HSBC - 66059 Cd Gral Escobedo

1.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact HSBC

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Av. Privadas de Anáhuac 1001, Privadas de Anáhuac, Cerrada de Anáhuac Residencial, 66059 Cd Gral Escobedo, N.L., Mexico

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City : N.L.

Av. Privadas de Anáhuac 1001, Privadas de Anáhuac, Cerrada de Anáhuac Residencial, 66059 Cd Gral Escobedo, N.L., Mexico
Solosh Gg on Google

Para nada vayan a este banco, los empleados ademas de ser lentos son déspotas y rateros. A mi papa le robaron dinero y los estados de cuenta muestran que se le dio una cantidad que no era la que recibio. Pesimo servicio, sin duda el peor banco de monterrey y un gran desperdicio de dinero.
Do not go to this bank at all, the employees besides being slow are despots and thieves. My dad had money stolen and the account statements show that he was given an amount that was not what he received. Terrible service, without a doubt the worst bank in Monterrey and a great waste of money.
Angélica Aguilera on Google

Una eternidad para que te atienda algún ejecutivo. Por desgracia todas las sucursales están igual de lentas.
An eternity for an executive to attend you. Unfortunately all branches are just as slow.
Julio Kabira Kabira on Google

Malisimo!! El.peor banco,nunca volveré ahi. Perezosos a mas no poder prefiero banorte o bancomer.
Lousy!! The worst bank, I will never go back there. Lazy as I can't, I prefer Banorte or Bancomer.
Mauricio Villegas on Google

Jajaj el viernes no tenían plásticos y hoy me cerraron la puerta diciendo que no había sistema… hahaha que fea atención tienen en este lugar
Hahaha on Friday they didn't have plastic and today they closed the door saying there was no system... hahaha how ugly attention they have in this place
Amalia Serna on Google

Para hacer trámite con ejecutivo mejor tengan cita o bien registrensen hay tiempos de espera de 2 hrs
To process with an executive, it is better to have an appointment or register, there are waiting times of 2 hours.
Daniel Olvera on Google

Es verdad que se tardan mucho en atenderte cuando vas con un ejecutivo, sin embargo, creo conveniente explicar, al menos en mi caso, cual fue mi experiencia para que haya mas elementos que ayuden a formarse una opinión. Después de esperar alrededor de una hora y llegar con la ejecutiva, descubrí que el motivo de la tardanza era porque es muy paciente, te explica a detalle con un tono muy amable lo que le solicitas y se asegura de haber resuelto todas tus dudas, esto obviamente repercute en el tiempo de espera del resto de los clientes, noté que mas de uno no resistió la espera y salió de ahí algo molesto y ciertamente si alguien le preguntara a esa persona diría que la atención es un asco y que mejor vayan a otra sucursal.
It is true that they take a long time to assist you when you go with an executive, however, I think it appropriate to explain, at least in my case, what was my experience so that there are more elements that help form an opinion. After waiting about an hour and arriving with the executive, I discovered that the reason for the delay was because she is very patient, she explains in detail with a very friendly tone what you are requesting of her and makes sure to have resolved all your doubts, this Obviously it affects the waiting time of the rest of the clients, I noticed that more than one did not resist the wait and something annoying came out of there and certainly if someone asked that person they would say that the attention is disgusting and that they better go to another branch office.
Araceli Rocha on Google

Pésima experiencia, hago una denuncia pública del maltrato de la sucursal Plaza Bella en Escobedo N.L. México abrí una cuenta en diciembre y ahora en marzo que quise hacer movimientos, resulta que estaba cancelada por el banco, claro que con dinero en la cuenta, tardó una semana la ejecutiva Lucrecia en darme respuesta; de la cual no quede conforme y pedí hablar con la "gerente" Guadalupe Álvarez, que se tardo mas de 2 horas en atenderme, según por que no tenia cita y cuando por fin me paso ni siquiera levanto la mirada, ni preguntó que se me ofrecía y solo dijo que la cuenta estaba cancelada y seguía tecleando y tecleando, supuse que preguntando o veriicando datos ¡¡ estaba en un curso o junta en línea!!! me miro y me dijo que la cuenta estaba cancelada... cunado le exigí que dejara sus sesión en línea y que me atendiera se molesto, le exigí que me atendiera y no me hizo caso cuando saque mi tel para tomarle video se enfureció y me amenazo con enviarme a seguridad, y se fue, continúe sentada en su lugar por mas tiempo y salió 3 veces de la oficina amenazando que me enviaría a seguridad, por mi propia seguridad decidí retirarme, solicitando que me abrieran la puerta de la sucursal por que aun y que dicen que cierran a las 5 de la tarde para las 4:30 ya no atienden al publico ... por favor si alguien sabe a donde puedo poner la denuncia.
Terrible experience, I make a public complaint of the mistreatment of the Plaza Bella branch in Escobedo N.L. Mexico I opened an account in December and now in March I wanted to make transactions, it turns out that it was canceled by the bank, of course with money in the account, it took the executive Lucrecia a week to give me an answer; which I was not satisfied with and asked to speak with the "manager" Guadalupe Álvarez, who took more than 2 hours to attend to me, depending on why I did not have an appointment and when it finally happened to me, I did not even look up, nor did she ask what was happening to me. offered and only said that the account was canceled and kept typing and typing, I assumed that asking or verifying data was in an online course or meeting!!! He looked at me and told me that the account was cancelled... when I demanded that he leave his online session and attend to me, he got upset, I demanded that he attend to me and he ignored me when I took out my phone to take a video of him, he got furious and I he threatened to send me to security, and he left, I continued sitting in his place for a longer time and left the office 3 times threatening that he would send me to security, for my own safety I decided to leave, requesting that they open the door of the branch because Even though they say that they close at 5 in the afternoon, they no longer serve the public at 4:30... please, if someone knows where I can file a complaint.
Azahel Aradillas on Google

Pésima atención a la fila de clientes que va con ejecutivos. “Ahorita lo pasamos” un lunes 9 am.. se convirtieron en dos horas de espera afuera de la sucursal para que al volver a preguntar dijeran que era con citas y que faltaban otras dos horas por lo que acepte anotarme en un libro de citas para el día siguiente.. llegó al día mencionando y no encuentran la hoja de las citas del día anterior.. me vuelven a anotar y vuelvo a esperar 2 horas. El único ejecutivo atendiendo más de 1 hora con el mismo cliente. Le comento a una ejecutiva todo el tema para que me apoye atendiéndome más rápido por todo el tiempo perdido que me han generado y comenta que si no me parece el tiempo de espera hay más sucursales..
Terrible attention to the line of clients that goes with executives. "Right now we're having it" on a Monday at 9 am... it turned into two hours of waiting outside the branch so that when I asked again they said that it was with appointments and that there were another two hours to go, so I agreed to write down in an appointment book for the next day... it arrived on the day mentioning and they can't find the appointment sheet from the previous day... they write me down again and I wait 2 hours again. The only executive serving more than 1 hour with the same client. I tell an executive about the whole issue so that she can support me by attending me faster due to all the wasted time that they have generated for me and she comments that if the waiting time does not seem to me, there are more branches.

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