IMSS Family Medicine Unit 47 San Miguel Xoxtla - 72620 San Miguel Xoxtla

1.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact IMSS Family Medicine Unit 47 San Miguel Xoxtla

Address :

Guillermo Prieto S/N, 72620 San Miguel Xoxtla, Pue., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : Pue.

Guillermo Prieto S/N, 72620 San Miguel Xoxtla, Pue., Mexico
Cesar Maldonado on Google

Pésimo entre lo pésimo, comenzando con el guardia te atiende con la flojera del mundo, nunca hay personal administrativo y cuando de suerte los llegas a encontrar son de lo más prepotentes Asco total de pies a cabeza ?
Terrible among the terrible, starting with the guard, he takes care of you with the laziness of the world, there are never administrative personnel and when you are lucky enough to find them they are the most arrogant Total disgust from head to toe ?
gris Zarate on Google

Pesimo servicio, la clinica esta asquerosa no hay medicamentos ,y para acabar el director esta de adorno porque todos hacen lo que quieren menos trabajar!!!? Estoy harta de todos los inutiles que trabajan ahi "(el unico que trabaja es el doctor)" ojala y alguien pudiera ponerlos a trabajar realmente
Pity service, the clinic is disgusting there are no medications, and to finish the director is adorned because everyone does what they want to work less! ? I'm sick of all the useless ones who work there "(the only one who works is the doctor)" I wish and someone could really put them to work
Carolina Pano Azucena on Google

No hay urgencias, los doctores están de adorno por que no te atienden y se enojan si llegas a tocar a la puerta de urgencias, luego en sábado por la noche vas a que te atiendan una urgencia y la clínica cerrada con candado!!!, he visto a personas muy mal que esperan turno desde la 1AM para que puedan tener una consulta y los he visto regresar a sus casas sin éxito por que no hay lugar para ellos, el de la farmacia les dice "venga mañana haber si le toca", enserio que no llevan una bitácora del numero de pacientes y lugares que tienen para atender por que hacen perder así el tiempo de los enfermos, la medicina preventiva igual de adorno por que solo trabaja de 9am a 12 pm después de eso olvídate, poes les va bien no trabajan pero están ganando....!!! que coraje... Lo bueno es que los únicos que si trabajan son los médicos por que tienen que atender a las personas que ya traen citas yo creo q solo por eso abren por que los demas estan pa llorar...!
There are no emergencies, the doctors are adorned because they do not take care of you and they get angry if you knock on the emergency door, then on Saturday night you will have an emergency and the clinic closed with a padlock !!! I have seen very bad people who wait shift from 1AM so they can have a consultation and I have seen them return home without success because there is no place for them, the pharmacy says "come tomorrow if you touch" , really, they do not keep a log of the number of patients and places they have to attend because they do so lose their patients' time, preventive medicine as well as adornment because they only work from 9am to 12pm after that, forget about them. It goes well they do not work but they are winning .... !!! that courage ... The good thing is that the only ones who work are the doctors because they have to take care of the people who already bring appointments. I think that's why they open up because the others are crying ...!
Fabiola Flores on Google

Si pudiera dar -10 lo haría falta mucho personal tanto medico como administrativo. Hay que llegar mentalizados que podemos estra 1 hora esperando ser atendidos, tanto en farmacia como en consulta.
If I could give -10 it would take a lot of staff, both medical and administrative. You have to get psyched that we can spend 1 hour waiting to be seen, both in the pharmacy and in consultation.
citlali on Google

Del asco , para cita de la mañana desde las 3 am se tiene que ir a formar uno y eso si hay suerte para alcanzar fichas , solo dan 2 fichas con suerte . personal médico deficiente, director que nunca esta, personal de farmacia prepotente , todo es un fiasco en esa UMF bola de inútiles
Of disgust, for a morning appointment from 3 am you have to go to form one and that if you are lucky to reach chips, only give 2 chips with luck. Poor medical staff, never-present director, overbearing pharmacy staff, everything is a fiasco in that UMF ball of useless
Emilio Moran Mendoza on Google

Muy mal, es difícil dar esta calificación porque realmente no es que todos estén mal, la atención es mala pero es que también la demanda es muy grande, no hay medicamentos pero quienes están a cargo solo administran lo que reciben, si no alcanza la gente consulta es por la poca cantidad de doctores y la enorme cantidad de gente que va, tampoco puede haber mas doctores porque la infraestructura no lo permite ya que el lugar es diminuto, la calificación es mas global y que incluye al gobierno por el poco seguimiento de este lugar. Hace falta ampliar el lugar, mejorar el área de urgencias, exigir un incremento en la plantilla, de medicamentos y en general de todo lo necesario para mejorar el servicio, cada ves hay mas gente asignada a esa unidad pero no se hacen los ajustes necesarios para cubrir la demanda.
Very bad, it is difficult to give this rating because it is not really that everyone is wrong, the care is bad but the demand is also very high, there are no medicines but those in charge only administer what they receive, if the people are not enough The consultation is due to the small number of doctors and the huge number of people who go, there cannot be more doctors because the infrastructure does not allow it since the place is tiny, the qualification is more global and that includes the government for the little follow-up of this place. It is necessary to expand the place, improve the emergency area, demand an increase in the staff, medicines and in general everything necessary to improve the service, every time there are more people assigned to that unit but the necessary adjustments are not made to meet the demand.
Gustavo Lopez on Google

Nunca hay quien atienda de forma educada y respetuosa, desde vigilantes hasta personal médico, no tienen horarios fijos de atención ya que en el momento que mejor les place se levantan de su lugar y simplemente se van, toda la gente la tienen acumulada afuera sin ningún orden, cuando el personal se va a comer no hay quien cubra su hora de comer, los anuncios que pegan a nombre de "la dirección" no son claros y no traen fecha, y si les preguntas, se molestan y te contestan que para eso está la información pegada... pésimo servicio
There is never anyone who attends in a polite and respectful way, from security guards to medical personnel, they do not have fixed hours of attention since at the time that best suits them they get up from their place and simply leave, all the people have accumulated outside without any order, when the staff is going to eat there is no one to cover their lunchtime, the advertisements that are posted in the name of "the address" are not clear and do not have a date, and if you ask them, they get upset and they answer that for that the information is stuck ... terrible service
rafael perez perez on Google

El personal no está apto para ser doctores con tal de que no les quites el tiempo Te dicen que estás bien a pesar de que te estás sintiendo fatal No te dan incapacidad Todo el personal son muy prepotentes Nunca hay medicamentos Sería mejor que la quiten ya que nadie quiere trabajar como deben
The staff are not fit to be doctors as long as you don't take their time. They tell you that you're fine even though you're feeling terrible They don't give you disability All the staff are very pushy there are never drugs It would be better if they removed it since nobody wants to work as they should

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