3.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Av. Dos 110, Central de Carga, 67129 Guadalupe, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8879
Categories :
City : N.L.

Av. Dos 110, Central de Carga, 67129 Guadalupe, N.L., Mexico

No se no me gustó cómo trabajan se tiene que estar con ellos en todo momento
I don't know I didn't like how they work you have to be with them at all times
Hector Rodriguez on Google

Cero recomendación, y Pésimo servicio dejan los autos todos llenos de tierra, y todos Los empaques e interiores brisiado de pintura dónde no tapan bien cuando pintan, aparte muy tardado y todavía no dejan bien el vehículo y a cómo veo salen con lo mismo las "piezas son chinas", y te dejan todo mal alineado. 57 días en el taller con un golpe que dijeron que se tardarían 8 días, y no la dejaron bien lo bueno que tenemos garantía con el seguro y si hay talleres que trabajan mejor
Zero recommendation, and terrible service they leave the cars all full of dirt, and all the packaging and interiors briscated with paint where they do not cover well when they paint, apart very late and they still do not leave the vehicle well and how I see the "parts come out with the same they are Chinese ", and they leave you all misaligned. 57 days in the workshop with a blow that they said would take 8 days, and they did not leave it well how good we have a guarantee with insurance and if there are workshops that work better
Raquel Santos on Google

Les comparto nuestra muy mala experiencia que tuvimos con este taller hubo un montón de cosas que a simple vista se veían muy mal, el color de la pintura, las piezas mal instaladas, partes de la camioneta brisiadas, perdieron piezas cuando desarmaron como las grapas y para corregir esa mala acción pusieron grapas de otros modelos, quebraron piezas, al poner el limpia parabrisas limpiaba en sentido contrario , la cajuela no cerraba. Bueno en fin pudiera seguir enumerando más cosas pero creo que me quedo corta ojo las personas que dan bueno comentarios son familiares de los del taller, lo hechos hablan por si solos. Pero bueno mala experiencia pero gracias al seguro que pudo corregir todos los desperfectos enviando al vehiculo a otro taller donde si saben trabajar
I share with you our very bad experience we had with this workshop, there were a lot of things that at first glance looked very bad, the color of the paint, the wrongly installed parts, parts of the truck brisiated, they lost parts when they disassembled such as the staples and To correct this bad action they put staples from other models, they broke pieces, when putting the windshield wiper it cleaned in the opposite direction, the trunk did not close. Well, finally, I could continue listing more things but I think I'm short-sighted people who give good comments are relatives of those in the workshop, the facts speak for themselves. But good bad experience but thanks to the insurance that he was able to correct all the damages by sending the vehicle to another workshop where they know how to work.
Jorge Carrazco on Google

Les comparto mi opinión sobre este taller. Yo fui afectado en un percanse y me mandaron a reparacion mi auto en este taller. (Ni modo ) Para empezar pésimo servicio. Me tardaron el carro casi 40 dias *me pusieron una fascia de un modelo anterior. * no le pusieron el refuerzo de la fascia. * No le.pusieron el emblema del auto *Lo dejaron Briseado Estas son las cosa por mencionar algunas de varias Y variaa cosas mas que eso hicieran que fuera un pesiml trabajo, Servicio de reparacion muy malo
I share my opinion about this workshop. I was affected in a perch and they sent me to repair my car in this workshop. (Either way ) To start with lousy service. The car took me almost 40 days * I got a fascia from an older model. * they did not put the fascia reinforcement. * They did not put the emblem of the car * They left it Briseado These are the things to mention some of several And several things other than that made it a pessiml job, very bad repair service
Jesús Garza on Google

Pésimo servicio, la primera vez que me querían entregar el carro ni le arreglaron nada del choque, la segunda vez solo arreglaron una parte y ya a final tuve que decirles que parte arreglar, la promesa de entregar no se cumplió ni una vez, el carro pésimamente lavado y con rayones que no tenia, y para rematar hace un momento se me abrió el cofre donde no hicieron bien el trabajo…… PÉSIMA ATENCIÓN
Terrible service, the first time they wanted to deliver the car to me, nor did they fix anything about the crash, the second time they only fixed a part and at the end I had to tell them which part to fix, the promise to deliver was not fulfilled even once, the car badly washed and with scratches that it did not have, and to top it off a moment ago the chest was opened where they did not do the job well ...
César Ibarra on Google

Servicio que deja mucho que desear, no tienen control de calidad en su servicio, entregaron a tiempo pero mal pintado, prácticamente les tienes que decir sus errores en su trabajo porque ellos no los checan atento si llevas tu carro a este taller, los carros los tienen afuera con riesgo de algún percance, para nada lo recomiendo.
Service that leaves much to be desired, they do not have quality control in their service, they delivered on time but poorly painted, practically you have to tell them about their mistakes in their work because they do not check them carefully if you take your car to this workshop, the cars They have outside with the risk of some mishap, I do not recommend it at all.
Eduardo Romo on Google

Cero recomendable, mala atención y mala calidad, no entregaron en tiempo, solo aplazaban la entrega, y ellos comentaban que era por las piezas pero después de que llegaron siguieron sin entregarlo, tuvimos que cancelar varios viajes por su falta de compromiso, el día que me entregaron todas las conexiones de las luces quedaron mal y literalmente me puse a ayudarles por su falta de personal capacitado, todo fue ensamble de refacciones y el único trabajo de endrezado que hicieron, lo hicieron mal, al final preferimos quedarnos el auto así (mal enderezado, mal pintado, mal conectado y con piezas faltantes) para no regresar... Si pudiese no les podría ni una estrella, lamentamos mucho no haber visto estos comentarios antes de encomendarnos a ellos. Vaya bajo su propio riesgo!
Zero recommendable, poor service and poor quality, they did not deliver on time, they only postponed the delivery, and they commented that it was for the pieces but after they arrived they continued without delivering it, we had to cancel several trips due to their lack of commitment, the day that they gave me all the connections of the lights were wrong and I literally started to help them due to their lack of trained personnel, everything was assembly of spare parts and the only straightening job they did, they did it wrong, in the end we preferred to keep the car like this (bad straightened, badly painted, badly connected and with missing pieces) not to return... If I could I would not even give them a star, we are very sorry that we did not see these comments before entrusting ourselves to them. Go at your own risk!
Daniel Martinez on Google

⚠️⚠️⚠️PRESIMO SERVICIO!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️EVITEN ESTE TALLER!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Mi experiencia es muy mala y hasta ofensiva porque llevé mi auto por una colisión de la aseguradora ABA y lleva casi mes y medio. Explico: - Me han hablado para recoger el auto porque estaba finalizado el trabajo y llegue y estaba desarmado, ese dia vi que se usan parres usadas en mal estado para reparar el auto - Cuando ya lo "terminaron" y al revisar mi auto el trabajo estaba PESIMO con muchos detalles de mal pintado y mal ensamble de las piezas y entro a reparacion de nuevo - 2 semanas despues hable y me comentan que sigue en "detallado" y sin mas información. - 2 semanas despues voy personalmente porque no tengo información y me dicen que el carro ya esta "listo" y que me estaban esperando, lo cual no es verdad, pido verlo y el carro tenia basura (cartones) encima, polvo (pongo fotos) y al revisarlo de nuevo presenta muchos malos tratos (golpes, rayones, manchas de pintura, piezas quebradas, y ahora mi carro no prende). Y la historia no termina me dieron fecha de entrega espero este listo ??
⚠️⚠️⚠️ PREMIUM SERVICE!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️ AVOID THIS WORKSHOP!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ My experience is very bad and even offensive because I took my car for a collision with the ABA insurance company and it took almost a month and a half. I explain: - They told me to pick up the car because the work was finished and I arrived and it was disarmed, that day I saw that used parres in poor condition are used to repair the car - When they "finished" it and when checking my car the work was AWFUL with many details of poor painting and poor assembly of the parts and I went in for repair again - 2 weeks later I spoke and they told me that it was still "detailed" and without further information. - 2 weeks later I go personally because I have no information and they tell me that the car is "ready" and that they were waiting for me, which is not true, I ask to see it and the car had garbage (cardboards) on it, dust (I put photos) and when checking it again, it shows many mistreatments (bumps, scratches, paint stains, broken parts, and now my car won't start). And the story doesn't end they gave me a delivery date I hope it's ready ??

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