HOTEL PREMIER - 71980 Puerto Escondido

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. Hidalgo esquina, Calle Primera Ote. s/n, Centro, 71980 Puerto Escondido, Oax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9898
Website :
Categories :
City : Oax.
Description : Unpretentious property offering simply furnished rooms, some with bay views, plus balconies.

huixtv on Google

Muy buen lugar a bajo costó, habitaciones desde 300 pesos Serca del centro de puerto escondido y de todas las terminales de autobús o Suburban y de las principales playas a las que podrás llegar caminando, cuentan con lo básico útil, televisión por cable, wifi, aire acondicionado, y hasta una pequeña vista al mar en algunas habitaciones
Very good place at low cost, rooms from 300 pesos Serca downtown hidden port and all the bus terminals or Suburban and the main beaches that you can reach walking, have the basic basics, cable TV, wifi, air conditioning, and even a small sea view in some rooms
Ivan Flores on Google

Llegando con mi familia, nos cambiamos y salimos a playa Carrizalillo y nos quedamos hasta el atardecer (Para salir del hotel, tienes que dejar la llave de tu habitación en la recepción). Regresando al hotel no había nadie en la recepción, pero si estaba nuestra llave en el escritorio así es que la tomamos. Nos alistamos y al salir de la habitación, nos dirigimos a recepción para dejar nuestra llave y había 2 hombres entre 24y27. La verdad que se sintió algo rara su vibra, pero lo descarte ya que uno de ellos se acercó para tomar nuestra llave porque era el de recepción. Salimos y Fuimos a cenar. Regresando ya bastante cansados, pasamos a recepción por la llave y estaba otro muchacho como de 22 años. Enseguida me pregunto si mi primer nombre era tal y le dije que sí, me comento que me habían estado marcando desde la tarde diciendo que hablaban de mi trabajo y que tenía el numero anotado para que regresara la llamada. No le puse mucha importancia ya que nadie de mi trabajo sabia donde había ido y pensé que era algo que me querían vender. Al decirle que yo marcaba después el me insistió en que llamara del teléfono de recepción. Le dije que no, que yo marcaba después y nos fuimos a nuestro cuarto. Ya dentro nuestro cuarto, mi esposa estaba algo alarmada y me dijo que quizá era algo urgente del trabajo y que marcara. Le dije que quedara tranquila que eso no era ni posible y que se me hizo raro que el muchacho de recepción insistiera en que marcara ahí mismo, ella me dijo que el solo estaba siendo amable, pero a mi parecer no lo sentí así. Pase al baño tranquilamente y no teníamos ni 5 minutos de haber entrado cuando escuche que tocaron la puerta. Mi esposa abrió y a los 2 minutos escuche que cerró la puerta. Sali y le pregunte que quien había tocado y me dijo que fue el muchacho de recepción, que había ido con el teléfono en mano diciendo que estaban marcando de mi trabajo y que querían hablar conmigo urgentemente. Ella no tomo la llamada y le dijo que yo estaba en el baño y que no podía tomar la llamada y que les marcaria de regreso. Me comento que el muchacho le insistía que tomara ella la llamada para decirles eso, pero ella fue firme en decirle que yo les marcaria de vuelta. Yo aun pensé que era alguna venta de parte del hotel como alguna excursión que nos querían vender y la verdad no le puse gran importancia. Le comenté a mi esposa que iba al oxxo porque no teníamos agua. Ella estaba poco angustiada, le dije para que estuviera tranquila que ella marcara y vería que solo querían vendernos algo. Yo salí al oxxo que estaba como a dos cuadras. Casi llegando al oxxo le intente marcar a mi esposa para ver si ocupaba algo, pero me mandaba directo a buzón. Le marque como 5 veces y nada y se me hizo raro que aun siguiera hablando con las personas que era de mi supuesto trabajo. Al minuto me entra un mensaje de whats de ella diciendo que por qué no contesto y que donde estaba y que me regresara. Le dije que si ocupaba algo del oxxo y ya ahí la note exaltada porque me volvió a decir que me regrese a la de ya, qua la habían amenazado de muerte. Enseguida le dije que aliste a nuestros hijos y le hice parada al primer taxi y me tomo menos de un minuto llegar al hotel. llegue a nuestra habitación y ella y mis hijos estaban metiendo las cosas a las maletas. Le dije que ella se saliera del hotel con nuestros hijos y se subiera al taxi y que yo bajaría las cosas. Se fue con ellos y yo como pude metí todo en maletas y lo cargué a recepción. Llegando a recepción estaba el muchacho ahí sentado tranquilamente y no me voltio a ver. Le dije "aquí tienes la llave" y llevé las cosas cargando al taxi. El Jamás me pregunto nada en absoluto. Ya en otro hotel, mi esposa me conto que le contesto un tipo que le dijo que le iba pasar con su comandante. Cuando hablo con el supuesto comandante, la empezó a insultar que por que quería hablar conmigo y que, si no, iban a entrar a matarnos a la habitación. Recordando, no vi ningún otro huésped en el hotel.
Arriving with my family, we changed and went to Carrizalillo beach and stayed until sunset (To leave the hotel, you have to leave the key to your room at the reception). Returning to the hotel there was no one at the reception, but if our key was on the desk so we took it. We got ready and when leaving the room, we went to reception to leave our key and there were 2 men between 24 and 27. The truth is that it felt something strange his vibes, but discard it as one of them came to take our key because it was the reception. We went out and went to dinner. Returning already quite tired, we went to reception by the key and there was another boy about 22 years old. Immediately I wonder if my first name was such and I said yes, he told me that they had been dialing me since the afternoon saying that they were talking about my work and that I had the number written down for the call to return. I did not put much importance on it because nobody at my job knew where I had gone and I thought it was something they wanted to sell me. When I told him that I was dialing later, he insisted that I call the reception phone. I told him no, that I checked later and we went to our room. Once inside our room, my wife was somewhat alarmed and told me that maybe it was something urgent work and that marked. I told her to rest assured that this was not possible and that it was strange for me to be insisted on by the boy at the front desk, she told me that he was just being nice, but in my opinion I did not feel that way. Go to the bathroom quietly and we did not have 5 minutes to enter when I heard that they knocked on the door. My wife opened and after 2 minutes I heard that she closed the door. I went out and asked him who had played and he told me that it was the boy at the reception, that he had gone with the phone in hand saying that they were dialing from my work and that they wanted to talk to me urgently. She did not take the call and told him that I was in the bathroom and that I could not take the call and that I would dial them back. She told me that the boy insisted that she take the call to tell them that, but she was firm in telling him that I would dial them back. I still thought it was some sale of part of the hotel as some tour they wanted to sell us and I really did not put much importance on it. I told my wife that I was going to the oxxo because we did not have water. She was little distressed, I told her to be calm that she would mark and see that they only wanted to sell us something. I went out to the oxxo that was about two blocks away. Almost arriving at the oxxo I tried to mark my wife to see if it occupied something, but she sent me direct to mailbox. I marked him like 5 times and nothing and it seemed strange to me that I was still talking to the people that was my supposed job. The minute I get a whats message from her saying why I do not answer and where I was and that I returned. I told her that if she occupied some of the oxxo and already there she noticed her exalted because she told me again to return to the one in which she had been threatened with death. Then I told him to enlist our children and I stopped the first taxi and it took less than a minute to get to the hotel. I arrived at our room and she and my children were stuffing things to suitcases. I told her that she would leave the hotel with our children and get into the taxi and that I would download the things. He went with them and I could put everything in suitcases and I loaded it to reception. Arriving at reception was the boy sitting there quietly and did not turn to see. I said "here's the key" and I took the things loading the taxi. He never asked me anything at all. Already in another hotel, my wife told me that I answered a guy who told him what was going to happen to his commander. When I talk to the alleged commander, he started insulting her because he wanted to talk to me and, if not, they were going to come and kill us in the room. Remembering, I did not see any other guest in the hotel.
verito M on Google

Excelente servicio, un ambiente muy familiar
Excellent service, a very familiar atmosphere
Marina Tapia on Google

Es un lugar limpio, ventilado y con precios accesibles
It is a clean, ventilated and affordable place
Victor Hugo Santos Perez on Google

Te colocan el clima en una posición muy difícil de alcanzar para que no lo puedas modificar
They put the weather in a very difficult position to reach so that you cannot modify it
Fede Garcia on Google

Un bonito lugar céntrico a supermercados, restaurantes, la terminal ADO, y las diferentes playas. Me hospede en la suite y tiene una vista muy bonita a la playa, con frigobar, electrodomésticos y accesorios de cocina. Los trabajadores siempre atento a tus necesidades y muy amables a resolver tus dudas y recomendarte sitios de interés.
A nice downtown place to supermarkets, restaurants, the terminal, and the different beaches. I stay at the suite and have a very nice view of the beach, with frigobar, appliances and kitchen accessories. The workers always attentive to your needs and very kind to solve your doubts and recommend sites of interest.
Akio Watanabe (Unit Zero) on Google

The service was incredible, the price is excellent for a one night event and the location is really near to everything
El Martin Flores Del Perro on Google

Do not come here ... The owners locked the door at 11pm and refused to open it. Refused to come to reception. We had to break the door in order to leave. The room was dirty.

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