IMSS General Hospital area - 38060 Celaya

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact IMSS General Hospital area

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Mutualismo & Río Lerma SN, Centro, 38060 Celaya, Gto., Mexico

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City : Gto.

Mutualismo & Río Lerma SN, Centro, 38060 Celaya, Gto., Mexico
Daniel III Aguilar Herrera on Google

Pesimo servicio. Me agendaron cita desde um mes atras y al llegar me dicen que no tienen cirujanos. Que regrese en 3 meses. Que tipo de servicio tan deficiente. No entiendo porque puesto que cada mes se paga el imss.
Terrible service. They made an appointment for me a month ago and when I arrived they told me that they had no surgeons. Come back in 3 months. What kind of poor service. I do not understand why since the imss is paid every month.
Maria de la luz Cruz on Google

El peor servicio q existe pesimo sin organización alguna llevo 4 años programando una cirugia y solo m traen de un lado a otro y nadie m atiende voy a denunciar esto no debe seguir asi he visto tanta neglijencia medica en estos 4 años q ya peocedere de otra manera.
The worst service that exists is very bad without any organization I have been programming a surgery for 4 years and they only bring me from one place to another and nobody attends to me I am going to report this should not continue like this I have seen so much medical negligence in these 4 years that I will already suffer from another way.
EL VENAO on Google

Hoy 31 de mayo del 2021 acudy a cita y pésimo sevicio solo por que me pasé con 20 diez minutos de la hora de la cita con el DR. LEAL DE NEFROLOGIA NO ME QUISO ATENDER hojala y pudieran moverlo y pusieran a otro nefrologo mejor capacitado y sin tanta prepotencia que se sientes los dueños del del seguro hojala y cambien dios los bendiga por ser así
Today May 31, 2021 I went to an appointment and terrible service only because I spent 20 ten minutes of the time of the appointment with the DR. LOYAL OF NEPHROLOGY I DID NOT WANT TO TAKE CARE of sheet and they could move it and put another better trained nephrologist and without so much arrogance that you feel like the owners of the insurance sheet and change God bless you for being like that
Luis Elizondo on Google

El disque dr. BECERRIL ES DESPOTADA, y se siente el último d. Del hospital. No se como es jefe de medicina interna. Yo levante 3 quejas, en la Cndh, ahí mismo en el hospital. Y en la contraloría interna del seguro. Si me atendieron y lo tienen vigilado.. Hagan ustedes lo mismo. A ver si lo corren.
The dr. BECERRIL IS DESPOTADA, and the last d is felt. Of the hospital. I don't know how he's head of internal medicine. I raised 3 complaints, in the Cndh, right there in the hospital. And in the internal insurance comptroller. If they treated me and they have him under surveillance .. Do the same. Let's see if they run it.
nancy rodriguez on Google

Pues en el IMSS de Acámbaro no la querían atender nos obligaron a quitarnos nuestro equipo de protección ya que nuestra paciente era de covid aparte de obligar a estar con el dentro de su cuarto aparte de que por descuido y sin protecciones se les cayó de la camilla una altura de dos metros ocasionandole una herida en cabeza sangrado continuo y aún así no la levantaron hasta que se entro arriesgando nuestra integridad ya que el personal no hizo nada al contrario negativo se va a una atención y mínimo merecen respeto o muerte digna no por una negligencia
Well, at the IMSS in Acámbaro they did not want to attend to her, they forced us to take off our protective equipment since our patient was from covid apart from forcing us to be with him inside his room apart from the fact that due to carelessness and without protections they fell off the stretcher a height of two meters causing a head injury continuous bleeding and even so they did not lift it until it entered, risking our integrity since the staff did not do anything to the contrary negative, they go to a minimum attention and they deserve respect or dignified death not for a negligence
Vanessa Ka on Google

Pésimo servicio, No lo recomiendo si vas a urgencias mejor elije otro lugar, por qué te dejan esperar
Terrible service, I do not recommend it if you go to the emergency room better choose another place, why do they let you wait
Viridian Moreno Alvarez on Google

No diera ninguna estrella a mi mamá el doctor Yulian la operó sin saber que tenia, ella era diabética y ahora está en una situación muy grave nisiquiera le hicieron más estudios.
Do not give any stars to my mother, Dr. Yulian operated on her without knowing what she had, she was diabetic and now she is in a very serious situation, they did not even do more studies.
José isabel Palma Montoya on Google

No contestan el teléfono y si me contestan me dicen permitame y esta sonando y después cuelgan y vuelvo a llamar y ya no te contestan. Ni una estrella se merecen
They don't answer the phone and if they answer me they say allow me and it's ringing and then they hang up and I call again and they don't answer you anymore. They don't even deserve a star

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