Iglesia de San Diego

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Contact Iglesia de San Diego

Address :

Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Mexico

Categories :
City : Guanajuato

Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Mexico
Eduardo Sauceda on Google

Frente al Jardín Unión, el exterior tiene una bonita portada churrigueresca en cantera, y al igual que otros templos en Guanajuato (Basílica, Belén, San Francisco) el resto es totalmente liso pintado de color. El interior es pequeño y relativamente simple.
In front of the Unión Garden, the exterior has a beautiful churrigueresque façade in quarry, and like other temples in Guanajuato (Basilica, Bethlehem, San Francisco) the rest is completely smooth painted in color. The interior is small and relatively simple.
Eric Sspin on Google

Muy bonita su arquitectura, es una iglesia pequeña, lo cual hace su recorrido rápido, en la parte de abajo se encuentra el museo y exconvento de San Diego en el cual se puede apreciar aún parte de la arquitectura de esa época, la entrada del templo es un punto de reunión de las denominadas "callejoneadas" de ahí que sea tan conocido y emblemático.
Its architecture is very beautiful, it is a small church, which makes its fast route, in the part below it is the museum and ex-convent of San Diego in which you can still appreciate part of the architecture of that time, the entrance of the temple It is a meeting point of the so-called "callejoneadas", which is why it is so well-known and emblematic.
Jorge Díaz on Google

Templo de San Diego, en Guanajuato, Guanajuato. En 1663 entraron a la villa de Guanajuato los franciscanos descalzos, fundadores de este templo, conocidos en su momento como el nombre religioso de San Diego o San Pedro de Alcántara. Fue el el primero en la villa. Las inundaciones de 1784 obligaron a elevar seis metros los muros de convento, dejando enterrada la planta original. Por otra parte, las Leyes de Reforma cambiaron para siempre la fisonomía original del complejo conventual, gran parte de los terrenos fueron expropiados, junto se construyó en Hotel Emporio, posteriormente fue demolido, y en su lugar se construyó el Teatro Juárez. Sólo quedan 3 de las cinco capillas que conformaban el convento, en la parte subterránea se puede admirar parte del convento primigenio.
Temple of San Diego, in Guanajuato, Guanajuato. In 1663 the barefoot Franciscans, founders of this temple, entered the town of Guanajuato, known at the time as the religious name of San Diego or San Pedro de Alcántara. He was the first in the villa. The floods of 1784 forced the convent walls to be raised six meters, leaving the original plant buried. On the other hand, the Reform Laws forever changed the original appearance of the convent complex, much of the land was expropriated, together it was built in Hotel Emporio, it was later demolished, and the Juárez Theater was built in its place. Only 3 of the five chapels that made up the convent remain, in the underground part of the original convent can be admired.
Armi Mendoza on Google

Katy Ramirez on Google

Jeremy Thomas on Google

A lovely church with an incredibly ornate entrance
Perçin Imrek on Google

Beautiful architecture.
Tony G on Google

The Church of San Diego and The University of Guanajuato, which are nearly three hundred years old, could be confused with any medieval building from Europe and personally it reminds me of Salamanca in Spain due to its colonial architecture. Churches are of great importance in the religious culture of Mexico; expect to find several of them and plan to enter the biggest ones to admire the architecture. There are several historic buildings as well including the Alhóndiga de Granaditas building, which is not very eye-catching but it was a key building during the Independence War in 1810, where the heads of the most important revolutionaries were hanged on the four corners

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