Hotel Fray Marcos de Niza - 84000 Nogales

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Fray marcos -

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Contact Hotel Fray Marcos de Niza

Address :

Campillo 91, Fundó Legal, Centro, 84000 Nogales, Son., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Website :
Categories :
City : Son.
Description : Upscale hotel offering refined rooms & suites, plus a stylish restaurant & a sleek bar.

Campillo 91, Fundó Legal, Centro, 84000 Nogales, Son., Mexico
Giorgio Vacatello on Google

Worst place I ever been. The only good thing is the staff, the are very attentive and genuinely care about the guest. As for the dining room you need to pay a close attention how much the charge you, we had luncheon for 3 peoples we had one Botanica as appetizer 3 special at 300 pesos each and 6 natural lemonade. The bring me a check for 1800 pesos 600 hundred pesos more than the cost of the room. The server say to me you can pay me in pesos or you can pay with your credit card and the charge is $105.00 that will be 2000 pesos more and I was charged 250 pesos for two order of French Fry a very skimp portion and look like the were left over. Never will go back.
Cher Nobyl on Google

Nice old hotel, lots of charm and low key.
Reddit Surfing on Google

People have been getting kidnapped here for months. No one has said anything, particularly the staff who are calm and collected as if they've rehearsed these lines. Maybe that's their brain's way of dealing with their grim conscience. Wow. The staff up front claim they always get these types of calls and to "hang up on them". What they didn't say is that guests have actually gone missing. SEVERAL times now, no one has said anything. Be wary of going out at night or even in the day. They spot you with a nice car, and next thing you know you're a marked victim. The staff up front are working with the kidnappers.
hatem abulaban on Google

The first room they checked me into had bugs and was extremely dirty. I asked for a room change and thought everything went well when I got moved. Until I went back at night and there was no AC in the room. Was very hot. I called the reception asked them to turn on the AC. They said they will and an hour went by and nothing. I called again and they said that room doesn’t have AC and they will send me a fan. Another hour went by and still nothing. I had to open the window just to stop sweating from the heat so I can sleep. Worst sleep of my life. It was very loud outside and I would wake up every hour because of outside noise. Also, never received even the fan at that point. Anyhow, I go to check out and they don’t even ask how everything was. Matter of fact, they said that I was 30 mins late to checking out so they were going to keep the deposit. I’ve been to Mexico multiple times and stayed in many places. This one is a racket that’s masked as a nice hotel. STAY AWAY PLEASE! For the same price you can stay at the Fairfield down the road. MUCH NICER AND THEY ACTUALLY CARE!
huseyin huryilmaz on Google

This weekend I booked the hotel for two nights and I find out was alat cockroaches on the room 301 I'm sure it was roaches everywhere in the hotel I have to leave midnight because cockroaches was all over my bed I don't recommend to anybody book that hotel unless they want to leave with cockroaches

Good like always but last time I asked for a tortilla soup and never got it, I got my enchiladas they were delicious but I told them about the soup and I think they charged me for it.
Jon Pershall on Google

We only had a meal there so I am unable to rate the hotel service but the meal was good and the bar looked like it could be a fun place.
sajabelly on Google

The hotel is probably the best hotel in Nogales. It is a bit out dated but very clean. The staff is extremely kind and helpful. The elevator must be run by an employee and the plumbing knocks when you flush the toilet. It's all a wonderful adventure though to realize how spoiled we Americans are!!!

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