HSBC - 72760 Cholula

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact HSBC

Address :

Morelos, Esq. 2 Sur 14, Centro, 72760 Cholula, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +779
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City : Pue.

Morelos, Esq. 2 Sur 14, Centro, 72760 Cholula, Pue., Mexico
Laura Sandoval on Google

Te dan mucho comodidad y gracias a esto te ofrecen un buen servicio y muy rápido me encanta bastante realizar mis cosas en ese banco Muy excelente servicio ?
They give you a lot of comfort and thanks to this they offer you a good service and very quickly I quite love doing my things in that bank Very excellent service ?
Johanna Moormann on Google

Tengo muchas malas experiencias con este banco. Me han sacado mis datos de la tarjeta de crédito en este cajero, bueno, eso pasa. El servicio es pésimo, no ayudan ni el transferencias ni en el banco en línea. Hay que esperar mucho tiempo para que te digan que tienes que ir a otro lugar para otras cosas. No hay Informationen para explicar nada
I have many bad experiences with this bank. My credit card details were taken from me at this ATM, well, that happens. The service is terrible, they do not help either the transfers or the online bank. You have to wait a long time for them to tell you that you have to go somewhere else for other things. There is no Informationen to explain anything
Leticia Ramírez on Google

El director del banco no sabía ni como checar nuestra información, y cuando pregunto como para decirnos no nos la dijo que porque es "confidencial". Pésima atención y profesionalismo. No vayan a esa sucursal si quieren resolver sus dudas
The bank director did not know how to check our information, and when he asked how to tell us he did not tell us that because it is "confidential". Terrible attention and professionalism. Do not go to that branch if you want to answer your questions
Alejandra Montiel on Google

PESIMO LO PEOR COMO SUCURSAL, personal incapacitado. No saben hacer ningún trámite, dudo que alcancen la secundaria. Hacen perder el tiempi y lo se diga dinero.
PESIMO THE WORST AS A BRANCH, disabled staff. They do not know how to do any paperwork, I doubt they will reach high school. They waste time and money.
pedrina a on Google

En esta sucursal no te resuelven nada, varias veces he tenido que ir a esta sucursal por que no hay otra disponible, y con tal de no atenderte te dicen que ya no se hacen esos tramites en sucursal , que hable por telefono, yo les pedia que me mostraran donde se informaba que esto era vedad, y no quisieron, me parece por que ya estaba proxima la hora de cerrar, les dije que si podiamos intentar por que esra muy extraño que 15 dias antes habia acudido a esa sucursal a pedir el mismo tramite y no hubo problema solo que yo no llevaba el comprobante de domicilio no se pudo realizar. Total hable por telefono y me dijeron que me tenian que haber atendido que ese tramite se realiza en sucursal, que no han cambiado esa forma de trabajar y que pusiera mi queja. y esto es siempre con hsbc, pero sobre todo en esta sucursal.
In this branch they do not solve anything for you, several times I have had to go to this branch because there is no other available, and as long as they do not attend you they tell you that these procedures are no longer done in the branch, that I speak by phone, I asked them to show me where it was reported that this was true, and they did not want to, it seems to me that the closing time was near, I told them that if we could try because it was very strange that 15 days before I had gone to that branch to ask for the same procedure and there was no problem only that I did not have the proof of address could not be done. Total spoke on the phone and they told me that they had to have attended to me that this process is carried out in a branch, that they have not changed that way of working and that I put my complaint. and this is always with hsbc, but especially in this branch.
Omar Solis on Google

No tiene personal capacitado, cualquier problema te dice la ejecutiva que lo resuelva desde la banca en Internet ni siquiera te ayuda ni te explica cómo es el proceso, 4 vueltas y no le resolvio nada a mi esposa en un trámite importante que teníamos SIN CONTAR QUE EL RFC LO CAPTURARON MAL IMPORTANTÍSIMO, NI SIQUIERA ESO HACEN BIEN QUE SE ESPERA DE LO DEMAS mejor inviertan en su personal y no en su remodelación!!
It does not have trained personnel, any problem the executive tells you to solve it from the Internet banking does not even help you or explain what the process is like, 4 laps and it did not solve anything for my wife in an important procedure that we had WITHOUT COUNTING THAT THE RFC WAS CAPTURED BADLY MOST IMPORTANTLY, NOT EVEN THAT THEY DO WELL THAT IS EXPECTED OF THE OTHERS better invest in their staff and not in their remodeling!
Monica Quitl on Google

No le daría ni una estrella, fui hacer cobros por cheques y hacer 3 pagos del imss y me formaron en la fila 2 veces solo por que los pagos eran tardados y el chico de ventanilla no se podía tardar tanto con 1 persona. Estaba otra chica atrás y no le ayudo con la final grande... pésimo banco. Moderen su atención y pongan mejor cara.
I would not give it a single star, I went to collect by checks and make 3 imss payments and they formed me in line 2 times just because the payments were late and the guy at the window could not take that long with 1 person. There was another girl behind and I didn't help her with the big final ... terrible bench. Moderate your attention and put on a better face.
Cecilia Cisneros on Google

Le doy una estrella por los cajeros que no tienen la culpa de que los ejecutivos de esa sucursal echen a perder su buen trato y agilidad en el servicios. Esta sucursal es lo peor que le ha pasado a HSBC Con razón tiene tantas reseñas tan negativas. No me quisieron tomar un cambio de domicilio - no quisieron respetar mi cita - no quisieron otorgarme mi tarjeta de débito que estaba vencida. Enviándome la sucursal de origen en la Ciudad de México. Mi sucursal de origen es la de plaza universidad con una atención maravillosa y me comentaron que tenían que haberme atendido y hecho todo eso, en lugar de hacerme viajar a México dos veces. Tienen una flojera inaudita... Nadie vigila la entrada de la sucursal si tienes cobit si tienes las manos sucias y no usas cubrebocas vale gorro. No respetan turnos para la tercera edad. Hoy fui para que mi auxiliaran a dar de alta la tarjeta adicional.... Qué no podían. Ya de verdad Hasta risa me dio. Obviamente fui a otra sucursal no muy lejano y me atendieron como se merece. Es un asco de sucursal no pierdan su tiempo... Cuando uno recibe una atención maravillosa, amable y agil en cualquier otra sucursal de HSBC.
I give it one star for the ATMs that are not to blame for the executives of that branch spoiling their good treatment and agility in the services. This branch is the worst thing that has ever happened to HSBC No wonder it has so many negative reviews. They did not want to take a change of address - they did not want to respect my appointment - they did not want to give me my debit card that was expired. Sending me the branch of origin in Mexico City. My branch of origin is the one in Plaza Universidad with wonderful attention and they told me that they should have taken care of me and done all that, instead of making me travel to Mexico twice. They are unbelievably lazy... No one watches the entrance of the branch if you have cobit if you have dirty hands and you don't wear a face mask, it's worth a hat. They do not respect shifts for the elderly. Today I went to help me register the additional card.... What they couldn't. Really, it even made me laugh. Obviously I went to another branch not too far away and they treated me as it deserves. It's a disgusting branch don't waste your time... When you get wonderful, friendly and prompt service at any other HSBC branch.

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