta on Google

Yo asistí con el urologo y la verdad mala experiencia, me hizo un procedimiento en el consultorio que no era necesario habia una alternativa con medicamento, pero claro era para cobrarme ahi más y aparte me pidio que le diera el dinero a el no a la cajera, no resolvió todos mi dudas PESIMO SERVICIO no se vale que abuesen de la gente.
I attended with the urologist and the truth was bad experience, he did a procedure in the office that was not necessary there was an alternative with medicine, but of course it was to charge me there more and apart he asked me to give the money to him, not to the cashier , it did not solve all my doubts. PESIMO SERVICE it is not worth abusing people.
alejandro diaz cortez on Google

Muy mal servicio, fui con el gastroenterólogo, por úlcera péptica y me trató una colitis, que inepto, Ho son estudiantes, que no tienen experiencia, y causa eso, se puede uno morir, y bien gracias, Yo ya no voy, Yo voy al hospital, salud de los enfermos, que está detrás de dónde estaba el registro civil, viejo,
Very bad service, I went to the gastroenterologist for peptic ulcer and he treated me for colitis, how inept, Ho are students, who have no experience, and because of that, one can die, and well, thank you, I'm not going anymore I go to the hospital, health of the sick, which is behind where the civil registry was, old man,
Negócio Negocio on Google

No me late

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