Hospital Veterinario Patitas Emergencias 24 HRS - 52160 Metepec

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Contact Hospital Veterinario Patitas Emergencias 24 HRS

Address :

C. Octavio Paz, La Purisima, 52160 Metepec, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +78979
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City : Méx.

C. Octavio Paz, La Purisima, 52160 Metepec, Méx., Mexico
Valeria Oc. on Google

Me dijeron que mi gata tenía bronconeumonía y que casi casi se iba a morir y ni siquiera era cierto, le inyectaron diuréticos y eso hizo que se pusiera peor, la hospitalizaron y dijeron que me iban a llamar a las 5 de la mañana para avisarme como seguia y jamás lo hicieron (cuando yo llegué parecía que apenas se estaban despertando), además me la entregaron toda orinada y quien sabe desde a que hora estaba así pero la secaron hasta que yo llegue... salió muchísimo más ronca de lo que llegó Seguí un tratamiento en otro lado, donde se le hicieron los estudios correspondientes (a un precio razonable porque en este establecimiento solo les importa sacar lo más que puedan, no lo que realmente necesita el animal) y todo su diagnóstico estaba completamente mal y aún sin que supieran lo que realmente tenía la gata, se atrevieron a inyectarle cosas que ni siquiera necesitaba No le dieron la atención adecuada en las 5 horas que estuvo ahí En el otro hospital me dieron todo el medicamento necesario para nebulizaciónes y tratamiento :) No fue necesario seguir gastando tiempo y dinero en este lugar Si la hubiera seguido llevando con ellos si se hubiera muerto Y encima me quieren echar la culpa de que no conocía el estado se salud de mi gata y que yo la tenía casi en la calle con hipotermia ? Y de cosas que ni siquiera tienen conocimiento como mi responsabilidad con mi gata Y el que haya tomado agua no fue el problema y tampoco estaba en mi control pero claro, siempre es más facil echarle la culpa a los demás Pero me da gusto que mi opinión pueda ayudar en algo ??
They told me that my cat had bronchopneumonia and that she was almost going to die and it wasn't even true, they injected diuretics and that made her worse, hospitalized her and said they were going to call me at 5 in the morning to let me know how I went on and never did (when I arrived it seemed that they were just waking up), they also handed it to me all urinated and who knows from what time it was like that but they dried it until I arrived ... it came out much more hoarse than it came I followed a treatment elsewhere, where the corresponding studies were done (at a reasonable price because in this establishment they only care to get as much as they can, not what the animal really needs) and all its diagnosis was completely wrong and even without that they knew what the cat really had, they dared to inject things that she didn't even need They didn't give him the proper attention in the 5 hours he was there In the other hospital they gave me all the necessary medication for nebulization and treatment :) It was not necessary to continue spending time and money in this place If he had continued to take her with them if he had died And on top of that they want to blame me for not knowing the state of my cat's health and that I had it almost on the street with hypothermia ? And of things that are not even known as my responsibility with my cat And the one who drank water was not the problem and it was not in my control but of course, it is always easier to blame others But I'm glad my opinion can help with something ??
Vilma Montes on Google

Mal servicio solo t sacan dinero y nada mas el veterinario juan carlos no sabe dar un buen diagnóstico y cobra como nadie yo no lo recomiendo para nada
Bad service they only take money from you and nothing else the veterinarian Juan Carlos does not know how to give a good diagnosis and charges like no one else I do not recommend him at all
Bere Uribe on Google

PORFAVOR NO acudan aquí, yo tuve una emergencia con mi perro, lo lleve en la madrugada ya que en el transcurso del día había estado vomitando y perdió el apetito, el doctor que no medio su nombre pero dice ser el dueño le diagnosticó "infección pulmonar" le inyectaron penicilina, metoclopramida, ranitidina. Duro 3 días con el disque tratamiento que este pseudo-veterinario le receto, obviamente no presento ninguna mejora, al tercer día le llame por la tarde porque mi perro seguía sin comer, sin tomar agua, sin dormir y con vomito, el "veterinario" me respondió "no le sucede nada si deja de comer y si no mejora habrá que internarlo, es normal y parte de la recuperación" después de esto decidí llevarlo con otro veterinario los cuales si saben y le diagnosticaron una obstrucción intestinal y gracias a uno de los medicamentos que le inyectaron se le complico aun mas, mi perro lo hospitalizaron y entro a cirugía con un pronostico bastante reservado, probablemente si lo hubieran diagnosticado correctamente, el escenario seria completamente diferente... y lean los comentarios TODOS (no solo los buenos) porque hay muchas personas que les ha pasado cosas parecidas en este "hospital". No pasen malos ratos con sus mascotas. Trate de comentar en FB y en INSTAGRAM pero obviamente bloquearon mis comentarios, les escribí por msn y únicamente me contestaron que no sabían de que paciente les estaba hablando porque tienen demasiados y sinceramente que desgracia para los animalitos
PLEASE DO NOT come here, I had an emergency with my dog, I took him at dawn since during the day he had been vomiting and lost his appetite, the doctor who did not give his name but claims to be the owner diagnosed him with "lung infection "They injected him with penicillin, metoclopramide, ranitidine. I lasted 3 days with the treatment that this pseudo-veterinarian prescribed, obviously I did not show any improvement, on the third day I called him in the afternoon because my dog ​​was still not eating, without drinking water, without sleeping and with vomiting, the "veterinarian" he replied "nothing happens to him if he stops eating and if he doesn't improve he will have to be hospitalized, it's normal and part of the recovery" after this I decided to take him to another vet who did know and diagnosed him with an intestinal obstruction and thanks to one of the medications that they injected him made it even more complicated, my dog ​​was hospitalized and he went into surgery with a rather reserved prognosis, probably if they had diagnosed him correctly, the scenario would be completely different... and read the comments EVERYONE (not just the good ones ) because there are many people who have had similar things happen to them in this "hospital". Don't have a bad time with your pets. I tried to comment on FB and INSTAGRAM but obviously they blocked my comments, I wrote to them on msn and they only replied that they did not know which patient I was talking about because they have too many and honestly what a disgrace for the little animals
Gustavo Mancilla on Google

Pésimo "Veterinario". Acudí a revisión por una lesión clara (tenía sangre) en la uña de mi perro, la respuesta del veterinario en turno fue que tenía déficit de calcio. No atendió la lesión. Sólo les interesa cobrar.
Terrible "Veterinarian". I went to review for a clear injury (it had blood) in my dog's nail, the response of the veterinarian on duty was that he had calcium deficiency. He did not treat the injury. They are only interested in getting paid.
Hansel Ortiz (woldkeeper) on Google

Excelente atención y cuidado de mi mascota, me atendieron para una cesárea que necesitaba mi perrita. Me dieron las indicaciones pertinentes para su cuidado posterior a la operación y cuidado de los perritos. Excelente la atención de la doctora que me atendió y personal bien capacitado. 10/10
Excellent attention and care of my pet, they treated me for a cesarean section that my dog ​​needed. They gave me the pertinent indications for their post-operation care and care of the puppies. Excellent attention from the doctor who treated me and well-trained staff. 10/10
Maelette Rivera on Google

Definitivamente NO ASISTAN A ESTÉ LUGAR, mi compañero se debate entre la vida u la muerte gracias a la ineptitud de estos seudo veterinarios , te dicen una cosa y a los minutos cambian de opinión, no son claros con los tratamientos, lucran con la angustia de uno , el disque cirujano quiere hacer el procedimiento sin estudios previos, no comparten los expedientes al cuál tenemos derecho pues pagamos por eso, mi perrito estuvo dos días hospitalizado y salió con alto nivel de deshidratación y anemia severa,no se les hizo buena idea hacerle un estudio . Por nada vayan a ese lugar. Una total apatía habían dado un diagnóstico y que creen , nada que ver! .
Definitely DO NOT ATTEND THIS PLACE, my colleague is torn between life and death thanks to the ineptitude of these pseudo-veterinarians, they tell you one thing and after a few minutes they change their minds, they are not clear about the treatments, they profit from the anguish of one , the surgeon wants to do the procedure without previous studies, they do not share the files to which we are entitled because we pay for that, my puppy was hospitalized for two days and came out with a high level of dehydration and severe anemia, they did not have a good idea to do a study . For nothing go to that place. A total apathy had given a diagnosis and what do you think, nothing to do with it! .
david hayter on Google

Terrible attention. Worst service
Ricardo Sánchez Villegas on Google

Great for my D'Arcy ... And excellent service, give 5 star service :)

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