IBC AutoSpa - 76010 Santiago de Querétaro

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact IBC AutoSpa

Address :

Calle Churubusco Sur No.104-A, Niños Heroes, 76010 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.ibcautospa.com/
Categories :
City : Qro.

Calle Churubusco Sur No.104-A, Niños Heroes, 76010 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Erick Moreno Barrón on Google

Pesimo servicio lleve el auto por la aseguradora y arreglaron el golpe a medias mal cuadrado, la piesa dañada la pintaron unicamente la mitad y ni bien pintada agregando que dañaron el parabrisas y se deslindaron del asunto mencionando que no fueron ellos
Very poor service took the car by the insurer and they fixed the blow half badly squared, the damaged foot was painted only half and not well painted adding that they damaged the windshield and deviated from the matter mentioning that it was not them
Gilberto Estrada on Google

No recomendado. Te dan muchas vueltas en tiempo y las reparaciones son deficientes. Mi carro llevado por Inbursa me lo entregaron como reparado, le faltaba un sensor de presión de aire, aún cuanod pusieorn que ya se había instalado. La calidad en la pintura de tonalidades diferentes. Teminé llevándolo a CAR Factory donde resolvieron los problemas que ellos dejaron en las reparaciones.
Not recommended. They give you many laps in time and the repairs are poor. My car brought by Inbursa was delivered to me as repaired, it was missing an air pressure sensor, even though it had already been installed. The quality of the paint in different shades. I ended up taking him to the CAR Factory where they solved the problems they left behind in the repairs.
david suarez on Google

No respetan los tiempos de entrega, me dieron rota mi calavera, mal la pintura de mi auto, tuve que comprar mi calavera en la agencia porque no reconocieron que me dieron rota la calabera (además la calavera que me instalaron no era original y estaba usada) No los recomiendo.
They do not respect delivery times, they gave me a broken skull, bad paint on my car, I had to buy my skull at the agency because they did not recognize that they gave me a broken skull (in addition, the skull they installed was not original and was used ) I do not recommend them.
Eduardo Mancilla on Google

Muy mal desempeño, les falta control de calidad, se Nota que No checan lo que entregan, 4 errores basicos cuando repararon mi auto, 1-No lo habian pulido (la pintura se veia rugosa), 2-le faltaba la lodera, primero negaron que ya la traia, les enseñe fotos y siempre si la encontraron. 3- le faltaban tornillos a la pieza que colocaron. 4- manchan todas las piezas al repintar( molduras que son muy sencillas de remover), No se toman la molestia de taparlas o quitarlas para No mancharlas. Para acabarla de regar, te prometen garantia de 6 meses , el mismo dia reclame un retrovisor defectuoso, me dijeron que me hablaban , paso un mes, le mande mensajes al contacto y al parecer hasta me bloqueo para No molestarlo.. Lo mas curioso es que cuando le comentas las falla al Gerente, sin ver siquiera la pieza o situación te quiere marear con argumentos , ni siquiera tratando de resolver el problema.
Very poor performance, lack of quality control, Note that they do not check what they deliver, 4 basic errors when they repaired my car, 1-They had not polished (the paint was rough), 2-lacked the lodera, first denied I already brought it, I showed them pictures and always if they found it. 3- missing screws to the piece they placed. 4- They stain all the pieces when repainting (moldings that are very easy to remove), They do not take the trouble to cover them or remove them so as not to stain them. To finish watering, they promise you 6 months warranty, the same day claim a defective mirror, they told me they talked to me, I spend a month, I sent messages to the contact and apparently until I blocked Do not disturb him .. The most curious thing is that when you mention the mistakes to the Manager, without even seeing the piece or situation you want to dizzy with arguments, not even trying to solve the problem.
Jaquie Herrera on Google

Excelente servicio y atención! Llevé mi carro y el mismo día detectaron la falla y en menos de una semana me entregaron mi carro funcionando al 100. Recomendado!
Excellent service and attention! I took my car and the same day they detected the fault and in less than a week they delivered my car running to 100. Recommended!
Radec Sa on Google

Taller de hojalateria y pintura, también otros servicios como mecánica y más, buena ubicación
Body shop and painting, also other services such as mechanics and more, good location
karla dealba on Google

El seguro llevo mi auto a este taller después de un accidente en diciembre. El tiempo estimado para arreglar los daños era de 15 días. A pesar de esto el carro estuvo en sus instalaciones sin que nadie le hiciera nada por más de 3 meses. Nosotros les llamábamos cada 2 o 3 días para presionarlos y nadie podía darnos una respuesta cueréente del atraso. Después de 2 meses que pudimos hablar con el supuesto encargado nos dijo que el personal le había quedado mal y ya hasta habían tenido que despedir a algunos de ellos. En fin después de 3 meses nos entregaron el carro incompleto y sin pulir. Y nos dijeron que la moldura faltante llegaría en 15 días y que lo lleváramos para que se la pusieran y lo pulieran. Hoy fuimos después de casi 3 meses de eso ya que siguen sin querer cumplir ese último acuerdo. Y ahora nos dicen que eso no estaba cubierto en su cotización inicial y que ahora tenemos que pagar para que se termine el trabajo. Se nos hace una falta de respeto total y una falta de profesionalismo en todos los sentidos. No cumplen su palabra y culpan a un empleado incompetente. Estamos muy enojados ? con el servicio y más con su poca ética profesional.
Insurance took my car to this workshop after an accident in December. The estimated time to fix the damage was 15 days. Despite this, the car was in its facilities without anyone doing anything to it for more than 3 months. We called them every 2 or 3 days to put pressure on them and nobody could give us a correct answer about the delay. After 2 months that we were able to speak to the supposed manager, he told us that the staff had looked bad and they had even had to fire some of them. Anyway after 3 months they gave us the incomplete and unpolished car. And they told us that the missing molding would arrive in 15 days and that we take it to put it on and polish it. Today we went after almost 3 months of that because they still do not want to fulfill that last agreement. And now they tell us that this was not covered in their initial quote and that now we have to pay for the job to be completed. We are totally disrespectful and unprofessional in every way. They do not keep their word and blame an incompetent employee. We are very angry ? with the service and more with his poor professional ethics.
Nancy Villaseñor on Google

Super mala atencion y servicio lleve mi carro no por gusto si no por medio de la aseguradora no cambiaron las piezas requeridas hicieron lo q quisieron y jamas contestan las llamadas la pesima atención del sr Ricardo gonzalez deja mucho q desear no contesta y cuando te atiende una llamada lo hace de mala gana ademas de bloquearte el whats app y las llamadas ......cero recomendable
Super bad attention and service I took my car not for pleasure if not through the insurer they did not change the required parts they did what they wanted and never answer the calls the miserable attention of Mr. Ricardo Gonzalez leaves much to be desired does not answer and when he attends to you Call does it reluctantly in addition to blocking the whats app and calls ...... zero recommended

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