ICEM, Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica de México - 55717 San Francisco Coacalco

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

About ICEM, Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica de México

This is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. The Lord is everlasting God, the creator of all the ends of the earth.

Contact ICEM, Iglesia Cristiana Evangélica de México

Address :

Boulevard Bosque Central, Fracc. Bosques del Valle, 55717 San Francisco Coacalco, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Categories :
City : Méx.

Boulevard Bosque Central, Fracc. Bosques del Valle, 55717 San Francisco Coacalco, Méx., Mexico
Juan Carlos Gomez on Google

Buena iglesia solo que falta más unión y quitar favoritismos
Good church only that more union is missing and remove favoritism
Veronica Diaz Flores on Google

Es un lugar hermoso donde mi alma encuentra paz y me edifica en la enseñanza de la palabra de Dios!!!
It is a beautiful place where my soul finds peace and edifies me in the teaching of the word of God !!!
Estela Hernandez on Google

ICEM Es una iglesia Cristiana con más de 30 años de su fundación, y tiene unos pastores excelentes, todo se maneja con claridad y transparencia, ahí puedes encontrar una familia, y principalmente conocer de la palabra de Dios
ICEM It is a Christian church with more than 30 years of its foundation, and it has excellent pastors, everything is handled with clarity and transparency, there you can find a family, and mainly know the word of God
Alejandro Marquez on Google

Buenas predicaciones y ya abrieron aunque no va la congregación completa aún
Good sermons and they have already opened although the complete congregation is not yet
Mina defuentes on Google

Iglesia Cristiana, que predica y enseña sana doctrina. Clases doctrinales los sábados a las 5:00 PM, domingo 10:00 AM. Reunión congregaciónal Domingos 12: 00 del día. Asiste, canta y escucha la palabra de Dios.
Christian Church, which preaches and teaches sound doctrine. Doctrinal classes on Saturdays at 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM. Congregation meeting on Sunday 12:00 noon. Attend, sing and listen to the word of God.
José Limón on Google

Ha sido de mucha bendición para mi familia y a mi me ha fortalecido en mi relación con mi Dios.
It has been a great blessing for my family and it has strengthened me in my relationship with my God.
María Guadalupe García Rodríguez on Google

Hermosa Iglesia, sana doctrina.
Beautiful Church, sound doctrine.
Omar García Pérez (Renuevo Eterno) on Google

Me agradó mucho la ocasión que la visité. La alabanza, el recibimiento de los hermanos, y la predicación, en general, me parecieron buenas. Me encantó que nos unimos para clamar a Dios por la vida, salvación y sanidad de las personas en la lista de oración. Lo único que no me gustó fue que la misionera encargada pidió el diezmo y se pasó la cajita, como se acostumbra en muchas iglesias modernas. No regresé porque me queda lejos de casa, pero con gusto iría de visita.
I was very pleased with the occasion that I visited her. The praise, the welcome from the brethren, and the preaching, in general, seemed good to me. I loved that we came together to cry out to God for the life, salvation and healing of the people on the prayer list. The only thing I didn't like was that the missionary in charge asked for the tithe and passed the box, as is the custom in many modern churches. I did not return because it is far from home, but I would gladly visit.

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