3.9/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. Quetzalcoalt, #80 x 12 y 14, Miraflores, 97167 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99998
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City : Yuc.

Fabiola Aguilar (Sparklingblobfish) on Google

Me refirieron aquí para que le dieran consulta a mi perrito y unos estudios, solo hicieron los estudios y se negaron a decirme ningún resultado “porque ellos no son mi veterinario” aunque se les explicó que el doctor que nos había referido tampoco era nuestro doctor ya que esto había sido una urgencia, tardado y atención de mala gana de parte de la doctora. Prácticamente fue un time sus estudios y váyase.... Cero interés en ayudar a mi perrito. Los ayudantes bastante amables, pero cero recomendable en general
They referred me here to consult my puppy and some studies, they only did the studies and refused to tell me any results "because they are not my vet" although it was explained to them that the doctor who had referred us was not our doctor either. that this had been an urgency, time consuming, and reluctant attention from the doctor. It was practically a time your studies and go ... Zero interest in helping my puppy. The helpers quite friendly, but zero recommended in general
Gabriela Noriega on Google

¡¡¡¡PÉSIMO SERVICIO Y PÉSIMA ATENCIÓN!!!! Jamás regresaré ? Iba con cita para un ultrasonido y tardaron casi 40 min en recibirme. Nunca me explicaron los resultados del estudio, y me entregaron a mi mascota embarrada en gel ????? Si les doy una ⭐️ es porque el lugar está limpio
AWESOME SERVICE AND AWFUL ATTENTION !!!! I will never return ? I was making an appointment for an ultrasound and it took them almost 40 min to see me. They never explained the results of the study to me, and they gave me my pet smeared in gel ????? If I give them a ⭐️ it's because the place is clean
Alberto Andrade Zavala on Google

Llevamos a mi gatito de emergencia. Incluso hablamos por teléfono de camino ahí para avisar, esperando que cuando llegáramos lo atendieran rápido. Su estado era crítico. Tardaron más de 15 minutos en pasarlo a la sala de emergencias, con una parsimonia e indiderencia tan grandes que duele e indigna. Falleció a los pocos minutos. No suelo dejar este tipo de comentarios, pero me duele en el alma que mi bebé haya muerto por no haber recibido una pronta atención.
We took my emergency kitten. We even spoke on the phone on the way there to advise, hoping that when we arrived they would attend to him quickly. His condition was critical. It took them more than 15 minutes to transfer him to the emergency room, with such parsimony and indifference that it hurts and outrages. He died within a few minutes. I do not usually leave these types of comments, but it hurts my soul that my baby has died because it has not received prompt attention.
V B on Google

Excelente atención con el Dr Jorge Lara, no tengo queja , al contrario buenos precios y hasta ahora el mejor Veterinario de Mèrida , lo recomiendo ampliamente
Excellent attention with Dr Jorge Lara, I have no complaints, on the contrary good prices and so far the best Veterinarian in Mèrida, I highly recommend him
Cinco Corporativo on Google

Excelente, me salvaron a mi mascota en una urgencia no critica..cirujano de primera..dra de lujo..rescepsionista espectacular, enfermeros unicos..para una cirugia mayor... dudaba x muchos comentarios..gx a dios me quede con ellos.. mascota..perfecta!!
Mabel Carvajal on Google

Me considero una persona que cuando hay algo que reconocer lo hago y cuando hay algo que no me gusta lo digo y lo escribo, no soy de las que me guste dar malas opiniones solo porque sí, acudí a ellos por primera vez porque me los recomendaron mi veterinaria de confianza por una emergencia para realizar un estudio de sangre y ultrasonido para mi gatito Peke que se encontraba bastante mal y ellos con tal de ganar dinero sin importarles el paciente, me dijeron que si lo quería hospitalizar con ellos te obligan a pagar la consulta y la hospitalización que cuesta más que pagar un cuarto de hotel por noche, de verdad me parece indignante, falta de ética y de empatía los dueños y los que trabajan en este lugar, mi gatito falleció al día siguiente sabiendo ellos que el gatito ya no tenía ninguna posibilidad y aparte no nos quisieron interpretar los resultados de los estudios realizados, querían dejarlo hospitalizado sabiendo que no le iban a poder hacer el ultrasonido porque el gatito ya no retenía la orina por tener una falla renal severa, les puse una estrella porque el lugar es limpió pero por mi no se merecen ni una, estoy bastante furiosa que siendo una hospital veterinario les importe más el dinero que los pacientes que en verdad necesitan los cuidados necesarios. Es una lástima de verdad ? Tomen sus precauciones al ocupar los servicios de este lugar.
I consider myself a person who when there is something to acknowledge I do and when there is something I don't like I say it and write it down, I am not one of those who likes to give bad opinions just because, I went to them for the first time because they were recommended to me my trusted vet for an emergency to perform a blood test and ultrasound for my kitten Peke who was in quite bad shape and they told me that if I wanted to hospitalize him with them they would force you to pay the consultation and hospitalization that costs more than paying for a hotel room per night, it really seems outrageous to me, lack of ethics and empathy of the owners and those who work in this place, my kitten died the next day knowing that the kitten already he had no chance and apart from that they did not want to interpret the results of the studies carried out, they wanted to leave him hospitalized knowing that they were not going to be able to do the ultrasound because the kitten no longer re I had urine for having severe kidney failure, I gave them a star because the place is clean but for me they don't deserve a single one, I'm quite furious that being a veterinary hospital they care more about money than patients who really need care necessary. It's a real shame ? Take your precautions when using the services of this place.
June Ginn on Google

Wonderful care from Dr Cecilia and all!
Diane Thornton on Google

The staff are exceptional. they helped a very injured dog with a broken back..she is now livingna happy life because of them. Everyone there seems to really care for the animals. Not jist a job

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